So I watched Ruaumoko's "State of the Tank Jobs" video listed here.
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And it's lit a fire from the community that several proven tank jobs have been overlooked in the video. He says he's making a followup video soon to explain his reasoning but it got me to thinking about what an Optimized BLU tanking setup might look like.
I myself have a post here from nearly 3 years ago:
What it all boils down to is that it won't be quite as well suited for it as PLD or RUN as any attacks that made it passed BLU's impressive defenses would hurt it more than it would the RUN/PLD. Add onto that, the fact that a lot of NMs have buff erasing moves too. BLU is considerably more vulnerable with it's buffs stripped vs PLD or RUN who naturally have silly-strong defenses even when stripped or can recover their defenses very quickly.
My chief concerns here were BLU's lower than desired HP and not having nearly as much MEva. BUT that was Fairly true 3 years ago, a lot has changed as of now and BLU is probably a scary Powerful tank now. The potential is very high. Here are some sets and thoughts.
ItemSet 371984
I named it "Idle" but I mostly mean you'll be tanking in this set.
Tizona R15 for MP Regeneration; As long as you are swinging at and hitting your target, you should not ever run out of MP.
Colada with Acc +20, Enmity +5
Unmoving Collar R15 for The Extra 200HP
Rosmerta with HP+60, Acc/Atk 20, Dual-Wield+10, PDT-10%(Can exchange for HP, MEva, PDT also if desired)
This set caps PDT and MDT and Most of Breath if it were a thing.
Acc +345 (+375 Main Hand)
HP +914
MEva +674(Jesus...)
Enmity +18 (Not largely important for the Regular Engaged but adding hate to your swings counts for something)
HP, PDT and some DW to keep DPS swings nice and fast. Can also do straight HP and MEva instead of Acc/Atk. The Malignance Set and Tizona should give plenty of Acc for most things.
ItemSet 371985
Credit to Oraen and Kuroganashi for the core of this Enmity set.
Had to swap Odnowa and Gelatinous so as to not bounce HP too much. For serious tanking, HP is critical and you still have lots of Enmity to work with.
HP +914, Enmity +69(Giggity) Or +73 if you opt for the Rosmerta Cape.
ItemSet 371986
This is the High HP Fast Cast set.
Carmine Boots Path D
Carmine Mask Path D
Rosmerta HP+80, Fast Cast 10%, PDT -10%
+986 HP to keep you from Dipping
+67 Fast Cast means that as long as you have Eratic Flutter, you are actually overcapped on Fast Cast.
Now, that said, we all know that our BLU spells are very fast and
should not ever really get interrupted if our timing is good.
JUST IN CASE you want some
SIRD in your life, our Gear options very closely line up with RUN's. I personally never have troubles getting spells off but if you want it, here are some options for a
SIRD toggle or something.
ItemSet 371987
Recommended Spell Set Credit to Spicyryan's "Out of the BLU" guide on BG-Wiki:
Of these spells, I'm personally fond of
Delta Thrust -2
Barbed Crescent -2
Fast Cast + Haste II
Erratic Flutter -6
Max HP IV (+180)
Barrier Tusk -3
Glutinous Dart -2
Restoral -7
Auto Refresh + Hate + Erasega
Actinic Burst -4
Winds of Promyvion -5
Defensive Tools
Occultation -3
Cocoon -1
Magic Evasion III
Blinding Fulgor -8
Defense Bonus III
Entomb -8
Magic Defense Bonus III
Rending Deluge -6
Accuracy Bonus III
Nature’s Meditation -6
Store TP III
Sudden Lunge -4
Fantod -1
Magic Fruit -3
Hate Tools
Jettatura (1020VE/180CE) -4
Temporal Shift (1020VE/180CE) -5
Fantod (320VE/320CE) -1
Quick Note, Fantod has the same CE but less VE than Foil. However, Fantod's recast is only 10 seconds at default, 5 seconds with capped haste/FC.
vs Foil's 45 seconds. So BLU has a tremendous advantage here for building CE.
With the equipment listed above and these traits, BLU gains:
+1109 HP, easily pushing into 3000+ HP with Capped HP Merits
Something around +700 MEva from Fulgore
PDT OverCapped to 57.5% Through Barrier Tusk
Defensive bonuses out the ***
Fast Cast value a RUN and PLD would kill for
The best hate-generating spells in the game, most of which are readily spammable
Stun Tool
Basically infinite MP through Tizona
Still perfectly able to DPS for VE as well as CE spam
Here's what I dug up so far and BLU's potential for tanking right now scares me lol.