Random Politics & Religion #27

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Random Politics & Religion #27
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By 2017-09-21 19:07:39
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Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Shruiken 2017-09-21 22:35:16
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Asura.Saevel said: »
I'm saying this stuff from the position of being the hot dude the girls were trying to ***. I've seen and done it all because I was the dude the engaged or married chicks would cheat with on the side. I'm that guy that they would give a call when they finished their boring date and come up for some fun before they left at one am.

These girls would tell me how great their boyfriends were, all that romantic soulmate ***, and then we'd have sex and they'd go back to that "soulmate" boyfriend. It got the point where it's super predictable and nothing is original.

this is my new tinder bio
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2017-09-21 23:51:19
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...He's telling the truth. I'm surprised he's actually said as much as he has about the matter, honestly. That's why I've gotten along well with Sae over the years, because I like straight-talkers.

Women before the age of thirty, before they hit that dreaded 'wall', generally do not know what the hell they really want. Society does not do them any favors either and reinforces the idea of 'female liberation' from all directions in popular culture and media. Liberation is dandy and all but people (men and women both) also need to develop and exercise restraint, morality and foresight. If you ask me, nothing is more unattractive in a partner than repeated exhibition of poor decision making. No loyalty is a very close second. Third wave feminism encourages both in young women, and it is dangerous for the preservation of the family unit.

I've come across so many women in their late 20's to mid-30's who messed around, ended up becoming single mothers and whom are desperately looking for a step-father for their children. They are miserable, depressed and understandably angry. I've even had one such person make an advance on me recently, but I declined her out of personal principle. It's not my responsibility to care for another person's child neither is it my place to be a live-in agony-in-arms.

Beta cucks and White Knights are not doing this situation any favors either. As harsh as it sounds the only way society and popular culture will change is if examples are made of what happens when third wave feminism has it's way.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Pleebo
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By Cerberus.Pleebo 2017-09-22 01:39:12
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"Preservation of the family unit" is the same barefoot-and-pregnant ideology of old wrapped in new packaging. Self destructive behavior differs from the idea of female liberation. If you find someone who shares your family-centered ideology, then cool. Go nuts. But it isn't anyone else's responsibility to adhere to it. I'm sure it's such a massive burden for you studly types to continuously deal with these wily females (lol), but I think you'll be ok.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2017-09-22 02:14:13
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Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
"Preservation of the family unit" is the same barefoot-and-pregnant ideology of old wrapped in new packaging.
Old ideologies, old structures and societal models is what society was built upon. You only have to look at Japan, South Korea and increasing numbers of European nations for what happens when these systems unravel.

Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
Self destructive behavior differs from the idea of female liberation.
You missed my point. I stated that liberation is great for both men and women, I cautioned against such liberation being taken too far and undermining societal values. You failed to engage with this point of view.

Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
If you find someone who shares your family-centered ideology, then cool. Go nuts.
I'm not actively looking at the moment, but I will soon enough. As a recent university graduate starting his career in the civil service I figured it best to get my own house in order before I considered expanding it. Again, restraint, morality and above all foresight.

Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
I'm sure it's such a massive burden for you studly types to continuously deal with these wily females (lol), but I think you'll be ok.

Nice use of Ad Hominem to end your case. I'm hardly a "studly type", I admit. I'm an autistic guy in his mid-20's with a litany of social anxiety issues, uncouth graces and who has only had two relationships in his life thus far. As I mentioned above, I have not been looking for a relationship until my own life is fully in order and stable. Perhaps I am too cynical at times, but I see women who have followed third wave feminism and subsequently been burned looking for timid/submissive/beta men as they see them as easy marks. I am not going to be one of those poor sods.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-09-22 06:34:28
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Ruaumoko said: »
...He's telling the truth. I'm surprised he's actually said as much as he has about the matter, honestly. That's why I've gotten along well with Sae over the years, because I like straight-talkers.

Women before the age of thirty, before they hit that dreaded 'wall', generally do not know what the hell they really want. Society does not do them any favors either and reinforces the idea of 'female liberation' from all directions in popular culture and media. Liberation is dandy and all but people (men and women both) also need to develop and exercise restraint, morality and foresight. If you ask me, nothing is more unattractive in a partner than repeated exhibition of poor decision making. No loyalty is a very close second. Third wave feminism encourages both in young women, and it is dangerous for the preservation of the family unit.

I've come across so many women in their late 20's to mid-30's who messed around, ended up becoming single mothers and whom are desperately looking for a step-father for their children. They are miserable, depressed and understandably angry. I've even had one such person make an advance on me recently, but I declined her out of personal principle. It's not my responsibility to care for another person's child neither is it my place to be a live-in agony-in-arms.

Beta cucks and White Knights are not doing this situation any favors either. As harsh as it sounds the only way society and popular culture will change is if examples are made of what happens when third wave feminism has it's way.

The single mother epidemic is real. I can't tell you how many women want me to take responsibility for their dumb decisions. Look I get it you had a kid when you shouldn't have. But that isn't my problem. No way in hell I'm getting involved with a woman. Plus I have to deal with her ex husband lover etc. It's hard enough to date as it is.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-09-22 07:50:10
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fonewear said: »
The single mother epidemic is real. I can't tell you how many women want me to take responsibility for their dumb decisions. Look I get it you had a kid when you shouldn't have. But that isn't my problem. No way in hell I'm getting involved with a woman. Plus I have to deal with her ex husband lover etc. It's hard enough to date as it is.

Ignoring the internet-driven drivel of "beta cucks and white knights," which is exactly that; internet jargon meant to insult and not actually discuss issues.

I was both unplanned, my parents divorced when I was 3, and I have an awesome stepdad. I'm super supportive of guys who are willing to shoulder the burden that shitty dads run away from or half-***. My own father is...not the worst. Certainly not worth bitching about. Tried his best, his best was just pretty weak.

So all the same, this is me as a product of the exact situation we're talking about saying that despite it working out ok for me, not everyone is as lucky and the situation is a major problem. It would be a lot better if women and men alike would learn how to prevent pregnancies.

I'd rather some of my tax money go into family planning and birth control/sex education to avoid a lot of these unplanned pregnancies, rather than significantly larger amounts of that money needing to go to welfare and other programs to support children who were born into shitty situations.

In the meantime you have an entire generation of 30-somethings who are incompatible because the guys aren't looking to be dads/half-dads to other people's kids and take on all the baggage that entails, and another generation of children of which many don't have the support/role models they need.

Someone, somewhere (many someones, really) is going to have to take one for the proverbial team, in the grand scheme of the human race. And everyone is just playing a big game of "whole stole the cookie from the cookie jar?" on that front.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-09-22 07:53:24
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To clarify on that last post: I'm not placing the entirety of blame on men here. Professionally I see a lot of terrible mothers. Not to mention women actively trying to get pregnant who in no way should be having children.

This issue has so many *** layers it's maddening.

I understand the implicit human rights violations in saying who is and isn't allowed to have children.

But Jesus titty-*** Christ I wish some dudes would learn to be happy with *** and some women would learn to be happy with cats.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-09-22 08:02:49
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Ruaumoko said: »
Old ideologies, old structures and societal models is what society was built upon.

The nuclear family, however, isn't necessarily what we're talking about here. What we're talking about is a tight-knit community reliant upon each other. Which is sorely lacking across the globe. Including right here in the U.S.

I would actually argue the "traditional" nuclear family (which is, by and large, a made-up concept that doesn't go back any farther than the 50s and really didn't leave the 20th century as a viable concept) is the bare bones minimum of such a communal unit.

In decades past you'd have multiple generations under one roof/in close proximity. And I can tell you from witnessing it that families in such arrangements succeed far better than isolated "American Dream" families.

My wife and I always said that in the event we did catastrophically have a child we'd probably end up moving closer to one of our families because it's just so important to have extended family.

TL;DR I agree that we need better families in the U.S. But mom-dad-brother-sister-dog-hamster is not the "traditional family unit" we're talking about necessarily, and is almost the "first aid kit" of such units; it's the bare minimum to have things come out okay.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-09-22 09:49:18
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Asura.Saevel said: »
I was the dude the engaged or married chicks would cheat with on the side.

I only married (wife) after she demonstrated a strong character and unquestionable loyalty.

we kind of glossed right over this little gem of a nugget right here...

I lol'd pretty hard at demanding your wife show "strong character and unquestionable loyalty" when you have NONE after admitting to sleeping with married women...

oh karma, please don't make us wait for the best part too long...
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-09-22 10:15:27
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My best advice for single mothers or fathers is look for another single parent. They would understand what you are going through.
Posts: 9772
By Zerowone 2017-09-22 10:22:57
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fonewear said: »
My best advice for single mothers or fathers is look for another single parent. They would understand what you are going through.

Get the *** out here with that Brady Bunch ***. Ain't nobody got time for that Dr. Phil Poindexter Oprah mess. What you think this, "Random Positive Psychology for Lonely Housewives #27"?
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-09-22 10:27:16
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Zerowone said: »
fonewear said: »
My best advice for single mothers or fathers is look for another single parent. They would understand what you are going through.

Get the *** out here with that Brady Bunch ***. Ain't nobody got time for that Dr. Phil Poindexter Oprah mess. What you think this, "Random Positive Psychology for Lonely Housewives #27"?

Ok, let's change the channel to Maury:

The single mothers should start hooking up with each other.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-09-22 10:29:40
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Random dating advice from people that don't date.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-09-22 10:31:11
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Shiva.Shruiken said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
I'm saying this stuff from the position of being the hot dude the girls were trying to ***. I've seen and done it all because I was the dude the engaged or married chicks would cheat with on the side. I'm that guy that they would give a call when they finished their boring date and come up for some fun before they left at one am.

These girls would tell me how great their boyfriends were, all that romantic soulmate ***, and then we'd have sex and they'd go back to that "soulmate" boyfriend. It got the point where it's super predictable and nothing is original.

this is my new tinder bio

Most people put in their tinder their snapchat and instagram. It's just a way to get more followers etc. 98% of the people on Tinder never "date". And God help you if you meet some random person on a phone app. And they look like what the picture in the profile is.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-09-22 10:31:29
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fonewear said: »
Random dating advice from people that don't date.

I don't give dating advice. I practice getting my thoughts in order for the day by making long-winded, sometimes-tangential posts on topics I find on the forums for MMOs with eroding population bases.

And following them up with inappropriate sexual comments.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-09-22 10:42:32
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YouTube Video Placeholder
Posts: 9772
By Zerowone 2017-09-22 10:53:52
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Ramyrez said: »

And following them up with inappropriate sexual comments.

"He said tanned genitals."
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-09-22 10:58:58
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Ramyrez said: »
Marriage is in fact a two way street. What are you looking for in a woman though? And what do you have to offer her?

Sry, I disappeared.

Ramy, I am not frequently, the receive of the pink slip in my romantic relationships. I won't say I'm free of flaws (no one is), but I'm in shape, not overweight, have a job that makes decent money, and have a degree of wealth, that as far as I can tell is greater than 90% of the people I know who are in my age bracket. I have a great personality, I'm clever, pretty funny, and motivated. I wouldn't consider myself a 10 on looks, but I'm certainly no worse than a 7-8. I am however unapologetic about my beliefs. Take it or leave it.

What do I want, I'll start with the basics.

1) No kids. I'm not taking care of someone else's kid. This isn't because I hate your kids, but because if I didn't make them, you aren't going to let me be the same parent to them as I would be to my own children. That is unfair to me.

2) No freeloaders. I don't mind being a breadwinner, and I don't mind being the larger financial engine for this union if that's how its gonna work. If I am my partner should be capable of some meaningful contribution to the common goal. That doesn't mean I pay all the rent and bills while you spend 50 bucks on all the ingredients for your artisan apple pie you wanna bake. If only one person pulls the cart, it's also unfair.

3) No land whales. If your overweight I simply won't be very attracted to you. While I can ultimately deal with the idea that my partner will at some point(s) be overweight in our relationship, it shouldn't be in it's infancy. I cannot fake an attraction to you, believe me I've tried (several times). I put effort into my appearance for my benefit and yours, you should reciprocate. To not do so is not very fair to me.

4) Older women. If you are on the downside of your fertility, recognize that you have less to offer a guy who kinda wants a family because of it. From day one, we're probably looking at ~2 years before we're married and have kids. If you're 38, that puts you @ 40 and pregnant before kid #1. C'mon.

Those are the fundamentals, and right there, they edge out 95% of the available crop. Wanna know why? Because women (in general) when they're young and desirable don't have to learn these lessons when there's always another sap/cuck out there to pick up the pieces for them. Why bother reforming yourself when there's 100 other guys who will slit their wrists to get a look at you naked?

So Remy, assuming you have some argument, why should a man like myself settle for less?
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-09-22 11:02:53
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Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
What the hell did I just read.
Basically the grievance over women impinging on the same sexual bravado men have gotten away with since recorded history began and how this violates the natural order of some ***-flinging hominid hierarchy.

In unrelated news millennials are delaying marriage farther and farther out (if at all). But surely the two are unrelated.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-09-22 11:03:20
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Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
What the hell did I just read.
Basically the grievance over women impinging on the same sexual bravado men have gotten away with since recorded history began and how this violates the natural order of some ***-flinging hominid hierarchy.

Exactly, he complains about women behaving this way and then brahs about himself doing exactly the same thing.
Hurr durr men and women are the same.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-09-22 11:23:12
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Nausi said: »
No kids. I'm not taking care of someone else's kid. This isn't because I hate your kids, but because if I didn't make them, you aren't going to let me be the same parent to them as I would be to my own children. That is unfair to me.

This happens frequently, I'm sure, especially the older the children are when they have a say in things, so to speak. I can say, however, it is not universal. I was ever expected to obey my stepfather as I would my real dad, and truth be told my stepdad inspired respect way more than my dad ever did. So I'd say that while I agree with you, keep an open mind because it might not be as common as you believe it to be.

Point 2 I won't argue with at all. My wife and I are pretty even in earnings. She makes a little more, my credit's a little better. We operate as one when it comes to finances. We do well enough.

Point 3 I also won't argue with, though I will say that you should be super honest with yourself in regard to what you offer in looks. I look quite severely on women who expect their men to be fit and sexy and hunky but think it's cool for them to be "body positive" about their own issues. On the other hand, a lot of guys seem to overestimate their own offerings in this category I think.

Point 4 If you actually want children, I guess can't argue with you. Consider yourself lucky you're a man because to a large portion of women we get more attractive when we're a bit older, especially if we have a little disposable income that allows us to dress in a dignified fashion. Do remember, however, that while men can procreate well into the elderly years, there is an association between men's age and birth defects, not just women's.

I cannot tell you any one thing you seek is wrong per se, though I think some of your assumptions are painting with too broad of a brush. That said, I'm with Nik really. Eventually when you find what you need it very likely will not be what you were looking for at the time.

Though that may simply be because most guys are look for a 7-9 blonde with naturally perky ***, a soft feminine voice, and a predisposition to what is traditionally referred to as "sodomy."
By 2017-09-22 11:24:45
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Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-09-22 11:29:21
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Nausi said: »

also, I like how everyone describes themselves as a supermodel...

I'm maybe a 2... if we're being generous and rosie o donnell is where the ones end...

c'mon if you're going to lie , make it believable like a seven maybe unless you model underwear for calvin klien when you're not posting here.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-09-22 11:34:03
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I can deal with fat chicks it is dealing with the father of a child that isn't mine...that is a deal breaker.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-09-22 11:34:54
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Being overweight you can fix that. Kinda hard to get rid of a kid...well...no I won't get into it !
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-09-22 11:36:06
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It's a give an take. I can take some ***if they can take some of my *** !
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-09-22 11:37:08
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Shiva.Nikolce said: »
I'm maybe a 2... if we're being generous and rosie o donnell is where the ones end...

I am a 5 at best. When I wear my well-manicured-man disguise. We of Middle and Northern European blood were built for war and conquest and cold winters. No gracing magazine covers on sunlit beaches.
Posts: 9772
By Zerowone 2017-09-22 11:38:59
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Given the direction this heading; this feels appropriate:

What do mopeds and fat ladies have in common?

They're both a great ride until someone sees you on one.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-09-22 11:40:21
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Hell we have people that are not only fat they have *** parades about it. Ok you are fat but a parade give me a break !
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