Let me start this post by saying that i am a newly-ish returned player and so the past few months have been spent playing catch up. That also means i have forgotten about unlogical things like "weapon skill damage" only counting for hit number one in multi-hit WS's ect.
When i first came back and made my very first ambu cape it was STR20 ACC30/ATT20 and DAT10. I used this as an allround piece and it worked ok. Then i changed the STR to DEX and made it a TP piece. The new and shiny (i thought) WS cape i made like this: STR30, ACC/ATT 20 and WSDamage 10.
Then i actually found myself doing poorer damage on Stardiver so i did some reading around and now see that Stardiver dont really benefit much from WSD. What are you guy's experience with these capes? Should i change the WSD back to double attack? The alternative i guess would be to make a new WS cape, and use this cape for Camlann's? I know that ultimatly this is the obvius solution, but like i said im playing catch up and have alot of other jobs to attend to aswell, though DRG is my passion and soul job. And if i choose to make a new Stardiver cape, would i want DAT or Crit?
I am currently working on making my Trishula, and it is within reach. So that will eventually be my weapon of choice. Also, for the TP cape, do you guys have any experiense towards what is better in the long run, DAT or STP? Im still working on completeing my STP set.