Everyone's had a time in their gamelife where you've almost called it quits or wanted to beat a fellow player senselessly!
*You know, that guy that goes 1/1 on D.ring while you're 0/7,261.
*That piece of fat Zaldon never giving up that Opal Silk.
*That new "friend" of the linkshell leader being able to be solo lot on RDM af2 hat.
*Getting a levelup on beastmaster back in the day and having everything in the universe come after you and de-level you immediately.
*Always losing claim on that Mee Deggi!
*That WHM that mercifully hunts you down to recall-pashh you?
*That guy that argues with you about having to "run out of battlefield range for 15 seconds" in order to teleport away in Reseijima when you assumed he had common sense when you told him to "run out of range to tele."
Always getting out-lotted on your glamour gear...?! (I dunno, insert ff14 problems here!)
ALL IMAGES POSTED MUST ADHERE TO THE FORUMS RULES ON IMAGE POSTING. Just because you drew some boobs or a dingdong all by yourself doesn't mean you can post 'em here! (except for Skjalf)
Themes will typically be posted on Monday, entries due by Saturday, voting on Sunday. Special situations will be handled as needed!
Use what-the-heck ever artsy program you want! The core of the MS Paint Challenge lies in limiting yourself to the archaic software built into the operating systems. That being said I don't want to restrict anyone who would want to participate. Also, don't submit old works! Each entry must be a fresh idea for the week's challenge.
Try to vote in bold to make it easier to spot, and please try to wait until Sunday to do so. No voting for yourself! If you have to vote early for reasons, please put your vote in a spoiler.
Previous Themes
MS Paint Reborn:MS Paint Playground; Redux
MS Paint Playground
MS Paint Origins: