~First And Final Line Of Defense V2.0~

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~First and Final Line of Defense v2.0~
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Server: Bahamut
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user: mrlooolz
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By Bahamut.Guapa 2016-12-29 17:55:52
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Carbuncle.Akivatoo said: »
Bahamut.Guapa said: »
Hey guys my friend returned to the game and he was always a pld. I am helping him set up the lua and we are working on the PLD.lua on the first page. it keeps trying to include the buffwatcher list but we are unsure where to get the mote files from?
Isn't mote file.
Buffwatcher is from one of my old LS member.
Buffwatcher work like a charm for BLM and GEO (i use everyday)

but never worked as PLD...

files here:

i didn't share the file because this part still not work ><

but the PLD.lua file in OP wont run with out.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Akivatoo
Posts: 263
By Carbuncle.Akivatoo 2016-12-30 08:21:56
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Did you use the édited mote include ?:
Server: Valefor
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user: omnys
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By Valefor.Omnys 2016-12-30 10:46:57
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
On the Fast Cast cape, you'll at least want HP+ on it as well. With the high HP values PLD idle gear has these days, losing current HP due to precast swaps is a major issue. Additional HP on FC gear helps mitigate that issue. But you can always add the HP+ later.

I'm really not sure what the heck PLD would be using magic acc for. Trying to stick flash harder?

I'd put Meva on it, and it can double as a tanking piece for when PDT is capped via other slots.

I miss the days when flash, ya know, landed. It's definitely not worth a set,

Anyway, this.. I hate the major hp loss so bad.

I had a whm comment recently ("you lose 800 hp to cast spells o.O") and I simply replied "welcome to PLD Spell-interrupt-Kits".

All of my FC & SIRD gear is ilvl (or accessories, mostly accessories).

There's no happy balance with trust healers either. They can't maintain the MP (no empy pants ; ;) to cure after every ws swap and half of spell/ws swaps, so I try to tank in my "casual" set (mostly sulevia's) but sometimes they catch the enmity swaps.

I mean, what's the point in having 3k* hp if you lose it after every spell/ws (I actually don't swap, I don't find the hp loss worth a boost noone will notice.

* I love my 3k hp and am not knocking it, I just wish SE could do something to help a pally out here. Like put some shield skill an d 30% SIRD on ilvl Aegis.

Though it has less HP, my RUN maintains HP far better than my paladin. Here's hoping we get Omen Relic soon and Relic Body or Hands have healthy chunks of SIRD (most PLD's use odyss feat, founder's hose, and at least NQ souv head.

* I am not at all saying PLD should always be using SIRD-focused sets. I don't unless I'm tanking a lot of things with Aegis or a lot lot of things with Ochain. However,

All that said, like Martel said: Fast Cast sets aren't much better.

Enmity swaps, at least those are fine. We'll always have enmity swaps.

Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2016-12-30 11:01:20
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You can somewhat mitigate the effects by adjusting the equip priority(equip order.)

Often times you're losing more HP than you actually have to. Check your max HP in the lowest HP set. If your current HP is lower than the max HP of the lowest set after casting, then your equip order is screwing you out of some extra HP.

About the only other thing you can do, if try to pump some extra HP into some of your sets. Well, or makes extra sets to use when trying to maintain HP. But those sets will inevitably have gimped potency.

If SE wanted to throw us a bone.. they could make it so that you don't lose current HP when max HP drops. But we'd hax the crap outta that mechanic change real fast. <,<

Also, Ilvl Aegis/Ochain, SE. Just do it. -.-;
Posts: 148
By RolandJ 2016-12-30 11:09:04
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Here's a sample priority-utilizing set of gear. Seeing one myself helped me learn it and so I figure it can't hurt to post one for others to see. ^^

The comments at the end of each line are the HP added by each piece of equipment. They are not necessary and are just there for my reference.

sets.Precast.FastCast.FullHP = {--HP: 2,978, FC: 49 (want 3,028, 48, odnowa nq)
hands={name="Souv. handsch. +1",priority=15}, --239
feet={name="Souveran schuhs +1",priority=14}, --227
ear1={name="Odnowa earring +1",priority=13}, --100
ring2={name="Meridian ring",priority=12}, --90
ring1={name="Eihwaz ring",priority=11}, --70
waist={name="Oneiros belt",priority=10}, --55
ear2={name="Etiolation earring",priority=9}, --50
ammo={name="Egoist's tathlum",priority=8}, --45
head="Carmine mask +1",neck="Orunmila's torque",
back=JSECapeFCHP,legs="Enif cosciales"}
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2961
By Ragnarok.Martel 2016-12-30 11:10:24
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I assume one could tell by looking at that sample, but I'll state it outright. Priority works backwards. The highest number equips first.

EDIT: Also, I feel like a gold moogle belt would be netting you more HP when you have that much base. something like ~90 hp at around 3 K hp.
Posts: 148
By RolandJ 2016-12-30 11:15:45
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Yeah Martel, a gold moogle belt would be awesome. As far as I can tell, lucky is the chap who has one of those since SE both made obtaining them very rare and has stopped giving them out, yes? At least, their wiki pages never did lead me to find out if/when they are obtainable.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2961
By Ragnarok.Martel 2016-12-30 11:18:47
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They were from the adventurer appreciation campaign, via the same moogle that tells you your gameplay stats. I honestly can't say if you can still get one.

All I know is, I have one. XD And it took 3 years to get one. <,<; Once a year windows for item acquisition is BS.
Server: Valefor
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user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2016-12-30 13:15:14
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Thanks, I'll poke around these. I tried some stuff with pretarget, but I'm uncomfortable with that and it wasn't always working.

(I was trying to equip Odnowa's-es in pretarget and it wasn't fantastic)

I've wondered what they could do for a long time, that they would be willing to do to help with PLD's fluxuating HP other than slather HP all over plate gear.

I will never understand their stance on ilvl shields. Aegis is already a must (granted, relics are cheap) but if you want to paladin, you must have an aegis. Something like more skill and SIRD would not make aegis any more important than it already is.

Ochain, I have no idea what else they could give it without further intruding into RUN territory, other than to buff its blocking and I'd be absolutely happy if it was just that.

Some ideas: Decreased debuff duration, exempting Doom lol. Increases Reprsial and Palisade duration, or just Increases enhancing magic duration(also,

Maybe something offense-orriented: Fencer (obligatory "lol"). WSD.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Firedemon
Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2016-12-30 13:31:01
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Some sort of 'recover HP with successful block' effect on Ochain would be something of interest IMO.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2961
By Ragnarok.Martel 2016-12-30 15:20:45
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Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
Some sort of 'recover HP with successful block' effect on Ochain would be something of interest IMO.
I'd take converts blocked dmg taken to TP. But I wanna convert at the old TP values. 100 dmg = 1k TP... /broken. At which point, I'd probably start dropping PDT gear when DD'ing.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2016-12-30 16:22:40
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I recovered about 100 hp from precast priority. Thanks for that.

On the converts tp discussion:

I'd be ecstatic with converts X% of hp to (Y*10)$ TP

Y could be equal to X or as little as say 1/3rd.

Assuming Y = X--

So if I have 3000 HP and I take 300 damage, I get 100 TP. So I'd only have to take my full health in HP, not accounting for any connected sword swings, to get 1000 TP.

This of course means that tankier sets (more damage mitigation, more hp, would produce less TP but I'm fine with that. Lots of the big fellas can still hurt. So this would always be most rewarding who aren't over-geared for the content, because they get hurt a little more.

Naturally if the SE Genies gave paladin something like this, the TP bonus from shield mastery would have to go. So make it a trait baseline and enhance it with Ochain.

As long as they kept it so phalanx didn't interfere, and pretty please cureskin.(that could be an Ochain enhancement)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2961
By Ragnarok.Martel 2016-12-30 16:37:24
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I see no reason why shield mastery TP would have to go. For starters, the block dmg -> TP conversion was being put out there as an Ochain enhancement. It'd suck if a buff for one shield cost all the rest their shield mastery TP.

(a friend's thought was to base the TP gain on the damaged reduced by your shield, rather than the dmg you actually take after the block. This way you benefit from reducing dmg. And if this calculated before PDT so much the better.)

But if we're going for a PLD trait rather than a gear buff, I'd rather just have a crap load of shield mastery. That way I don't have to get the snot beat outta me to get good TP.
MSPaint Winner
Posts: 1509
By Skjalfeirdotter 2016-12-30 16:58:21
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Speaking of Shield Mastery... can anyone confirm whether the cap on alluvion skirmish shield does in fact go up to +8 as BG Wiki states or is it just +4 as according to Famitsu site?
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2016-12-30 19:51:53
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Oh it would be awesome to have both Martel, I just don't even think Nice Guy SE (comes out once a year, checks for a shadow, nerfs it) would give us both.

I'd personally much rather it be based on the damage actually taken, rewards casual sets where appropriate.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2961
By Ragnarok.Martel 2016-12-30 20:52:21
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Well, if we're going to be realistic, I don't think they're going to adjust Shield mastery, or Ochain at all. But if we went with that, we wouldn't have any fun PLD stuff to talk about. <,<;
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: mrlooolz
Posts: 15
By Bahamut.Guapa 2016-12-31 04:53:36
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Carbuncle.Akivatoo said: »

Did you use the édited mote include ?:

Yes i did.
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2017-01-04 14:31:35
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Finally, got my Aegis. As I was looking at the Magian Trials I noticed on the BG Magic Damage Formula page that with MDTII cap of 87% (with capped MDT of 50%) you would only need the LV.90 Aegis if you had basic Shell V and 25-26% MDT.

So, my question to you all is: As long as I am not in a scenario where I don't have Shell V, I only need the LV.90 Aegis as opposed to the LV. 99, correct?

(I am not saying I won't upgrade it to LV.99 for the chance encounter where I am not capped on Shell I just want to confirm what I am reading.)
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Akivatoo
Posts: 263
By Carbuncle.Akivatoo 2017-01-04 16:24:57
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correct ;)
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2017-01-05 09:12:53
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As a follow-up to my Aegis post in regards to Ochain. I know through forum posts that the LV.90 is the first stage in which the shield gains the block-rate (shield skill) increase. However, I cannot find this information on BG Wiki or FFXI wikia. However, I believe I did find it on the JP FFXI wiki making assumptions through Google Translate.

Is there a database that has the detailed hidden information on the Empyrean shield? Or is there a section of the wiki I overlooked that housed this information (did not see it on ochain direct pages nor on empyrean ultimate weapon page)?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2961
By Ragnarok.Martel 2017-01-05 09:18:35
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The block rate is related to the shield size. It's not really a "hidden effect" per say. It's just the result of Ochain lvl 90 being a size 6 shield. whereas lvl 85 is just a size 3.

And BG wiki says it right there on the page. Shield size 6.
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2017-01-05 10:52:09
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
The block rate is related to the shield size. It's not really a "hidden effect" per say. It's just the result of Ochain lvl 90 being a size 6 shield. whereas lvl 85 is just a size 3.

And BG wiki says it right there on the page. Shield size 6.

Long-winded post below but I am just trying to dissect and diagnose everything about Paladin because I understand so little.

Now, I am confused since I read through your 2011 posts on Shield Block Rate testing and it seems like I am reading two different things based on what you are saying now and what you said back then. Let alone what BG says.

Based on BG the higher the size the lower the block rate. So, by saying it is a size 6 that would say it does not block frequently. The LV85 being "just" a size 3 would mean it would actually block more than the LV90 if that was the case and there were no other documented effects. However, we know there is more to it than that. Is this understanding right?

However, now that I have dug further based on your post BG does say it has a hidden effect (not directly) of blocking much more than a size 1 shield (greatest amount of block) just not on Ochain's main pages. It also states that block rate has a hard cap of 65% with the exception of Ochain only. Further demonstrating the results of a "hidden effect" by saying it's a size 6 when it blocks greater than a size 1. Same as Aegis saying it's a size 5 and blocking like a 2. However, my point being that Aegis' page actually refers to this "hidden" block chance whereas Ochain's does not.

Anyway, I know most people just know Ochain has the ability to block for 90-100% (depending on mob strength/level/size/etc. based on the testing I read of Martel's back in 2011) but when I start a new job I dive in deep and try to figure everything out myself lol (sigh). So, for those in the future that travel to this page and don't like to just "take people's words for it" BG wiki page does not have the usual link at the bottom that directs to BG forums for "Ochain Testing" that I saw. Under Shield Size page it does mention Ochain's hidden effects to exceed the block rate cap. However, when reading testing on these forums from back in the day this seems to be convoluted, at best.

Take away (correct me if I am wrong):

Ochain can have up to 100% block rate based on many factors including: shield skill, mob difficulty, mob size, among other things?
Server: Asura
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user: Vaquero
Posts: 3
By Asura.Technosuke 2017-01-05 14:23:31
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Any have Update LUA? when i use this the system say LUA OUT date
Server: Fenrir
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user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2017-01-05 14:48:23
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tyalangan said: »
You're overcomplicating it. Size 5 (Aegis/Srivatsa) and 6 (Ochain) shields have unique properties appropriate to their elevated status and do not behave according to the trends seen in sizes 1 through 4. Simple as that. The way SE implemented shield properties means that these shields still require a size parameter, but it was likely easier/cleaner for them to create new sizes with differing damage reduction and block rate values than to employ hidden effects assigned to individual shields.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2961
By Ragnarok.Martel 2017-01-05 15:38:09
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said: »
tyalangan said: »
You're overcomplicating it. Size 5 (Aegis/Srivatsa) and 6 (Ochain) shields have unique properties appropriate to their elevated status and do not behave according to the trends seen in sizes 1 through 4. Simple as that. The way SE implemented shield properties means that these shields still require a size parameter, but it was likely easier/cleaner for them to create new sizes with differing damage reduction and block rate values than to employ hidden effects assigned to individual shields.
Wow. That was succinct. I have this really large post on shield mechanics half written... I guess I'll finish it and post it anyway at some point.
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2017-01-05 15:54:15
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Thanks all for the assistance. I do tend to overcomplicate everything. So the "Hidden Effect" I was referring to that Martel was correcting me on was that for Ochain, for example, it truly is a size 1 (or .5 or 0) but was easier to assign it to size 6 and say "Size 6 has such-and-such property" instead of assigning it to size 1 and adding "Hidden Effects"? I think that's what you're saying. Thanks for that!

Martel, I know you were trying to tell me that so thank you for your patience in my misunderstanding!
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Akivatoo
Posts: 263
By Carbuncle.Akivatoo 2017-01-05 15:54:41
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Asura.Technosuke said: »
Any have Update LUA? when i use this the system say LUA OUT date
he said that but don't care about it ;)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2961
By Ragnarok.Martel 2017-01-05 19:26:47
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I decided to break this one up into a different post.
tyalangan said: »
Now, I am confused since I read through your 2011 posts on Shield Block Rate testing and it seems like I am reading two different things based on what you are saying now and what you said back then. Let alone what BG says.
If you have a question about a specific post of mine, either quote it, or link to it. I make a lot of shield posts. There's no way I'm gonna know which one you mean just by the year.

Shield mechanics are a rather esoteric subject. Often poorly understood and not terribly well documented.

Also, keep in mind. An MMO is an everchanging game. Either because we learn more, and realize what we thought before was wrong, or because the devs changed something. (Example: Did you know that counter attacks used to be shield blockable? When you blocked, the counter just wouldn't happen. So Ochain PLD used to be immune to counters. Then the devs ninja'd it and now we eat counters just like everyone else. -.- )

Massive shield mechanics post incoming.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2961
By Ragnarok.Martel 2017-01-05 19:37:59
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Shield Block mechanics - Blocking for Blockheads

Shield blocks reduce physical dmg taken, obviously. But what determines how often you block? Or how much damage is reduced?

Block rates - Now with 0.215 apr!

Block rate factors.
-Player shield skill.
-Attacker combat skill
-Shield size.

These three factors determine your base block rate versus an enemy. That's it. Anything else has nothing to do with it. (I was hella surprised when I figured out player level didn't matter.)

There are two more ways to adjust block rate from the base. These are
-Block chance+ gear.
-JA/Spell modifiers(Reprisal/Palisade)

While we know the factors involved we don't really have a solid block rate formula. There's been a lot of testing and mathing, but we still don't have a complete model.

What we do know is that shield skill and attacker combat skill are compared, and then converted to blockrate. This value, whether positive or negative is used to adjust the base block rate derived from the shield size.

Shield size is a value found only in the DATs for items. Nothing in game actually references the numbers directly.

Size 1 are bucklers.
Size 2. Round shields.
Size 3. Kite shields.
Size 4. Tower shields

Sizes 5 and 6 are rather unique. There are only 2 size 5 shields and one size 6.

We don't know a lot about the base block rates of the various shield sizes. It very difficult to tell the effects of the base rate from the effects of your shield skill.

The rumors go, Sizes 1 through 4. 1 having the highest block rate(of these 4 sizes!) and 4 having the lowest. Their damage reduction works in reverse, with size 1 having the lowest and 4 the highest(again, of these 4 sizes.)

Size 3 was generally considered the ideal balance of block rate and dmg reduction, before the introduction of Aegis. This still sorta holds when looking at new shields.

Sizes 5 and 6 don't play along with the system 1~4 seem to use.

Size 5 (Aegis/Srivatsa) has 5% more base block rate and base block damage reduction than a size 3 shield.

Size 6 (Ochain only)has 10% lower dmg reduction than a size 3(40% base) but has massively higher base block rate. Size 6 has about a 65 block rate advantage over size 3.

Block chance+ gear
Not too much to say here. +1 block chance adds +1% block rate.
It is notable how this gear interacts with Reprisal though. I'll go over this in the Reprisal section though.

Our dear friend reprisal. Making shields so much more fun.

Reprisal modifies your current block rate by * 1.5, or * 3.0 with Priwen(effect bonus is lost if priwen is removed)

It's important to note that because Reprisal modifies your current block rate the gains from Reprisal can be large or pitiful, depending on your current block rate. If you have a 5% block rate, reprisal is only going to add 2.5 block rate for 7.5 total.

The effects of reprisal appear to be calculated Before Block+ gear is added. Meaning Block+ gear doesn't get the *1.5 modifier when reprisal is up. So block+ gear loses about 50% effectiveness compared to what we'd previously thought. Sucks. This makes it pretty clear that Block+ gear is factored in at the end of the Block formula. This also means that Skill+ gear is a bit more attractive when trying to raise block rate. As it does benefit from reprisal.

Palisade adds +30% block rate. With maxed JP it adds +50%. It's huge. And this bonus does benefit from reprisal. So using Max JP Palisade with reprisal up would be 75% block rate gain. That being said it's largely mitigated by the fact that you can only have it up 20% of the time.

I'm not certain how Palisade interacts with the block floor. You may have to "catch up" to the floor if negative.

Evaluating the worth of shield skill+
To compare shield skill to other options, we need to know how much block rate you get from x skill. Fortunately, we know a way to figure this out through the testing and math skills of many people.

Basically, shield skill *0.215 = block gains. This seems to be pretty accurate for the 400+ skill range.

Note that this is only for figuring out the +/- block rate from your current rate. So, if you added +40 shield skill then,


You'd gain 8.6% blockrate. Using this you can compare skill+ to block+ gear. Although make sure to factor in reprisal in favor of the skill+ if you do.

Block cap and floor

Block Cap. If there is one, it's not the old rumored 65%.

During early ilvl stages when SE first added shield skill+ to shields, Killedar had +215 skill. I tested block rates on the the test server and got block rates far higher than 65% with a size 3 shield. Said test post. This is one of the better examples to date of blockrate passing 65% without the use of reprisal or palisade.

The only reason I don't flat out say there isn't a block rate cap at all is because Priwen+Reprisal doesn't cap, even when it should, mathematically speaking. It can push into the upper 95~% block rates, but I couldn't actually get it to cap. This could be a sort of soft cap to reprisal effectiveness, but that'd be very difficult to pin down.

Ochain, of course, can cap out at 100% block rate.

The Blockfloor - Where Aegis lives -.-;

Block rate floors at 5%. While the skill difference between you and the attacker can put you lower than that(call it negative calculated block rate), the observed block rate will still be 5%.

This is important because in order to get off the floor, you have to "catch up" to that 5% before you can raise block rate above it. This is much like acc/eva mechanics. Frankly, this sucks.

I think that about covers Block Rate related factors.

Block Damage Reduction
So, what determines how much damage is reduced when blocking?

There are only 3 factors for this. And two of the three are on the shield itself.

-Shield Size
-The Def stat on the shield
-the Shield Defense bonus trait

Each shield size has a set value for damage reduction. I'll go over the ones I have values for, and comment on the rest.

Sizes 1 and 2 are unknown. We just know they reduce significantly less dmg than a size 3. To the point that it's difficult to tell blocked hit apart from unblocked.

Size 4. I might have a sample for this somewhere. It's assumed to reduce more than size 3 at the cost of a lower block rate.

Base Block damage reduction,
Size 3: 50%
Size 5: 55%
Size 6: 40%

Once you have your base, then we need to account for the defense on the shield.

Half of the DEF stat on the shield is added to block damage reduction(henceforth BDR). So for say, Aegis.

40 DEF /2 = 20.
So 55% base +20 = 75% Block dmg reduction.

The final step is to account for any Shield defense bonus traits of gear.

EDIT: 2022-09-17.
Turns out SDB is a phalanx-like effect reducing dmg by literally 1 point of damage per tier. It just looked like -1% in my testing because the avg damage per hit was about 100...

Further the dmg reduction is before PDT, effectively halving the potency of the trait at 50% PDT(and it's even worse with Burtgang).

A 99 PLD has Shield Defense Bonus III. Which is +6 to BDR

So simply add the SDB value to the current BDR

75=6=81. So 81% dmg reduction upon blocking. This is the value that any 99 PLD would have when blocking with Aegis.

If any SDB gear is used, just add the gear value to the BDR.

A few useful BDR values. and their breakdowns
EDIT:The calculations here are using the old DEF values and formulas, but the final result is still correct(un-striked number)

Ochain: 66% 60% = 40+(40/2)+6
Aegis: 81% 75% = 55+(40/2)+6
Priwen: 88% 80% = 50+(65/2)+6 *
Srivatsa: 98% 75% = 55+(75/2)+6 ** See new post note.

*This would be 88.5%, but I've always floored the decimal.
I don't actually know if this is how SE calculates it, but well, you try measuring .5% dmg reduction and see if you can tell which it's using.
**would be 98.5, but see *.

New Priwen and Srivatsa Post notes(2022-09-17)
Srivatsa only has 75% BDR, despite having vastly more DEF than Aegis. It appears that it may be the case that size 5 shields just have a static BDR value rather than gaining more from DEF.

Based on its post update def and the new ilvl 119 def to BDR formula, Priwen should have had -82.5% BDR. 55+(130/4)=82.5. But this doesn't appear to be the case in practice. It only actually hits right around 80% in actual tests. I've yet to see any shield go above this value.
Shield miscellany

Other misc. shield stuffs.

Shield mastery
The BG wiki page for this pretty much covers things... cept one note.

Old shield mastery gear, Like say, a Kaiser Schaller with a +3 shield mastery augment isn't going to give 3 extra TP like the page implies. It adds +30 TP. This is a holdover from when the TP scale was out of 300, and decimal values weren't visible. They never updated the item descriptions for these augments.

Physical WS and their additional effect vs shields
Not surprisingly, physical weaponskills can be blocked with a shield. But hey, some people don't know this stuff. And your character doesn't do a block animation when you block a weaponskill.

For multi-hit WS each hit does a block check individually.

Now for the neat part. Many WS have really obnoxious additional effects. If you block every hit of a WS, it completely prevents the additional effect. Depending on the status in question, this can be pretty damn valuable. Sadly this only applies to WS, so don't expect it to help you with nasty en-effects...

Unless those en-effects are attached to some of the rare melee type that are counted as WS. Basically anything with AoE melee hits count as WS. So do certain special melee like Gabbrath's 3 hit melee bite, iirc.

Things like
-Iron Giants(all melee. Can prevent Stun and amnesia. Super useful.)
-Gabbrath (can prevent def- and Stun. Does not block knockback)

ok, that list was shorter than I expected, but I suspect I'm forgetting some. Anyway, neat mechanic.

Shields and Ranged attacks
Ranged attacks. They're physical dmg. PDT works on them. Throughout history one of the primary uses of shields was to block projectiles.

But not in FFXI! Ranged attacks cannot be blocked with a shield in this game.

Ever notice that EES hurts no matter what shield you used? This is why. It's really, really dumb, but important to know.

That's about all that's coming to mind at the moment.
MSPaint Winner
Posts: 1509
By Skjalfeirdotter 2017-01-05 19:53:25
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »

Sizes 5 and 6 are rather unique. There are only 2 size 5 shields and one size 6.


Size 6 (Ochain only).

and what size is Svalinn? ^^

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