Loupons |
Does anyone know how many hp per tic a Loupon loses at ilvl119, and has anyone tried to build a pet: regen set to stop it from naturally deteriorating?
-24/tick base perp cost. Lasting emanation will reduce it to -17/tick. Ecliptic Attrition will increase it to -30/tick. Having both up at once puts you at -23/tick.
It's fairly easy to get enough pet:regen+ to have a luopan last 10 mins. And ten mins is all you get, cause luopans just depop regardless of HP at the ten min mark. I like to pair lasting emanation with blaze of glory and life cycle. My pet regen set is 16 a tick and the blazed luopon will still last 10 min barring too may aoes. We use this trick for incursion. At 133 our gramk fights average about 5 min (we don't zerg) and the luopon is usually at 70% by the end of the fight.
Asura.Hoshiku said: » I like to pair lasting emanation with blaze of glory and life cycle. My pet regen set is 16 a tick and the blazed luopon will still last 10 min barring too may aoes. We use this trick for incursion. At 133 our gramk fights average about 5 min (we don't zerg) and the luopon is usually at 70% by the end of the fight. I'd love to see your set :O ItemSet 333887
Helios and Telchine gear can both get pet regen +3 using leaforb stones (use the +1 or +2). My lifestream cape has pet dt -3% (and so I sit at pet dt 37% which is I think .5% under cap). The rest of my gear is a mix of dt gear and a few pieces of refresh. I don't have crazy mp issues because I don't have to recast geomancy spells often. 1 handler's earring instead of Rimeice will cap your Pet PDT with the above set and is probably slightly better for your own PDT cause of the def/vit. An NQ/HQ combo will cap it without the cape augment. If you don't have an idris you probably want to wear it all.
I posted this in the main guide thread, but if you're in a situation where your luopan isn't taking any damage, then with 15 pet regen you should be able to use lasting emanation/lifecycle on a blazed luopan and then ecliptic attrition when it is up and have it still last 10 min. I haven't been able to find the max hp of a luopan, though I guess I could test for it myself, but over 10 mins (assuming ecliptic at exactly 5 min) this will consume 1500 luopan HP with 15 regen and 1200 with 16 regen. I think they start with over 1800. Depending on what the max HP is you need some number of job points in either BOG or Lifecycle. It's a relatively cheap set to make too :) A lvl 99 luopan has 1662 hp.
Turns out I was way off on the HP. Based on 1662 HP you need 16 JP in BOG/Lifecyle with 15 regen but 0 with 16. So 16 totally worth it imo.
edit: I derped my math on the JPs needed for 15 regen Duskorbs could get Pet: DT-4% on Telchine, so if you don't have Idris, that should be the preferred set to put Pet Regen on.
ItemSet 333672
For those of you who are visual people like me. If pet DT- 3% or higher is possible on Telchine (which I have yet to confirm), then this would be the ideal set. All pieces (yes, including the club) can get Pet:Regen +3 meaning that you wouldn't need Lasting Emanation. Ideally, this set is Pet: Regen +19, Pet: DT - 37%, and DT - 30% This would be with pet Regen +3, and Pet: DT -3% on every skirmish piece and then Pet: DT -5% on the cape. Assuming Pet: DT -4 on the skirmish pieces is possible, you can adjust accordingly. So this may be a noobish question but does this set need to remain equip for the effects to happen? Or can it just be worn on the cast and switched out after?
The set needs to stay on while your luopon is out to get the regen effect.
What stones provide these type of pet augments again? Orbs right?
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