Pet Spread Sheet

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Pet spread sheet
Posts: 570
By dustinfoley 2015-03-10 14:36:06
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Okay here is the first public version of the pet dps spread sheet for pups. Its based off the public ffxi dps excel files, so i will give them credit and say thats where i got the bulk of my formulas.

1) It doesnt really model ws, you just tell it what damage your pets ws are doing on the current content (i know i know im so lazy), but there is no modifier data for ws, no ftp values, nada. So its really hard to model it.

2)The top section (master gear), is where you plug in stuff like taeons pet only set info. So instead of picking 12 pieces of gear you just total them and say +200 in the acc section.

3) For mythic am3, ive just been using 40% DA + 20% TA, then adding in any other da or crit. EG AM3 up, 25% da from gear = 65% da. If this is incorrect let me know, but i figured pets are 1 handed and the AM applies to their main hand only so in effect its just da/ta.

4) There is no elemental capacity, you can set every thunder elemental in theory, even if you cant in the game. So make sure you check it.

Again this is really just a rough draft, so any advice / tips would be welcome. I think the biggest issue i know of at the moment is it not counting or ranged acc. So scopes do nothing.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2929
By Ragnarok.Martel 2015-03-10 15:00:56
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AM3 works a bit differently than just DA or TA. If your pet has no other multihit, then it doesn't matter. But if it does, using DA/TA to emulate AM3 is going to give you a Much higher multihit rate than you'd actually be getting.

The proc priority goes, QA>TA>DA>AM3(or OAX). So if you get a DA proc, then you can't get a AM3 TA proc(or an AM3 DA proc, really.) This is what makes DA gear, less than stellar with AM3 up. It's still a net gain to avg hits per round, but it's a much smaller gain than it would have been.

There was a really good post around here somewhere explaining the mechanics in an easy to understand way. Ahh, here.
Lakshmi.Aanalaty said: »
*Mythic AM can proc ONCE on WS. (DA/QA/TA etc can proc twice).
*It does NOT stack with DA. They essentiallt cancel each other out because DA checks before the AM. So if you stack lots of DA, you actually REDUCE your mythic triple attack. EG: Mythic AM at 99 is 40% double attack, 20% triple attack. If you add in 50% DA from gear/traits/atmas etc, it checks 1st so you end up with 50%DA which leaves your AM to only proc on the remaining 50% of single attacks. 40% AM DA of that remaining 50 singles is 20. 20% AM TA of that remaining 50 singles is 10. So all said and done you go from

0% DA
40% AM DA
20% AM TA
=180 hits every 100 swings


50% DA
20% AM DA
10% AM TA
=190 hits every 100 swings.

Adding a WHOPPING 50% DA only nets you 10 more hits. Going from 180 hits to 190 hits is only an increase of 5.55% more swings. Adding 50% DA only makes you 5.55% stronger. Its really, really stupid the way they did it. Things like fighters roll are essentially worthless and it knocks the boon of going /war down a peg. But EVERY friggin endgame setup these days is War+Drk+DD+cor so its forever chaos fighters even though fighters does jack crap for me personally and actually reduces my chance for epeen triple attacks :(

Anyway, hope that clears up the technical confusion on AM.
Posts: 570
By dustinfoley 2015-03-10 15:50:17
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Ok, well ill take a look into tomorrow (computer at home cant open excel).

Posts: 570
By dustinfoley 2015-03-11 07:01:49
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Fixed Racc/scope/ra acc/atk food
Fixed AM3 formula


*the reason i did oat2-3 the way i did was due me lazily copying/pasting from the nice FFXI dps spread sheets. When i removed the links, i got a lot of #ref errors. Since pets really dont need to worry about oat 2-8 i just used da/ta. Since that was pointed out to me, i fixed it. I left da/ta in the main screen just incase they ever add pet ta.

Let me know any other bugs you see.

minor tweaks / cosmetic stuff
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