The Children Are Our Future

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The Children Are Our Future
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Server: Leviathan
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user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2014-09-08 06:08:15
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Interesting story I picked up from The Daily Caller this morning:

A 16-year-old high school girl in Rock Hill, S.C. told police that another high school girl taunted her on a school bus and then beat her up after she got off the bus. The assailant allegedly was angry at the victim because she was behaving “too much like a white person.”

Both the alleged attacker and the victim are black, reports The State, a Columbia, S.C. newspaper.

The incident occurred on Thursday afternoon on a bus carrying students who attend Northwestern High School.

The unidentified assault victim, 16, told investigators she exited the bus on McDow Drive, a winding street dotted with small ranch-style houses. Shortly after she got off the bus, she said, her attacker violently punched her a bunch of times, then fled the scene.

A Rock Hill police report notes that witnesses told the same basic story.

The police report also indicates that the student who got beat up suffered numerous injuries including a serious cut above her right eye.

An ambulance transported the girl to a local hospital for treatment.

One witness, Shelly Hemphill, is the mother of one of the victim’s friends. The victim went to Hemphill’s house after she was allegedly assaulted. Hemphill was responsible for calling the ambulance.

Hemphill told police that the attacker tripped the victim and the punched her again and again while she was on the ground, according to The Island Packet, a Hilton Head newspaper.

In an interview with police, the victim claimed that there has been an ongoing feud between the two girls for over a year. The victim described herself as a “light-skinned black female,” according to The State. She said the other student, who has darker skin, had made fun of her and challenged her to a fight on prior occasions, but she had refused.

The victim said she had again refused to fight her alleged bully on Thursday but then got beat up, anyway.

Hemphill noted that the school bus bully taunted the girl all last year as well.

“It was so bad last year they had to have a police car here when the bus let out,” she said, according to the Packet.

Police have described the altercation as assault, battery and disorderly conduct in a school setting. However, they have not yet been able to find the alleged attacker.

A spokeswoman for the Rock Hill school district told the Packet that district officials had reviewed videotape of the Thursday school bus ride and had seen no fight inside the bus.

The age of the alleged attacker is unknown.

If this incident is any indication of what the future may hold for the next generation, I think there might be a problem.
Posts: 32551
By Artemicion 2014-09-08 06:14:57
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Haven't found the attacker yet? That's pitiful especially if it's a child that has numerous ties and red tape including school records, parental residence, etc.
By 2014-09-08 06:15:53
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2014-09-08 06:53:48
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Artemicion said: »
Haven't found the attacker yet? That's pitiful especially if it's a child that has numerous ties and red tape including school records, parental residence, etc.
They know who she is, they just can't seem to "locate" her yet.
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2014-09-08 06:57:05
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But now, we have racism of a different kind.

Instead of "evil whites vs. innocent, pure, honest, good African Americans" we have "light skinned African Americans vs. dark skinned African Americans"

(edited "blacks" for "African Americans" to prevent any feels from being hurt)

I wonder which side Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will follow. Obviously the side that can get them the most money, but which side is it?
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Protectorchrono 2014-09-08 06:57:36
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Problem always begins at home. If the parents do horrid jobs raising their kids then you can expect the kids will become just as if not more horrid than their parents. I've noticed these days that most parents just let their kids do whatever they want, stay out late, etc and don't really set any kind of boundaries. The most ignorant of adults I've also noticed will curse around their kids, teach them to hate against ones whose skin color, sexual orientation, etc is different than theirs and even worse, fight in front of their kids.

Children pick this stuff up at home and also from their environment. Environment also plays a part in a child's development and behavior and what they pick up from the streets can also be put into play at school.

Case in point, If the parents are horrible, ignorant and full of hate then 9 times out of 10 the kids will grow to be just as horrible, ignorant and full of hate. Of course, they can also be the total opposite of their parents.

Also, kids spent too much time on their cell phones texting and being on the internet more than being with their families and bonding as families should. Family bonding also plays a role for your child's development.

No one's perfect, we all know that, but if parents don't take steps to do more for their kids then you can expect more of this stuff to happen. Then again, every generation has its share of haters and has its share of bright minds. I hope for the world's sake, that the next generation learns from the stupidity and ignorance from this and the previous generations mistakes and makes the world a better and safer place for everyone no matter what their skin color or sexual preference is.
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2014-09-08 07:13:14
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Bahamut.Protectorchrono said: »
I hope for the world's sake, that the next generation learns from the stupidity and ignorance from this and the previous generations mistakes and makes the world a better and safer place for everyone no matter what their skin color or sexual preference is.
The problem is, in order for change to occur, a problem must be identified.

The problem at hand may not be identified for at least 20-30 years from now. Then it may take just as long for change to even be wanted.

As long as we have people fighting against change, it will take even longer than wanted or needed.

Racism will not change in my lifetime, because the only people fighting to preserve racism are those who directly benefit from it.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2014-09-08 07:43:15
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
But now, we have racism of a different kind.

Instead of "evil whites vs. innocent, pure, honest, good African Americans" we have "light skinned African Americans vs. dark skinned African Americans"

(edited "blacks" for "African Americans" to prevent any feels from being hurt)

I wonder which side Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will follow. Obviously the side that can get them the most money, but which side is it?
Somehow I think the narrative will focus more on bullying than race relations.

I would be very surprised if Al Sharpton and/or Jesse Jackson got involved in this.
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2014-09-08 07:46:16
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Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
But now, we have racism of a different kind.

Instead of "evil whites vs. innocent, pure, honest, good African Americans" we have "light skinned African Americans vs. dark skinned African Americans"

(edited "blacks" for "African Americans" to prevent any feels from being hurt)

I wonder which side Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will follow. Obviously the side that can get them the most money, but which side is it?
Somehow I think the narrative will focus more on bullying than race relations.

I would be very surprised if Al Sharpton and/or Jesse Jackson got involved in this.
Of course they won't. This is a "black vs. black" issue with racial overtones.

Now, if this was a "white vs. black" even though there were no racial overtones (just kids being kids), then of course they would be involved to make sure that racism is a full part of the story. But only if the aggressor is white, not black (it's not racism unless a black person gets hurt from a white only action).
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Temptaru
Posts: 1665
By Fenrir.Atheryn 2014-09-08 07:49:29
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Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
But now, we have racism of a different kind.

Instead of "evil whites vs. innocent, pure, honest, good African Americans" we have "light skinned African Americans vs. dark skinned African Americans"

(edited "blacks" for "African Americans" to prevent any feels from being hurt)

I wonder which side Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will follow. Obviously the side that can get them the most money, but which side is it?
Somehow I think the narrative will focus more on bullying than race relations.

I would be very surprised if Al Sharpton and/or Jesse Jackson got involved in this.

They'll only get involved if the attacker is a white person.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2014-09-08 07:51:00
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Fenrir.Atheryn said: »
Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
But now, we have racism of a different kind.

Instead of "evil whites vs. innocent, pure, honest, good African Americans" we have "light skinned African Americans vs. dark skinned African Americans"

(edited "blacks" for "African Americans" to prevent any feels from being hurt)

I wonder which side Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will follow. Obviously the side that can get them the most money, but which side is it?
Somehow I think the narrative will focus more on bullying than race relations.

I would be very surprised if Al Sharpton and/or Jesse Jackson got involved in this.

They'll only get involved if the attacker is a white person.
Or a white Hispanic.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Temptaru
Posts: 1665
By Fenrir.Atheryn 2014-09-08 07:54:56
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Just once I'd like to see Al Sharpton and/or Jesse Jackson step into a white vs black debate, only to find that the "white" person in question is actually an albino african-american.
Posts: 138
By Vudoku 2014-09-08 08:04:41
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
But now, we have racism of a different kind.

Instead of "evil whites vs. innocent, pure, honest, good African Americans" we have "light skinned African Americans vs. dark skinned African Americans"

(edited "blacks" for "African Americans" to prevent any feels from being hurt)

I wonder which side Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will follow. Obviously the side that can get them the most money, but which side is it?
They're advocates for black people, (they actually have a voice) what are they supposed to do?

King, your statements are racist, pure and simple.

Your statements also remind me of FAT, rich blowhard making money off his agenda who once said "... that is reverse racism..." What positive change has FATTY brought in comparison to Jesse and AL?

Well, I am sure the answer to that question is somewhere between black and white (double entendre intended).
Posts: 138
By Vudoku 2014-09-08 08:13:27
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Sorry kind, i should be more blunt. White people have a voice black people dont.

Another way to put it is, Jesse and AL are hero's to them, to people like you they are fame/money seekers, even if they're doing the right thing.

IS it impossible for you to see that?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2014-09-08 08:27:33
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Someone likes drinking the Kool-Aid.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Zellc
Posts: 643
By Bahamut.Zellc 2014-09-08 08:33:33
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I think if they were money hungry they would be apt to be more vocal about black on black crime. Imo, there is more of that going on in densely populated metropolitan areas such as NY or Chicago.

What I would like is for them to take a hard stance on all violence, not just white vs black. Not for the money sake, to be a true humanitarian. It would only make sense.
By 2014-09-08 09:05:09
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Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2014-09-08 09:13:17
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Vudoku said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
But now, we have racism of a different kind.

Instead of "evil whites vs. innocent, pure, honest, good African Americans" we have "light skinned African Americans vs. dark skinned African Americans"

(edited "blacks" for "African Americans" to prevent any feels from being hurt)

I wonder which side Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will follow. Obviously the side that can get them the most money, but which side is it?
They're advocates for black people, (they actually have a voice) what are they supposed to do?

King, your statements are racist, pure and simple.

Your statements also remind me of FAT, rich blowhard making money off his agenda who once said "... that is reverse racism..." What positive change has FATTY brought in comparison to Jesse and AL?

Well, I am sure the answer to that question is somewhere between black and white (double entendre intended).
Vudoku said: »
Sorry kind, i should be more blunt. White people have a voice black people dont.

Another way to put it is, Jesse and AL are hero's to them, to people like you they are fame/money seekers, even if they're doing the right thing.

IS it impossible for you to see that?

I'm sorry for your cacomorphobia tendencies. I also am sorry that you truly believe that black people have less of a presence (and voice) than what truly is.

In reality, white people have less of a voice in social matters than any other race in America. The reasoning behind this is because of "political correctness" absolves any racial profiling, except when racial profiling is in the benefit of blacks (and sometimes Mexicans).

I'm sorry that you cannot see reality beyond your own skin color, regardless what skin color you have.

But if you truly want to erase racism, then stop treating people different by the color of their skin.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2014-09-08 09:24:07
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Homer: I'll have to read Marge's book, and I swore never to read again after To Kill a Mockingbird gave me no useful advice on killing mockingbirds. It did teach me not to judge a man based on the color of his skin, but what good does that do me?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2014-09-08 10:21:25
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Fenrir.Candlejack said: »
Sounds like the irresponsible parents of the perpetrator are doing a fine and dandy job of raising a wild she-boon. Guaranteed, this she-boon's head is either going to end up on some trophy wall somewhere, or, if whatever higher powers there are will her fate to be more merciful to her, alive and behind bars somewhere.
Or end up getting really drunk and wind up getting behind the wheel of a car, crash the car and then 2 hours after the accident after her BAC comes down a bit...
Server: Cerberus
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user: Pleebo
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2014-09-08 11:36:13
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Now that the stereotyped image of the dark-skinned black person as a tribal savage has been reinforced by your news story I guess we can all rest easy knowing that white people are the real victims of racism. I mean, why can't those people just buck up and stop appearing so black or brown in other people's eyes? Only once we ignore racism will we be able to find peace and unity and finally form that multiracial, uninterrupted hand-holding chain circumnavigating the globe.
Server: Odin
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user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-09-08 11:47:31
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Well, stereotypes are VERY rarely not based in fact at least loosely. Black on black crime is far higher than white on white or hispanic on hispanic. There is a societal driver, though, and it boils down to racial profiling and poverty. You wouldn't call the police if your sum experience of them was harassment and persecution. You would learn to settle your differences yourself. That culture just gets amplified through the generations. It's not that they are more "savage" than other races, it's that they've been treated that way for centuries.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: sparthosx
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By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2014-09-08 11:57:43
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Odin.Jassik said: »
Well, stereotypes are VERY rarely not based in fact at least loosely. Black on black crime is far higher than white on white or hispanic on hispanic. There is a societal driver, though, and it boils down to racial profiling and poverty. You wouldn't call the police if your sum experience of them was harassment and persecution. You would learn to settle your differences yourself. That culture just gets amplified through the generations. It's not that they are more "savage" than other races, it's that they've been treated that way for centuries.

White superiority still runs heavy in hispanic communities where the darker you are, the less you're worth.

Thanks Europe!
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-09-08 12:10:51
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Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
Odin.Jassik said: »
Well, stereotypes are VERY rarely not based in fact at least loosely. Black on black crime is far higher than white on white or hispanic on hispanic. There is a societal driver, though, and it boils down to racial profiling and poverty. You wouldn't call the police if your sum experience of them was harassment and persecution. You would learn to settle your differences yourself. That culture just gets amplified through the generations. It's not that they are more "savage" than other races, it's that they've been treated that way for centuries.

White superiority still runs heavy in hispanic communities where the darker you are, the less you're worth.

Thanks Europe!

I can't speak for those communities, I've never experienced that, personally, but I do concede that I've heard people say things like "This black guy, one of the REALLY dark ones...." I mean, if you want to describe people on a gradient, it would be more honest to ditch the binary black and white in the process. It can't be what and shades of brown if you want to claim that race isn't a factor.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: zahrah
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2014-09-08 12:12:29
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Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
White superiority still runs heavy in hispanic communities where the darker you are, the less you're worth.

Thanks Europe!

Isn't that common in Asia also? Lighter skin was also indicative of socio-economic class?
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2014-09-08 12:15:41
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My voice is the voice of the Huff Post.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Bloodrose
Posts: 4322
By Bismarck.Bloodrose 2014-09-08 12:16:52
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
But now, we have racism of a different kind.

Instead of "evil whites vs. innocent, pure, honest, good African Americans" we have "light skinned African Americans vs. dark skinned African Americans"

(edited "blacks" for "African Americans" to prevent any feels from being hurt)

I wonder which side Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will follow. Obviously the side that can get them the most money, but which side is it?
This kind of racism isn't new. In fact, it would be more accurate to say it's making a come back.

It also isn't simply limited to African Americans of light skin versus dark skin.

It's been prevalent amongst aboriginal youth and adults. Many go through a genetic mutation that leaves one with lighter skin - regardless of parental heritage, which allowed slaves (at the time) of light skin to be used for certain housekeeping duties indoors, as they were considered to be "less dirty" than there darker skinned counterparts.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2014-09-08 12:16:56
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Caitsith.Zahrah said: »
Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
White superiority still runs heavy in hispanic communities where the darker you are, the less you're worth.

Thanks Europe!

Isn't that common in Asia also? Lighter skin was also indicative of socio-economic class?

I'm not too keen on Asian culture myself so I'll bow out there. Generally however the darker you are, the more ***you're gonna get. I have read about the skin lightening craze in India but again that roots back to white / European superiority both culturally, economically etc. People are forced to mold themselves towards the 'ideal' and in that case it's your atypical European.

I've seen enough Indians can put my mocha tone to bed though.

Though I kinda find it funny that if you're *too* white, you're looked down upon by other white people as being sickly, pale or a cancer patient. #whitepeopleproblems
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 5381
By Bahamut.Baconwrap 2014-09-08 12:20:19
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Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
If this incident is any indication of what the future may hold for the next generation, I think there might be a problem

This has actually been going on for a long time in minority groups. I used to get called "white-washed" all the time in school. Basically if you don't act ethnic enough some groups view you as a traitor to their race.
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