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Will update OP with further notes when games go live like what mats needed for relic upgrades/how many.
Upgraded Relic Gear: Thanks Prothescar/Kincard/Urat(from BG) for this info:
For NQ to 109 you need 2 Hundred of Dyna Currency and Crafting Mats and 10 Rem's Tales.
For +1 to 109 You need 1 Hundred of Dyna Currency and Crafting Mats and 10 Rem's Tales.
For +2 to 109 you only need Crafting Mats and 10 Rem's Tales.
For augmented +2 to 109 you only need Crafting Mats and 5 Rem's Tales.
You'll need 2 crafting mats. One for Slot and One for Job. Use the chart below to figure out which ones you need.
Slot mats:
Head: Pheonix Feather
Body: Spool of Marlboro Fibre
Hands: Black beetle blood
Legs: Damascene Cloth
Feet: Oxblood
War/Pld/Drk: Wootz Ore
Mnk/Thf/Rdm/Brd/Rng/Drg/Blu: Griffin Hide
Whm/Blm/Cor: Sparkling Stone
Bst/Dnc: Mammoth Tusk
Sam/Nin: Relic Iron
Smn/Pup/Sch: Lancewood Log
109 has the relic augments regardless of how you upgrade it. You can go from nq to 109 and it'll put the augment on there for you.
You use existing Rem Chapters to upgrade.
It seems for 109 to 119 you need one Voidwatch and one Delve Crafting Material and 8 of the Rem Chapters 6-10.
Slot mats:
Head: Gabbrath Horn
Body: Not In This Update
Hands: Bztavian Stinger
Legs: Not In This Update
Feet: Rockfin Tooth
War/Pld/Drk: Voidwrought Plate
Mnk/Thf/Rdm/Brd/Rng/Drg/Blu: Kaggen's cuticle
Whm/Blm/Cor/Geo: Akvanas Pennon
Bst/Dnc/Run: Celeano's Cloth
Sam/Nin: Pil's tuille
Smn/Pup/Sch: Hahava's Mai
If you don't have the option to reforge relic try talking to sagheera and choose 'just want to chat' option, then go back to Monisette.
Plasm Item:
All Boss Crafting Mats are 300k Plasm.
Outer Ra'Kaznar
Buy map at Scout's Coalition 2000 Bayld
Entrance F-8 in Kamihr Drifts. Warp #4 and go southwest.
There are no bivouacs in the zone. This is a dungeon zone kind of like the caverns. However you can warp via the augural conveyor for skirmish.
Map 1:
Map 2:
Labeled maps best I could from what I did. You can't access all the Colonization Reives or other areas of the map because of walls. I've tried multiple ways but some areas are impossible to access as of now.
I didn't draw where the walls were because rumor is that Colonization % affects which walls are down
The vines are drops only, but The Elevator you can take up or down.
Lerene is the NPC when you zone. She asks for 2 ancestral cloths for her quest.
They are found off 'shunned' mobs throughout the zone. They're fomors but they have access to new weaponskills.
When you trade her the 2 cloths she gives you a cutscene which mentions a silvery plate. And gives you the "Pulverizing" Key item. You need the Key Item to destroy the Colonization Reive walls.
I drew my path to the silvery plate. And then drew as far as I could get into the zone. I assume the Dead End lead to a zone in a future update (Inner Ra'Kaznar if I had to guess).
If anyone has any critical information please let me know so I can try to update it.
Skirmish Info thanks to pchan:
Did one skirmish with tier IV body, 1 hour long run. Finished with 5 minutes left. There is a primary objective of getting 60 fragments, and a secondary of 120. Normal mobs give 1 fragment, chests can give 30 fragments and can be a mimic, and various NMs drom 30 ish fragments. NMs we encountered were urmargh type, behemoth type, acuex type, dullahan, ironclad, and 6-sword type VW mob. Went with MNK afterglow x2, DDB/GH/carwenhan x2 bards, yagrushx2 WHM (lol) and cleared secondary objective with 4 minutes left. It's easy though, but lot's of time wasted running like rala and only got a mab mid run. Noetics can give 4 or 6 fragments twice (with legs II). Got plenty of stones type, ghasty wailing etc, several +1, and an item called dullahan armor with seems to be a crafting mat as well as wings.
GEO RELIC QUEST: Thanks to Kensagaku over at BG for info.
Go to library in full GEO AF, then go to Nhili Uvolep in Eastern Adoulin at the top of the hillock, where you did some of your GEO AF stuff.
Go to Outer Ra'Kaznar and click the "Geomantic Fumes" at L-8(See map above it's in same room as Drop A. Just follow the path). Click on them for a cutscene and then you'll get your crystalized lifestream essence.
Take 'em to Wescolina in Western Adoulin and she'll ask you to gather materials again!
You have 2 different choices for what to turn in. One includes Bayld. Unsure if there is any difference in reward depending on what you turn in.
Bagua Galero:
Griffon Leather, Sekishitsu and Raaz Leather
Griffon Leather, Frontier Soda, and 97k Bayld.
Bagua Tunic:
Griffon Leather, Ether Leather, and Akaso Cloth
Griffon Leather, Chocolate Crepe, and 97k Bayld.
Bagua Mitaines:
Griffon Leather, Bismuth Sheet, and Akaso Thread
Griffon Leather, Campfire Chocolate, and 97k Bayld.
Bagua Pants:
Griffon Leather, Ether Cotton, and Akaso Cloth
Griffon Leather, Cascade Candy, and 97k Bayld.
Bagua Sandals:
Griffon Leather, Ether Cotton, and Sparkstrand Thread
Griffon Leather, Trail Cookie, and 97k Bayld.