HURRRR DURRR DERP DERP DERP HURR HERP PFFThttp://infamousdynasty.guildwork.com
About Us
In Final Fantasy XI Online, Infamous Dynasty was created in 2004 by Synnre and it was a social linkshell. Through more than five years, we became endgame as everyone reached 75 level. Many social members stopped playing FFXI before reaching 75 level and still, the linkshell still stood and we had almost another 5 years to play FFXI.
Since the addons of FFXI, "Abyssea," and old Final Fantasy XIV came out, our linkshell started to dwindle down to ten members and we still stood and we played different MMORPGs and video games (some of us still played classic FFXIV) till we heard about FFXIV 2.0.
With the latest updates around FFXIV 2.0, our brothers of Infamous Dynasty has started to become more active!
Our future linkshell of FFXIV, we are recruiting old members back, but we can recruit new members if one of more of us knows them before. We are serious about our social. So, in our future, we would mainly on PvE at beginning. Since PvP comes out, we would do our best to team up enough for breaking a linkshell's castle wall and defeat everyone to own the castle!
Members of Infamous Dynasty come in a wide array of players. Some are the underdogs, some are the over acheivers, some are the beatniks who's loyalty will not waiver. We are a group of good casual players that hold ourselves to a higher standard not of moral fortitude but of adventure and fun. We span the globe and come together in a place where we are among friends.
Our mission is to have fun. We challenge ourselves to stand strong together bound by an oath. Infamous Dynasty members rally behind what we believe to be a higher moral calling. Not by the laws of man, but by a code of right. We stand for the fallen and punish the wicked. We are the deciders of right. Every story needs a hero and every story needs a villian. In a world of ashes, we rise. Every story needs a hero and a villain, may history determine our legacy.