I'm using a pre-made XML from over on the PLD forums. For most things, this XML works just fine, but some of the rules don't seem to work. For example, when I use any Cure, my pre-cast fast cast set is equipped, but it never changes to my cure set for mid-cast. There's a rule that looks like if I cast, say, Cure IV, but do not have enough MP for it, it'll cast Cure III, and if not enough MP for that, Cure II, etc... doesn't work. There's also a section that, if I "cast" Foxfire, it'll change my TP set for accuracy purposes. Whenever I "use" Foxfire, I get text that says it's using my low/mid/high acc set, but my gear doesn't actually change.
Would any XML wizards please help me out? I really don't have any idea what I'm doing with XML so I need your help! Thanks! If you're willing to make the changes yourself, I'd appreciate it, but if not please tell me what I am replacing so I don't mess everything up!
My XML: http://pastebin.com/ixxGC35Z
In case it matters, my fast cast set has 23% FC, 17% haste.