Okay, so I recently got back into the game etc.
I knew what the good stuff was back in the day (2009) but never had any of it. Now I really don't know where to begin. I skimmed these forums for the past few days as well as others and my question is this:
Could I solo most old content with a 99PLD/49DNC?
I talked to a friend who had been playing all this time and got a little advice but I also want to know what the good sub jobs are for PLD anymore. I heard /nin is pretty dead and /whm is what is used for hard stuff now? Are the new weaponskills so good that damage is a solid option for holding enmity now (along with spells of course)?
I looked at the sticky and it didn't quite answer all my questions so thank you very much in advance. I'm sure you get a billion of these all the time over the years so I apologize in advance for annoying the community with these seemingly silly questions.