CHRitical Hit! How to Have Fun Poking Stuff as DD Bard
DD Bard can be a fun hobby for those people who hate to be without Mazurka. The most common targets for a DD bard are Dynamis monsters, but Bard is capable of soloing things such as Early Bird Catches the Wyrm, Alfard, and Cactrot Rapido so feel free to experiment and push the job and yourself to the limit! Abyssea soloing is slightly different, as you can stack huge amounts of Regen and Regain, making many more solos than you would think possible as /dnc .
For a discussion on mage subjobs and which weapons to to use, please view this post by Creelo and these two posts by Bruno and myself. The following sets are assuming /nin or /dnc. there is quite a bit of fluctuation depending on target and your own merits/native stats, so as always in FFXI make sure to gear to the situation. There may be no ideal set, but we have the sets winning the majority of the time in our simulations. Credit for these ideal DD sets goes to Bruno.
ItemSet 273177
DW+2/Crit rate+2/Att+7 on Osode, use Dusk Gloves +1 in Abyssea, substitute Tyrant's Ring if you don't have MP merits. Ghadhab Nails may win in attack-deprived situations.
Mordant Rime
ItemSet 242687
Attack+10/DA+4%/CHR+5 on Heca Cap+1
Mercy Stroke
ItemSet 242683
Max Heca augments, neck/rings will vary depending on race.
Rudra's Storm
ItemSet 242685
Max Heca augments, Moonshade TP Bonus +25/Attack +4
ItemSet 267136
ItemSet 242686
Max Heca augments, Osode will beat AF2+2 body with DA+2/Crit DMG+3%/Att+7, but you then lose Osode as a TP piece.
Ranged TP
ItemSet 292731
For those who dream of soloing Wyrm KSNM.
3/14/13: This is a work in progress as I migrate sets from the other thread and do new formatting. I'm also adding a lot of information, so please be patient. Will frequently update with notes and bump when this is complete.