The Parthenon: A Warrior's Kyklos

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The Parthenon: A Warrior's Kyklos
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Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ejin
Posts: 528
By Ragnarok.Ejiin 2012-12-25 22:27:52
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The Parthenon: A Warrior's Kyklos

The Parthenon is an ancient temple built by the Greeks, in Athens, to tribute their maiden Goddess, Athena. Athena is the goddess of wisdom, courage, law and justice, just warfare and strength. Kyklos is a term used by some classical Greek authors to describe what they saw as the political cycle.

In this guide, I hope that all Warriors can come together in one place and discuss our never ending cycle. From starting the job for the very first time or discussing the most optimal gear choices, all culminating in an effort to improve ourselves and others.

I stream regularly on Twitch where I can answer any questions or comments you may have. Consider dropping by and hanging out!

Table of Contents

I: Introduction

Over the years I’ve developed a unique passion for Warrior. Its raw damage, its utility in almost every situation, and the mastery required to truly excel at it. I get a lot of PMs of people asking about Warrior, so in this guide I hope to spill my brain of what I’ve experienced and learned so far playing Warrior throughout my FFXI career.

II: Why Warrior?

If the only thing on you mind is pure DD, as I’m sure this is the case 90% of the time, then Warrior is certainly right up your alley. Warrior commands an impressive arsenal of Job Abilities, Weapons, Weapon Skills, and gear to make the job excel in almost any DD situation you put it in.

It doesn’t stop there, though. Warrior’s utility extends beyond just DD. Having access to an astounding amount of weapon skills primes it for being one of the best procing jobs for both Abyssea and Voidwatch. Most useful of all is Warrior’s access to 10 out of 13 ‘red weakness’ weapon skills with Samurai as sub job, and 13/13 being possible if you have the proper merits, gear and sub job.

Beyond that, warrior excels at killing many enemies at the same time, or “cleaving” which has become the popular term because the name of the weapon skill used is called Fell Cleave.

In today's current meta of 2019, Warrior fits in extremely well due to its DPS power from its SPs, utility in its access to very strong weapon selection in Polearm/Sword/Axe/Great Sword and Great Axe and its ability to increase the DPS
of everyone melee in the party with Warcry, Blood Rage and Tomahawk.

III: Abilities, Merits and Job Points

Warrior has many, many abilities, all of which serve a purpose depending on the situation. The addition of Job Points and Gifts have further strengthened these already strong abilities and traits.

Mighty Strikes: Level 1. 45 Second Duration. 1 Hour Recast. 45 Minute recast with 2100 Job Points.

The Holy Grail to all that’s Warrior. This ability allows all attacks to deal critical damage, even during WS. When used at the right time, with the right buffs, this ability will often allow you to deal unprecedented amounts of damage for the duration.

Can be extended to 60 second duration with Augmented Relic Hands.

Provoke: Level 5. 30 Second Recast.

This ability increases your Volatile enmity by 1800. It is useful for claiming, getting hate at the start of a fight, or pulling hate off job you don’t want to have hate.

Berserk and Aggressor: Level 15 and 45. 3 Minute Duration. 5 Minute Recast.

Berserk increases your attack by 25% at the penalty of lowering your defense by 25%. In an update, Berserk now scales in potency with your level, giving Warrior a total of 35% attack at level 90. This is a very useful ability, as attack is a key component in how much damage you can do, which has become increasingly important in content like Dynamis Divergence Wave 3, where Frailty's potency is significantly decreased. The ultimate enhancement to this ability is Conqueror’s ‘Augment Berserk’, which increases the attack gained to 33.5% and raises your critical hit rate by 14%. Aggressor increases your accuracy by 25, but lowers your evasion as a penalty.

Berserk's duration can be extended to 3min 48second duration with Agoge Calligae +3 and Pummeler's lorica +3 when equiped for activation. Recast can be lowered as low as 4 minute 10 seconds with merits. Job Points increase Berserk attack by 2 attack per JP for a total of +40 attack.

Merit options: Although Aggressor was once very useful when accuracy was a major issue, I’d recommend 5/5 Berserk merits at this stage of the game.

Warcry and Savagery: Level 35 and 75. 30 Second Duration. 5 Minute Recast.

Raises the attack of the party members around you, but its best use comes from the augment on Agoge mask +3, which raises TP bonus by up to 70 for everyone in the party that are in range depending on Savagery merits. The best thing to remember about this ability is that it overwrites and can be overwritten by Blood Rage, so always make sure to talk to any other Warriors in your party about a planned order.

Duration can be extended up to 60 seconds with []Agoge mask +1[/url] when equipped for activation.

Merit options: 5/5 Savagery is a major boon when zerging things with Mighty Strikes with weapon skills that damage varies by TP. Easily the largest DPS Job ability for WAR outside of SPs.

Retaliation: Level 60. 3 Minute Duration. 3 Minute Recast.

Retaliation allows you to count an enemy’s attack with your own, but instead of negating the damage like Monk’s Counterstance, Retaliation gives you TP for the price of taking damage. This ability is useful when you’re one of a few DDs attacking an enemy, allowing you to build TP even faster than you normally would. The main drawback of this ability is the reduction of your movement speed, which can be annoying if you’re running around a lot.

Warrior's Charge: Level 75.1 Minute Duration(or next attack). 5 Minute Recast.

Doubles or triples your next attack. Triple attack rate increases by 5% per merit after the first for a total of 20% with 5/5. Augment on War. Cuisses +2 also raises crit. hit rate by 1% per merit. While nice for those absurdly high WS numbers, sometimes it’s not even worth using due to the JA delay costing you more DPS than you’d gain, since in some situations your DA will be so high, DA procing from WC don’t really mean much.

Merit options: Not too amazing anymore outside of Epeen WS #s, but 5/5 Tomahawk is very situational also. Ideally you can keep merits in Warrior's Charge then swap it to Tomahawk when a fight calls for it.

Tomahawk: Level 75. 30 Second Duration. 3 Minute Recast.

Mostly useless, but the times you need it, you’ll be very happy you have it.

Duration can be extended up to 1 minute 30 seconds with merits. Decreases a monster’s weapon resistance by 25% and up to 30% with augment on War. Calligae +2 and maximum merits.

Merit options: Like mentioned before, with how easy it is to cap merits nowadays, consider meriting this when you come to a fight that needs it.

Restraint: Level 77. 5 Minute Duration. 10 Minute Recast.

Restraint increases your WS damage with each hit you land. The amount of WS damage increased from Restraint is doubled when wearing Ravager's mufflers +2.

Blood Rage: Level 87. 30 Second Duration. 5 Minute Recast.

Increases critical hit rate by 20% to anyone in your party within 13.9 radius around you. Extremely powerful for weapon skills that can crit, but also provides a substantial boost to melee damage. It can be very beneficial to make an order for this ability if you have more than one Warrior in your party to maximize its effectiveness.

Duration can be extended to 60 seconds when equiping Rvg. Lorica +2 for activation.

IV: Weapons and Weapon Skills

IV-1: Weapons

Warrior has access to many types of weapons, but I’ll just cover to most acceptable 2-handed weapon choices.

Ragnarok comes in first for Mighty Strikes zerging. The +accuracy allows it to make up for Warrior’s lack of skill for Great Sword and even exceed Conq/Ukon’s total accuracy potential. Acceptable to be used in highly buffed zergs.

• MS Resolution is amazing.
• Fulltime crit. hit rate +14%.
• High accuracy.
• Can be used by 2 other jobs, mainly DRK, which is also a DD powerhouse.

• Low delay makes it hard to x-hit.
• ODD only procs on the first hit.
• Terrible relic WS makes Aftermath not worth using.

The ultimate weapon choice for when you're utilizing skillchains. A multiple step skillchain ending with Radiance can be extremely potent if your party setup allows for it. King's Justice > Steel Cyclone > Upheaval > King's Justice > Upheaval will end with Light>Radiance. Chango itself gives Upheaval the unique ability to make Light with itself, which it otherwise can't do with other weapons.

• Skillchaining.
• 10 STP and 500 TP bonus.
• Allows your Upheaval -> Upheaval to make Light.

• All great axe weapon skills are kinda meh currently, so, overall, in a zerg situation with other DDS, it'll probably fall behind.
• Hardest ultimate to get if you don't have an Aeonic group.

Compared to Conqueror, Ukonvasara’s much easier to obtain. Aftermath is extremely potent with this weapon, doing triple damage 50% of the time with AM3, which equates to 4-6K crits fairly often. Only falls behind Ragnarok because of Great Axe's poor weaponskill choices.

• Easier to Master.
• Easier to obtain than other ultimate weapons in terms of effort/reward ratio.
• Blood Rage is perfect for Ukko’s.
• ODD can proc on all hits of an attack round.

• Relies heavily on outside buffers, mainly COR, and other Warriors for buffs.
• SE has recently taken a liking to adding monsters with crit. def. bonus.
• ODD doesn't proc on WS.
• Has been known to make people forget they have any other WS besides Ukko’s Fury.

The ultimate trophy weapon for Warrior. The attack and crit. boost to Berserk is very potent. Currently, Conqueror as at the bottom of the list of RMEA, only really excelling in situations you'll be making multi-step skillchains.

• AM3, which is 40% DA and 20% TA, drastically increases TP gain, melee damage, and WS damage(can proc on 1st hit on any physical WS).
• Augments Berserk V increases berserk’s attack to 33.5% and adds 14% crit. hit rate.
• King’s Justice isn’t too terrible of a WS to trigger AM3 with.

• Warrior’s high DA rate diminishes Conq’s AM3 effect.
• Berserk can be dispelled.
• Maintaining AM3 isn’t always easy. Any mistake, such as poor WS timing, not building 300% TP at the right time, or having to stand around for long periods of time can drastically reduce your DPS.

Although behind all the other ultimate weapons in terms of pure DPS potential, Bravura’s niche is survivability while maintaining decent DPS.

• Very high accuracy.
• -DT Aftermath that allows you to use optimized hybrid builds.
• Additional Effect: Evasion Down lasts for about 40 seconds.
• Assuming they ever fix Metatron's additional effect, -18.75% defense down that lasts for up to 2 minutes.

• Lowest DPS potential of the Ultimate Weapons.
• Hybrid builds are still possible for other weapons and usually a straight up –DT build used at the right time is going to be more beneficial.

Obtained as a drop from NMs in Rala Alluvion Skirmish or by trading 3 Mellidopt Wings- obtained from Yorcia Alluvion Skirmish, to the ??? near the Augural Conveyor.

Can be augmented by Divainy-Gamainy in the Inventors' coaliton. Duskslit for additional base damage. Snowslit for Accuracy and Attack. Leafslit for DA and STP. To see the full list of possible augments check out BGwiki.

•Relativity easier to obtain than a 119 RME.
•Highest base damage Great Sword in the game.
•Good delay for x-hit.
•Highly customizable with augments.

•High cost to obtain perfect augments.

Obtained from Yumcax's Wildskeeper Reive, this Great Axe is second only to Razorfury. Solid choice for those who want a free option to hold them over until better GAs are released.

•Easier to 5hit.
•Can be augmented with Occ. Attacks Twice.

•If you don't get this from the Quest, obtaining this could become a real pain if you're unlucky.

IV-2: Weapon Skills

Resolution: 5 Hit. 100% STR Mod with 5/5 merits. Damage varies with TP.

Very powerful and consistent. When paired with Ragnarok and Mighty Strikes, arguably the best epeen weapon in the game. Becomes extremely useful when mobs have crit. def. bonus and very high evasion. Element gorget and belt are especially powerful, as their bonus carries over to all hits of the WS.

Ukko's Fury: 2 Hit. 60% STR Mod. Crit. Hit Varies With TP(20%/35%/55% for 100/200/300%).

Buffed and geared properly, Ukko’s Fury has the highest potential of damage out of all of Warrior’s WS(outside of Mighty Strikes). Aside from being very powerful on its own, Ukko's also has amazing WS properties, in that it can self light skillchain with itself and can also make light with Upheaval.

Upheaval: 4 Hit. 100% VIT Mod with 5/5 merits. Damage Varies With TP.

Opens up options for weapons that can’t use Ukko’s Fury. Very consistent damage, but the VIT mod kills its true potential. Powerful WS for mobs with crit. defense bonuses. Best WS to use when under the effect of Mighty Strikes if you don't have a Ragnarok.

Metatron Torment: 1 Hit. 60% STR Mod. Aftermath: Damage Taken -20%.

Mainly used for its aftermath. Sadly the defense down almost never sticks on anything that matters.

Fell Cleave: 60% STR Mod. AoE Damage. Radius Varies With TP.

An amazingly useful WS. Can be used to kill many, many monsters in a very short period of time for faster drops or XP. Can also hit flying enemies such as Arimaspi if you cleave a monster that's close enough to hit both.

Raging Rush: 3 Hit. 35% STR Mod. Chance To Crit. Varies With TP.

Good abyssea WS if you’re working on +2 gear/Ukon. But due to its low STR mod and fTP, it will easily be outclassed by Ukko’s in abyssea and Upheaval outside of abyssea.

Guide Maker
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ejin
Posts: 528
By Ragnarok.Ejiin 2012-12-25 22:27:59
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V: Gear Sets

It's highly recommended you use the Gear Set Table of Contents found at the top of the guide to find a specific set because set order isn't always perfect due to unforeseen space limitations.

V-1: S Tier - Best possible without concern for rarity or difficulty to obtain

Chango TP

ItemSet 381945ItemSet 285667ItemSet 285786
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy

Special Notes for Chango TP:

•Cape Augments: 20DEX/30ACC/20ATK/10DA with SAM Roll and 10STP w/o SAM Roll.

Sword & Board Dream TP

Sword & Board TP Low
Sword & Board TP Mid
Sword & Board TP High
ItemSet 349896ItemSet 322217ItemSet 322218
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy

Special Notes for Naegling TP:

•Mantle: DEX+20 Acc+30/Atk+20 DA+10.

Sword & Board Weapon Skills

Savage Blade Low
Savage Blade Mid
Savage Blade High
ItemSet 322221ItemSet 322222ItemSet 322223
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy

Special Notes for Sword & Board Weapon Skills:

•Mantle augmented with STR+30 Acc/Atk+20 WSDMG+10

Conqueror TP

Conqueror TP Low
Conqueror TP Mid
Conqueror TP Mod
Conqueror TP High
Conqueror TP Max
ItemSet 285686ItemSet 309277ItemSet 323897ItemSet 274267ItemSet 274267
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy

Special Notes for Conqueror TP:

Conqueror Weapon Skills

Upheaval Low
Upheaval Mid
Upheaval High
ItemSet 274268ItemSet 285673ItemSet 275036
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy

Ukko's Fury Low
Ukko's Fury Mid
Ukko's Fury High
ItemSet 235836ItemSet 308194ItemSet 308197
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy

Special Notes for Conqueror Weapon Skills:

Ukonvasara TP

Ukonvasara TP Low
Ukonvasara TP Mid
Ukonvasara TP High
ItemSet 252272ItemSet 235264ItemSet 270316
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy

Special Notes for Ukonvasara TP:

•Valorous and Odyssean augmented with QA+3

Ukonvasara Weapon Skills

Upheaval Low
Upheaval Mid
Upheaval High
ItemSet 274268ItemSet 285673ItemSet 275036
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy

Ukko's Fury Low
Ukko's Fury Mid
Ukko's Fury High
ItemSet 235836ItemSet 308194ItemSet 308197
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy

Special Notes for Ukonvasara Weapon Skills:

Upheaval Mighty Strikes

ItemSet 282900

PDT S Tier

ItemSet 236360

The idea with this set is to maximize the chances of surviving the most devastating attacks in the game long enough be cured/saved.

V-2: A Tier – Still very good, but with considerations into rarity and difficulty to obtain

Great Sword TP A Tier

A Tier TP Low
A Tier TP Mid
A Tier TP High
ItemSet 350457ItemSet 350461ItemSet 350462
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy
--- Accuracy

Special Notes for A Tier TP:

•Mantle: DEX+20 Acc+30/Atk+20 DA+10.
•Valorous Mail augmented with DA+5 or STP+7.

Great Axe A Tier

ItemSet 350458

Upheaval A Tier

ItemSet 282924

PDT A Tier

ItemSet 282905
Darkness Earring and Black Earring with -2% PDT can open up more options to allow the use of Shadow Mantle. Dux Finger Gauntlets +1 and Dux Greaves +1 along with Angha Gem can also allow free up more options if you have the gil for them.

V-3: B Tier – The most basic gear you should have before attempting to use WAR on anything meaningful

Great Sword B Tier

ItemSet 350460

Great Axe B Tier

ItemSet 350459

Guide Maker
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ejin
Posts: 528
By Ragnarok.Ejiin 2012-12-25 22:28:14
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VI: Equipment & Knowledge Progression

Warrior has the tools to be useful at any event you throw at it, but more than just one method is needed to truly master each event.

VI-1: Abyssea Era

This is where you should be starting out your Warrior career after reaching level 99. Start off with working on skilling up all your weapons with retaliation so you can proc all essential weapons, then obtaining all your +2 gear and miscellaneous gear and finally start working on Ukonvasara.

There are 2 sets of Atmas needed for Abyssea.

1) Pure DD: Raized Ruins and Apoc atma are definitely going to be used 99.9% of the time for DD. Your 3rd atma should be VV, GH, SS or Omega atma depending on situation.
2) Cleave/Skill up: Mounted Champion, Stronghold and Vicissitude will give you +70 defense, +50 VIT and 50/tick regen, which is perfect for staying alive while skilling up or cleaving many enemies at once

Abyssea era equipment goals:

5/5 empy +2 and both accessories.
• 85/90 Ukonvasara.
Moonshade Earring with attack +4 and TP Bonus +25. This will often be the best earring paired with Brutal Earring
Zelus Tiara and miscellaneous gear.
• Elemental Belts.
• Crit. rate +3, WS DMG+2 Bellicus Cuisses if you get extremely lucky with trophies.

What you should know:

•Basic mechanics of many monsters.
-Some monsters, such as Glavoid, have special mechanics that allow them to absorb damage. It's very important you know what triggers it and how to prevent healing them.

•Fell Cleave
-Fell Cleave is extremely valuable in many situations. From speeding up pop item farming for popping NMs to extending your time inside abyssea to allow for easier farming, fell cleave is one of Warrior's most useful weapon skills.

•Fell Cleave Positioning

Make sure you have a wall near you. It has to be an actual wall, and not a ledge, drop down or anything of that sort.

If it is an actual wall, then you make sure the wall is on your right side, and slowly walk backwards, and 90% of the mobs will line up into a small group, even with large numbers. If the wall you line up isnt a true wall, the mobs will simply run up the wall all hax style, so you have to be weary of which walls work and which dont. Also, if you have the wall on the left side of you, it absolutely wont work, and the mobs will disperse and surround you (in my experience at least.)

As you can see, the mobs are all dispersed around me.

Now that the mobs are all lined up, with the wall being on my right side, they are all within a very small area, all able to easily be fell cleaved.

Your biggest problem... is actually pulling out your weapon if you havent yet lol. The animations from them attacking you will not let your weapon be drawn if you have too many/no downtime between the attacking animations. Having a Mage sleepga them, taking your weapon out before they all can catch up to you or walking away backwards can help with avoiding getting animation locked.

Also, as a side note. Having a PDT set can be life saving during fell cleaves, especially if mobs hit harder then the rest, or level up while cleaving.

Credit to Errderrclerr for the tutorial.

VI-2: Voidwatch Era

Coming out of Abyssea, you should have a level 85-90 Ukon, 5/5 Empy+2 and other miscellaneous abyssea gear needed to make your Warrior acceptable to start doing VW. Your first priority should be clearing every path and obtaining every KI and atmacite. In all honesty, VW is mainly to make gil to help fund all the augmentable/buyable stuff you're going to need later on.

Atmacite: Coercion, Valiant and Latitude are solid choices, allowing you room drop 8% haste to TP in something stronger. There are many more combos available, but this is a solid standard to go by.

Equipment goals for the Voidwatch Era:

Mekira Meikogai and Phasmida Belt both of which come from Kaggen.
Ogier's Breeches,Ogier's Gauntlets,Ogier's Helm and Ogier's Leggings.
Dilaram's Sollerets

What you should learn from the Voidwatch Era:

•You'll find out fairly fast you aren't in Abyssea anymore. You don't have double HP anymore and some mobs can decimate you in short order if Fanatic's Drink wears off.
•This might be your first time fighting in an alliance setting and maybe your first time ever getting songs and rolls. Knowing the correct buffs to ask for can help speed up the run for everyone(March x2 and Chaos+Fighter's 99% of the time).
•Pressure Under Fire. Depending on the caliber of your group, you might be expected to proc weaps, and failing to do so and refreshing those precious Fanatics might spell doom. Although, in most successful groups, weapon procs from the Warrior should very rarely be needed.

VI-3: Outside Era

This includes old and ‘neo’ events. For Neo-Events you’ll be expected to have better than average gear, so work on the old events first. This process will be time consuming and expensive.

Equipment goals for Outside Era:

Armada Hauberk. Earthen Abj. Body. Can be obtained via sweet tea to pop Nidhogg or Odin v1 or 2. Cursed Hauberk -1 you'll most likely have to buy unless you have friends with high level smithing. This you should be a priority, as Armada is one of the best TP bodies you’ll be able to get in the game.
• Augmenting your Armada. This can get expensive, but is worth it in the end. Goal should be 3% DA and 5-6 STP.

Relic +2 and augments. Each piece of the +2 set is useful, so you’re going to want to +2 each one. Augment priority should be Hands>Head>Feet>Legs.
Hecatomb Mittens +1 and augment. Goal for augment should be 4% crit. damage.

• Augmented Kirin’s osode. Use Suzuka scraps to augment with DA+2% and Crit. Damage +3% for your MS build.
Full Phorcys armor set. Order should be Body>Head>Hands>Feet>Legs.
Valkyrie's Breastplate. This is the hardest and most expensive to perfect of all the ‘old’ augmentable gear, but needed for optimal TP and Upheaval sets. Goal should be Acc+7-10, TA+3%.

Ares's Flanchard +1. Best Ukko’s and Resolution legs when acc/attack capped.
Portus Collar for times mobs have a heavy crit. def. bonus or +DT on rancor is going to get you killed.

What you should learn from Outside Era:

•This might be the first time you fight challenging content without precious Atma, Atmacite and a stockpile of constantly refreshing temporary items.
•Knowledgeable use of a maxed out PDT and MDT set is an absolute must at this stage. Your mages don't have infinite MP anymore and, after all, you can't win parses dead.
•Advanced knowledge of Neo-Nyzul:
-Knowing which temp items to auto select. HP boost, Fanatic Drink and Sprinter's Drink are all must haves.
-Knowing how to use a Runic Lamp. This is often a bane for many groups, but being prepared can save you precious time.
.....•Code:If you're the first one to the lamp: don't just stand there, call out the direction the lamp is in relation to the rune of transfer while running back to the rune as fast as you can. If you aren't the first one there: Find the nearest mob and call for help to help and stragglers find their way.
.....•Same Time: The key here is finding all the lamps as soon as possible. Don't just find the closet lamp you see and stand there. Go find as many more as possible until your group calls out 4-5 found.
.....•Order:Similar to 'same time' lamps, your goal is finding as many as possible as soon as you can, but with order you turn the lamp 'on' as you go. Remembering which lamp is which is key if you're covering more than 1 lamp. Example for order process: 1)Find and turn on all lamps. 2) Record order in party by saying 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in the order they are turned on. If no lamps are on, each number is shifted to the left, so it would be: 2, 3, 4, 5, 1. If after that lamp 3 stays on, but all others are off, all numbers will shift left again except 3, so the new order would be: 4, 3, 5, 1, 2.

VI-4: Legion Era

Not so hard anymore due to recent nerfs and new Seekers gear, but still a modest event with a few things worth obtaining.


Corvine Abjuration: Feet If you’re truly serious about perfecting Warrior, you’ll need this for Huginn Gambieras. Best Ukko's Fury feet, best Mighty Strikes Resolution feet and best Mighty Strikes Upheaval feet.

Kumarbi's Akar. Best regen body for Warrior.

Duplus Grip Best grip for WAR a majority of the time. Although you can buy this from AH or bazaars, this will be very expensive and very hard to find a seller for.

VI-5: Delve Era

Seekers of Adoulin and Delve have brought about some of the biggest changes we've ever seen to the game when it comes to weapons and gear. Although tactics have not changed much since Legion, the minimum standard to clear the games hardest Monsters has risen very steeply. It's unclear what kind of future content we'll see from Seekers, but one thing we can assume based on the first release of Delve: It will be very challenging.

A big, confusing problem many players will find themselves in when trying to tackle much of Seekers' endgame will be attempting the content before their gear is ready to do so. Progression is key, you need to make sure your gear is up to par before attempting the higher tiers of Delve. Below are goals set in order of progression of content, it's assumed you'll be caught up with all content up to this point.

Equipment goals for Delve Era as of August 2013:

Karieyh Armor Set. Very easy to obtain and many solid pieces. Legs, feet and hands for Upheaval. Head and hands for Accuracy. All very easy to obtain with Bayld.
Ixtab. I'd highly suggest skipping Bloodbath Axe and trying to obtain this before you even attempt Delve. If you're having bad luck, or don't feel like spamming this Wildskeeper Reive, you can obtain this from the Order Up quest.
Razorfury. This or Ixtab. I do not suggest you attempt Delve MBs w/o one of these.
Mauler's Mantle. WAR won the cape lottery here. Letalis and Atheling combined into one, with 5 STR as a cherry on top.
Bladeborn Earring and Steelflash Earring. Best TP earrings in the game.
Asperity Necklace. Much needed sTP, especially for those w/o perfect Armada.
Mikinaak Cuisses and Mikinaak Breastplate. Rank 15. Upgrades for Upheaval.
Buremte Gloves. Best Upheaval hands in the game. Situationally great for TP.

At this point you should be ready for Delve Mega Bosses.

Yaoyotl Helm. Insane. Best TP and WS head in the game by far. And it looks bad ***.
K'ayres Ring. So long, Tyrant's Ring. 1 more STP at the cost of 3 attack, but the benefit of survivability with +70 HP.
Whirlpool Greaves. Best Fell Cleave, King's Justice and Upheaval feet. Amazing alternative for people who don't have Huginn yet.

And Seekers of Adoulin isn't even over yet...

VII: Resources, Tools and Credits


FAQ: Please refer to Windower Support Forums and BG Spellcast Help Thread for help with any problems you might run into(I'm not a hardcore spellcast user, so you'll get better help from them).

Advanced Warrior Spellcast. What I'm using a version of right now. Uses AutoExec and covers Rag/Ukon/Conq. Credit to Bokura for sharing and setting most of it up for me and Yugl whose SC outline laid the foundation for this.

Basic Warrior Spellcast. What I've used in the past for Conqueror. Fairly basic, but gets the job done.

If you have a spellcast you'd like to share and have posted on this guide, feel free to PM me or respond to the thread with it.

Player Spellcast:


Please refer to the BG or FFXIAH threads for any questions or bug reports.

If you have a gearswap you'd like to share and have posted on this guide, feel free to PM me or respond to the thread with it.

Player Gearswaps:

Tools and Credits

The community at BG forum and BG wiki do an excellent job keeping everything up to date and updating findings extremely fast.

Motenten's DPS spreadsheets are an extremely efficient and easy way to calculate your DPS compared to how we use to do it years ago. He's always updating them and taking suggestions for fixes/new features. Thanks for providing such an amazing tool to the community.

Thanks to everyone who plays FFXI or is a part of the community who make it truly a joy to be a part of.

VIII: In Closing

This guide obviously isn't going to be flawless or helpful to everyone who reads it, but I ask anyone who has constructive feedback to post in an effort to improve this guide.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Binckly
Posts: 529
By Sylph.Binckry 2012-12-25 22:37:32
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You can have my heart. <3
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2012-12-25 22:38:25
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Askar korazin is a great body for the low end set if you don't need accuracy which most people still wearing that level of gear don't.

Also a lot of Item not found throughout.
Server: Odin
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user: Eike
Posts: 9,265
By Odin.Eikechi 2012-12-25 22:43:01
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Edited out the Upheaval question, didn't see the MS before the set name... Had another question though. You put the Huginn feet as general best WS feet period, but how do they stack up to Dilaram's for upheaval? Wouldn't those be on-par when not under MS? Or is upheaval only used under MS?
Guide Maker
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ejin
Posts: 528
By Ragnarok.Ejiin 2012-12-25 22:44:15
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Continuation of Gear Sets

I didn't save enough room, so I'll be using this space to continue adding gear sets.

Hybrid DD MAX
ItemSet 282928

-44% PDT -34% MDT Haste +26%

For none Bravura users. This set puts more focus on capping haste and attack to maximize DD while in a -DT set.

Bravua TP MAX
ItemSet 282984

Oneiros Ring would obviously be best if you're set up for that.

Mid level content. Victory and Advancing March, Minuet IV and V, Chaos and Fighter's roll, Berserk, Aggressor, Hasso, RCB.

Bravura Hybrid MAX
ItemSet 283472

AM up. 19.5 TP/hit while maintaining -49% PDT and -47% MDT. If you're the only DD or expect to get hit a lot, Mekira set would do better.

ItemSet 272266
-51% PDT, -43% MDT, 20% Haste. Huginn Gauntlets: 4% Haste. Dark Ring: -6% PDT, -4% MDT. Darkness + Black Earring: -4% PDT total.

Same idea as the -PDT MAX set, but with more accuracy/haste/HP gear added to maintain a balanced PDT/DD set that maintains the highest possible chance of not dying.

Ukon TP Accuracy
ItemSet 252273

Max accuracy. Priority for swapping: Armada>Letalis>Mars's>Kokou's>Hands/Waist>Bomblet>Neck

ItemSet 285667

Surpassed by Ares' combinations, but still in the running and high tier caliber. Valk. Breastplate: Acc+5-10, TA+3%.

Ragnarok TP MID-HIGH
ItemSet 257998
Embrava, Valor Minuet III, IV and V, Blade Madrigal, Berserk, Aggressor, Boost-STR, Fighter's Roll and Chaos Roll. Armada Hauberk: DA+3% STP+6. Ogier's Gauntlets and Rose Strap if Marches instead of Embrava.

ADL and below Portus beats Rancor. As mob level increases, Rancor gets better.

Fell Cleave MAX
ItemSet 282918

Fell Cleave Mighty Strikes MAX
ItemSet 282919
Best used with Conqueror with AM3 up, since OA3 can proc on all the cleave hits.


ItemSet 282908

Fire Resist MAX
ItemSet 261595

Total:271 Nocturnus Mail+Shadow Ring Total:230

Credit to Loughry and his fire fetish for this.

Regen MAX
ItemSet 241388

Adaman Barbuta: +3, Kaiser Schuhs: +3. 21 hp/tick during daytime, 18/tick night.

Ukonvasara TP LOW + Access to NNI gear
ItemSet 282929
Phorcys Mitts if restraint is down and you don't need accuracy, otherwise Avant Gauntlets +1 or Ravager's +2. Ravager's Lorica +2 if you need accuracy.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Serj
Posts: 6,179
By Bahamut.Serj 2012-12-25 22:44:54
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Ejiin, I love you. Best person to write this guide hands down.

Also inb4 Kaerin.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Hotsoups
Posts: 370
By Asura.Hotsoups 2012-12-25 22:51:40
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Pure awesome. Thank you Ejiin for writing this up.

Only thing I didn't see was a max fell cleave set.
Guide Maker
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ejin
Posts: 528
By Ragnarok.Ejiin 2012-12-25 23:06:57
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Asura.Hotsoups said: »
Pure awesome. Thank you Ejiin for writing this up.

Only thing I didn't see was a max fell cleave set.

Will be adding that. Also forgot my precious max regen set =/
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Binckly
Posts: 529
By Sylph.Binckry 2012-12-25 23:11:10
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Quick question doe, have no idea if I'm just severely stupid for using it, but for Ukko's ele belt any good? (Acc stuffs? idk D: )
Server: Bahamut
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user: feifei
Posts: 956
By Bahamut.Feisei 2012-12-25 23:12:40
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Wow mad props dude. Will definetly use this as a reference :D
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Cantontai
Posts: 1,008
By Bahamut.Cantontai 2012-12-25 23:16:49
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This is great news! Guide all the things! (Not PUP)
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 9,265
By Odin.Eikechi 2012-12-25 23:18:12
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Bahamut.Cantontai said: »
This is great news! Guide all the things! (Not PUP)

So witty! So funny, bro!
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: altar1
Posts: 1,676
By Bismarck.Altar 2012-12-25 23:20:40
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Sylph.Binckry said: »
Quick question doe, have no idea if I'm just severely stupid for using it, but for Ukko's ele belt any good? (Acc stuffs? idk D: )
Windbuffet is better if your acc capped. If acc uncapped use the ele belt.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Cantontai
Posts: 1,008
By Bahamut.Cantontai 2012-12-25 23:22:40
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Odin.Eikechi said: »
Bahamut.Cantontai said: »
This is great news! Guide all the things! (Not PUP)

So witty! So funny, bro!

So necessary! You taught me life lessons just now!
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Terminus
Posts: 3,351
By Fenrir.Terminus 2012-12-25 23:33:30
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Bahamut.Cantontai said: »
Odin.Eikechi said: »
Bahamut.Cantontai said: »
This is great news! Guide all the things! (Not PUP)

So witty! So funny, bro!

So necessary! You taught me life lessons just now!

Your smartass comments are ok, everyone else's are bad!

Exclamations for everyone!!
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Keyera
Posts: 217
By Shiva.Keyera 2012-12-25 23:36:57
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Great read, I love the progression! Showing the path to walk instead of just T1, T2, T3 gearsets is a great way to go about it. 10/10, would recommend!
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darkmagi1
Posts: 1,285
By Phoenix.Dramatica 2012-12-25 23:41:14
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I thought warrior+2 legs didn't get the double attack damage applied to ws? Or was that set assuming WC was up. I figured ares+1 would win for ukko's unless you needed accuracy?
Server: Odin
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user: R3G1STRY
Posts: 430
By Odin.Registry 2012-12-25 23:45:13
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Portus over Rancor for Rag TP?

Or is that just because you're probably only using Rag against things that have crit. def. boost?

Also, I want your augments. Q_Q
Guide Maker
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ejin
Posts: 528
By Ragnarok.Ejiin 2012-12-25 23:52:56
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Phoenix.Dramatica said: »
I thought warrior+2 legs didn't get the double attack damage applied to ws? Or was that set assuming WC was up. I figured ares+1 would win for ukko's unless you needed accuracy?

You're correct. Forgot to update that set after Neo-salv update, but I did mention later on that ares' legs +1 are best for reso/ukko if acc/atk isn't an issue

Odin.Eikechi said: »
Edited out the Upheaval question, didn't see the MS before the set name... Had another question though. You put the Huginn feet as general best WS feet period, but how do they stack up to Dilaram's for upheaval? Wouldn't those be on-par when not under MS? Or is upheaval only used under MS?

They should always beat Dila for Upheaval, unless for some reason the DEX on Dila is uncapping you. With that said, Dila is easily the second best WS feet for any non-crit WS. Ravager +2 should obviously be used when MS is up.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 9,265
By Odin.Eikechi 2012-12-26 00:14:03
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9/9 14att vs 8/8 16 att. I figured It was a toss up. Fair enough. But then why Ravager's +2 for MS? Huginn with +10 crit would win then, no?
Guide Maker
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ejin
Posts: 528
By Ragnarok.Ejiin 2012-12-26 00:23:27
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Odin.Eikechi said: »
9/9 14att vs 8/8 16 att. I figured It was a toss up. Fair enough. But then why Ravager's +2 for MS? Huginn with +10 crit would win then, no?

Yeah, Huginn is the hands down winner for MS. I was just saying Ravager +2 would be 2nd best for MS and not Dila.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 9,265
By Odin.Eikechi 2012-12-26 00:24:32
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oh well yeah, of course ^^. Can't mess with that +10% bonus.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Sephyrus
Posts: 63
By Quetzalcoatl.Katashuro 2012-12-26 00:34:34
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Good job man!
Posts: 319
By Eijii 2012-12-26 00:42:09
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Awesome stuff man!
Server: Phoenix
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user: suji
Posts: 962
By Phoenix.Suji 2012-12-26 01:36:13
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Since you mentioned Maschu +2, it wouldn't hurt to also mention its one minor boon which is that it's easier to X-hit than Ukon.
Guide Maker
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ejin
Posts: 528
By Ragnarok.Ejiin 2012-12-26 02:10:31
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I'm willing to add any requested sets. Just specify buffs, High/Middle/Low tier for gear, and what mob you're fighting.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Cantontai
Posts: 1,008
By Bahamut.Cantontai 2012-12-26 02:14:12
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Ragnarok.Ejiin said: »
I'm willing to add any requested sets. Just specify buffs, High/Middle/Low tier for gear, and what mob you're fighting.

We talked in PM, and I really doubt anyone besides me will give a ***about this, but a Low/Middle set for career mages who got NNI gear might be cool. I know a lot of my DD friends are getting Nares set for no reason right now, so I guess it could go the other way in more cases than mine.
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