The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide

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The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide
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Posts: 224
By Acacia 2015-01-09 10:31:04
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Crevox said: »
Messing around with Nirvana and all that, opinions on the weapon aside...

Any methods/ideas/strategies people use to get the Aftermath effect going in groups on higher level content? Seems like it takes a very long time to build up to 3000 TP to make use of it, and in something like T2 Delve or a battlefield, it seems impossible due to accuracy issues.
Bring a COR or have a SAM give you some. Also you can get the Regain augment on Moonshade Earring if you're willing to give up Refresh.

Although I generally don't bother with Aftermath unless I'm doing lower level content. It doesn't seem to add much to BP damage and since Avatars die pretty quick on higher level content the extra melee damage isn't that important.
Posts: 807
By Crevox 2015-01-09 14:59:23
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since Avatars die pretty quick on higher level content the extra melee damage isn't that important.

I'm more worried about the extra damage it adds on BPs.

I think if I can run with some SAMs I know I can convince them to transfer me 2000 TP and pop an Icarus Wing or something.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Garota
Posts: 251
By Ragnarok.Garota 2015-01-10 19:26:18
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Acacia said: »
Crevox said: »
Ragnarok.Garota said: »
jopa said: »
So for Raise II/Reraise II/Pacifying Ruby, it would be OK to switch to Esper Stone +1 for Blood Boon? Those BPs are completely fixed, right?

Every BP: Ward.

No, you would not want it on something like Slowga. The accuracy would be diminished greatly.
Yeah, my bad, I meant to say any enhancing BP ward.

Oops, okay yes, I meant to say that. Also, brings up a point I've been curious about. For enfeebling BPs, would it be better to equip Pet: M.Acc or Smn. Skill? And similarly for highly evasive mobs for melee BPs, Pet: Acc or Smn. Skill?
Posts: 807
By Crevox 2015-01-10 20:00:47
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From what I can tell from looking around online, Summoning Skill is around 0.8 - 1.0 acc/macc per skill (I heard someone even say it was 2 skill per 1 acc/macc) for Blood Pacts.

When it comes to enfeebling BPs like Slowga or Crag Throw, I go based off that, which usually means the flat macc is better, often times if we even assume the worst (2 per 1).

Even for main hand, I use an augmented Keraunos (+37 macc) over Nirvana. Nirvana is +30 INT/MND, so even under optimal scenarios, it should still end up being worse than +37 macc.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Papesse
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By Carbuncle.Papesse 2015-01-10 22:28:18
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Nirvana was All stats +30 only for Lv 101 avatars (basically, pets get a high increase in stats at Lv 100) and that was before the 12/10/2013 update.
I will quote some data I posted on BG about avatars stats and their lvl, maybe this could interest some people.

Pre update
Nirvana (Lv 101) : All stats +30
Convocaller (Lv 106) : All stats +47 (same as Forefront Animator)
Nirvana + Convocaller (Lv 108) : All stats +53
Dashavatara Sachet (Lv 113) : All stats +70 (same as Alternator)
Nirvana + Dashavatara Sachet (Lv 115) : All stats +77 (same as Eminent Animator)
Seraphicaller (119) : Most likely All stats +89 (same as Divinator) but I didn't have it yet and can't confirm

Post update
Convocaller (Lv 106) = All stats +54 (161 INT)
Dashavatara Sachet (Lv 113) = All stats +80 (187 INT)
Eminent Sachet (Lv 115) = All stats +88 (195 INT)
Seraphicaller (Lv 119) = All stats +102 (209 INT)
Nirvana + Seraphicaller (Lv 121) = All stats +112 (219 INT)

So Nirvana gives only an increase of 10 pts in stats for Seraphicaller holders. However, the Lv+2 also grants 4 HP, 74 ATK, 57 ACC, 44 DEF, 44 EVA (slightly less since I take into account the +10 STR/DEX/VIT/AGI) and other bonuses hard to quantify but I could see a difference in resists between Nirvana and Astralwatcher in Incursion and Woh Gate, before the Pet ACC/MACC update. I'll be surprised if MACC Keraunos can surpass Nirvana.
Posts: 807
By Crevox 2015-01-10 23:36:34
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Ah, well if it actually does more than just the +30 stats, than yes, that would probably be worth using over macc Keraunos. I was simply going off data provided.

I think testing the resists between a high macc Keraunos and Nirvana would have to be done to ensure it though. Astralwatcher has no macc at all. 57 ACC off of the Nirvana kinda helps prove Nirvana would be much better though.
Posts: 224
By Acacia 2015-01-11 10:30:53
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Because I'm insane...
Posts: 807
By Crevox 2015-01-11 15:02:23
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I have the same set. I also have similar things for MATK, acc, etc, in the pieces where it's warranted.

Every Summoner should. It's easy to get the macc augments when you're going for the other things.
Posts: 224
By Acacia 2015-01-11 16:31:37
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Crevox said: »
I have the same set. I also have similar things for MATK, acc, etc, in the pieces where it's warranted.

Every Summoner should. It's easy to get the macc augments when you're going for the other things.
Yeah, with that set I don't miss debuff BPs ever except maybe Incursion... because Incursion is ridiculous.

And here's my other Hagondes augments :)

And now when I'm trying to get MAB augments for a SCH set all I'm getting are pet augments -.-
Posts: 224
By Acacia 2015-01-12 16:24:35
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Verda said: »
I've been researching about Pet PDT and MDT. I guess it used to not have a cap and the cap now is about 87%?

Does anyone have an Avatar PDT/MDT set for summoner and are there still useful situations for it?
This is best set you can make for Avatar DT:
ItemSet 331791

It should give your Avatar MDT-25% MDT-21% and PDT-62.5% (because Avatars have a native PDT-50%). I use this set all the time when soloing harder stuff. Although I will swap in some more refresh if needed.

Edit: Also Diabolos has a 30% defense bonus and Phalanx so he makes a slightly better tank then the other Avatars. Although his BPs aren't as great.
Server: Asura
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user: Rakshaka
Posts: 26
By Asura.Rakshaka 2015-01-12 18:11:40
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With all that pet m.acc gear, are you able to land Pavor Nocturnus with any consistency?
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 87
By Phoenix.Rumblepakk 2015-01-12 18:26:22
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Acacia said: »
Verda said: »
I've been researching about Pet PDT and MDT. I guess it used to not have a cap and the cap now is about 87%?

Does anyone have an Avatar PDT/MDT set for summoner and are there still useful situations for it?
This is best set you can make for Avatar DT:
ItemSet 331791

It should give your Avatar MDT-25% MDT-21% and PDT-62.5% (because Avatars have a native PDT-50%). I use this set all the time when soloing harder stuff. Although I will swap in some more refresh if needed.

Edit: Also Diabolos has a 30% defense bonus and Phalanx so he makes a slightly better tank then the other Avatars. Although his BPs aren't as great.

WHere do you get the Ebur feet?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 87
By Phoenix.Rumblepakk 2015-01-12 18:45:35
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what are the materials though? i tried research, cant find anything
Server: Siren
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user: Noxzema
Posts: 228
By Siren.Noxzema 2015-01-12 18:47:45
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They're the white version of the Ebon Galoshes, which are a synergy synth, need Ebon Clogs, and Aptant: Haelan.

Also wouldn't Handler +1 and a NQ be better if you're going for a straight turtle build? (Unless they don't stack, then nvm.)
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Garota
Posts: 251
By Ragnarok.Garota 2015-01-12 20:25:48
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Ooh, obscure SMN boots! I had no clue those existed. Only knew about Koschei Crackows for an Avatar Defense Build. I wonder how much each compares to one another.
Server: Siren
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user: Inuyushi
Posts: 507
By Siren.Inuyushi 2015-01-12 20:49:47
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Siren.Noxzema said: »
They're the white version of the Ebon Galoshes, which are a synergy synth, need Ebon Clogs, and Aptant: Haelan.

Also wouldn't Handler +1 and a NQ be better if you're going for a straight turtle build? (Unless they don't stack, then nvm.)

Yes they stack, so it would give PDT-7% over the -5% from the earring listed. But no MDT in the earring slot if that matters.
Posts: 224
By Acacia 2015-01-13 13:53:04
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Phoenix.Rumblepakk said: »
what are the materials though? i tried research, cant find anything
They start out as these:

Ragnarok.Garota said: »
Ooh, obscure SMN boots! I had no clue those existed. Only knew about Koschei Crackows for an Avatar Defense Build. I wonder how much each compares to one another.
Koschei Crackows and Ebon/Ebur/Furia Galoshes have the same pet: def.

Siren.Inuyushi said: »
Yes they stack, so it would give PDT-7% over the -5% from the earring listed. But no MDT in the earring slot if that matters.
It would be 3.5% with Handler's HQ+NQ since it's multiplicative with the native 50%. With Rimeice and HQ you'll get 2.5% PDT and 1% MDT.

Verda said: »
Great answers!

Also we get Stout Servant II so is that multiplicative or additive and was that inlcuded in your calculation Acacia?

That'd be an additional -5% to all damage taken, if additive.
I completely forgot about Stout Servant. So yeah, those numbers would be wrong, but I'm not sure if it's additive to the native bonus or to the equipment bonus.
Posts: 224
By Acacia 2015-01-13 14:13:09
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Verda said: »
Thank you for the info! Can I ask how all that too interacts with Atma of the Ducal Guard?
Atmas are always considered equipment bonuses, but I'm not sure if the equipment DT caps at 50% for pets like it does for players.
Posts: 224
By Acacia 2015-01-13 14:45:39
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I did some testing against 1000 needles. With no pet:dt armor my Avatar took 234 damage and with the set above it took 173 damage. So without any pet:dt an Avatar has about -53.2% PDT and with the set it has about -65.4% PDT.

That seems to indicate that Stout Servant is part of the equipment bonus and thus multiplicative to the native 50%. The variation between the two is probably just due to rounding issues.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Garota
Posts: 251
By Ragnarok.Garota 2015-01-15 00:02:55
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Welp, stats for iLv119 Yinyang Robe +1 have been .dat mined. My prediction for stats was totally off! :D I don't know how to feel about it.

Shomonjijoe +1

DEF:127 HP+50 MP+85 STR+21 DEX+20
VIT+21 AGI+21 INT+29 MND+29 CHR+29
Evasion+41 Magic Evasion+80
"Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Haste+3%
"Blood Pact" ability delay -8
"Refresh"+3 Avatar: Enmity+14
Unity Ranking:
Avatar: "Magic Atk. Bonus"+25-30
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By 2015-01-15 00:03:55
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Posts: 807
By Crevox 2015-01-15 00:06:21
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It's terrible.

All this is good for is the one more refresh, which, at this point, is all over the place and MP isn't really a huge problem. It's better than nothing, but, certainly not something that will actually help us out.

Woo, I guess.
Posts: 150
By Refia1 2015-01-15 00:08:11
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HUH that is rly bad, why se. Atleast pet haste, pet dt or BP-2 ><
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By 2015-01-15 00:08:35
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