Asura: Best/Latest Accomplishments - Lazerz Pew Pew *('-')

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Asura: Best/Latest Accomplishments - Lazerz Pew Pew *('-')
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Asura.Futchy 2008-01-18 13:35:13
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Figured as a good starting point these forums we can start positive. Thread says it all, post your best/latest accomplishments here.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: zuku24
Posts: 10
By Asura.Zuku 2008-01-21 07:02:38
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Sky access :o
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Futchy 2008-01-21 11:48:40
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Nice, grats Zuku
Server: Asura
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user: Nolar
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By Asura.Nolar 2008-01-24 07:38:21
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Well I got some of Sea
And I am 5/5 on Double Attack merits now.
Server: Asura
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user: Lycoris
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By Asura.Lycoris 2008-01-31 23:58:47
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Unlocked Evisceration last night.
After 2 years of having my dagger o' trials in my MH. ^^;
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Futchy 2008-02-01 17:56:30
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Server: Asura
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user: Msmith
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By Asura.Msmith 2008-02-03 20:07:50
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I got Lycoris to join my LS lol and got the GaeBolg polearm for drg
Server: Asura
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user: Nolar
Posts: 97
By Asura.Nolar 2008-02-07 17:55:10
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Most recent are:
Finished ToAU Missions
Finished CoP Missions
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Futchy 2008-02-13 01:02:59
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Server: Asura
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By Asura.Malekith 2008-02-24 02:53:07
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I beat Bahamut in Storms of Fate today! Giga Flare what?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 12
By Asura.Futchy 2008-03-04 07:36:10
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xD big grats
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [31 days between previous and next post]
Server: Asura
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user: Aeldas
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By Asura.Aeldas 2008-04-03 22:15:57
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I made the mistake, yet again on trusting people in the game. I was camping for the r/e equivalent of fuma kyan. And I got a tell from Nuthella, saying that let's party up and camp this NM in a stress free way. We random on the drop and so I said sure.. sound fair. He goes on to tell me how he was like 0/27 on this .. and I could understand it because I've been 0/15 on it still. As luck would have, I was by myself camping for Quu while he went over to Mee to camp. Once I saw that Quu had pop, I had the option of disbanding party and claim NM for myself. I choose the righteous path and honor my words, but that got back fire. And so of all time, the NM did drop Sarutobi Kyahan. So, I told him to lot and see who gets it. He change the status to being the quartermaster and got the drop without lotting. Of course, when I saw the green dot I knew it was over and frustrated that someone could be that low. I wrote this because I think people should know who this player is.. or better yet the true person behind this character. I told myself just think of it as a claim that drop the strider sword and move on. And so I will move on, but just had to get my story out. Let's hope people like him will understand it's a game...and that it's not nice to play the game like that.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2
By Asura.Guardianmio 2008-04-07 07:27:28
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That really sux Aeldas! I've never had something likat happen. I had where I was helping a friend with Bounding Boots and a nother person claimed he/she would help claim. Well lizzy popped and the boots droped my friend lotted, and i passed. Then I told the other guy to plz pass, instead he/she lotted and won the boots and then disbanded and blisted me and my friend. I forget the name of the butthead. Pissed me off really bad, Had to camp it again, luckily it popped again and dropped it. Hey least i can say i'm 2/5 agaist it.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 12
By Asura.Futchy 2008-04-25 16:57:24
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damn;; some ppl.
Server: Asura
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user: Shaawn
Posts: 5
By Asura.Shaawn 2008-05-19 19:10:01
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Well after 6 years of off and on play I have finally...I repeat finally gotten a char to level 60

lol, took me long enough I suppose.

However I have also leveled up Cooking to 60 in just over a week. So now I will continue my goldsmithing to 100 now. I have been sitting at 34 and not touched it in almost 2 years.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Devilray 2008-05-29 20:18:34
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God, I really feel for you guys after reading your horrible NM camp stories. I'm glad no one has done that to me yet.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [56 days between previous and next post]
Server: Asura
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user: Celene
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By Asura.Celene 2008-07-25 03:23:52
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I got my first piece of RDM AF on this character. >_> That's about it, hehe.
Sorry to hear about that, Aeldas. I've had that happen to me thankfully only *once* on my last character before she was deleted, but still. Sad to see bad things happen to good people. I'd really like to know why people do such selfish things.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [70 days between previous and next post]
Server: Asura
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user: Bitesized
Posts: 157
By Asura.Bitesized 2008-10-02 23:56:39
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lvl 10 pup. Yus
Server: Hades
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user: Hiryo
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By Hades.Hiryo 2008-10-03 06:23:09
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Got my THF finally to level 50 finally ^.^
Server: Asura
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user: yoshikii
Posts: 5
By Asura.Yoshikii 2008-10-04 09:52:40
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Elite Einherjar!
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Malekith 2008-10-04 13:21:02
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I just got BLU up to 75 and on the day I dinged I got my last spell! Magic Hammer found it! This makes my 3rd 75 and it just gets easier every time... :D
Server: Phoenix
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user: Caclax
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By Phoenix.Caclax 2008-10-13 00:53:12
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bst to 66.. 13/15 for maats cap.. 2 to go 62smn and 0brd so close..
Server: Asura
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user: Leesil7
Posts: 10
By Asura.Leesil 2008-11-03 11:50:41
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lolbrd <33 and grats Cac ^^
Server: Asura
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Posts: 66
By Asura.Twitchiepooh 2008-11-03 21:17:42
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I made a second account, and I finally got subjob on him a while ago. Haven't been too active with the game lately. Almost a year playing, and my highest lvl is 40 so far. >.<

I think my duo combination will be pretty awesome though, when I bring them both to level, got a lot to catch up on. Ninja to 37 for Twitch, and WHM/BLM/DRK/NIN 37 for my little guy Kidlightstar, and then get him to 40 on RDM, and duo with Twitch's BST40. I think it's going to be fun. =)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vann
Posts: 2
By Asura.Vann 2008-11-19 08:36:39
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Got SAM to 53! D: Mnk to 15 and BST to 15. only 2 besides RDM under 30 :( and drk is 25 >.>
Server: Asura
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user: Ventuse
Posts: 6
By Asura.Ventuse 2008-11-19 14:33:58
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got my summoner to 75 that makes 5 75s so far, and I am going to try to kill promathia tonight. I hope we win, that'll mean I'll get to finally get a rajas ring!
Server: Asura
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user: winger
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By Asura.Mystikangel 2008-11-19 15:43:43
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dang, that's almost as bad as someone stealing an entire linkshell bank and transferring to asura.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Fumant
Posts: 8
By Cerberus.Fumant 2008-11-19 23:21:31
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or as bad as the creator of this thread taking 50mil from someone to complete his relic, hecatomb legs and ridll and transfering servers where he doesnt have to pay the gil back.
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