The Beast Within -- A Guide To Blue Mage

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The Beast Within -- A Guide to Blue Mage
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Server: Caitsith
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user: Trebold
Posts: 3,341
By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2016-04-08 13:14:34
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Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
I find convert devotion and curaga a hell lot more of an asset than yoran being a better single target WHM can provide.

That being said I wish I could have both. I heard Yoran doesn't get slept. Which sounds odd to me.

Both do get Convert. And both seem to have significant resistance to silence, sleep, paralyze, and other enfeebles - especially during Trust boost campaign.
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By 2016-04-08 13:41:33
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Server: Sylph
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user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2,087
By Sylph.Oraen 2016-04-08 16:44:54
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Takisan said: »
Sylph.Oraen said: »
My VD fights on the dragon normally consist of Qultada, Yoran, Selh'Teus, King, and Arciela. Tons of AoE heals, and I keep diamondhide active at all times to avoid oneshots.

So you fight with all trusts in range? Have you tried pulling the dragon away and trying trusts that don't move up to the mob? Just curious.

I just fight with them all in range. We're able to recover from every attack very easily, so it's no big deal.
Posts: 174
By Takisan 2016-04-08 21:41:13
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Sylph.Oraen said: »
Takisan said: »
Sylph.Oraen said: »
My VD fights on the dragon normally consist of Qultada, Yoran, Selh'Teus, King, and Arciela. Tons of AoE heals, and I keep diamondhide active at all times to avoid oneshots.

So you fight with all trusts in range? Have you tried pulling the dragon away and trying trusts that don't move up to the mob? Just curious.

I just fight with them all in range. We're able to recover from every attack very easily, so it's no big deal.

Apururu casts "Curaga V. "Dang, out of mp time to convert"
Sombra Dragon farts.
Apururu is defeated by Sombra Dragon.

Since I am having trust issues with my spreadsheet what do you guys think of this for a AM3 store tp build?

ItemSet 343012

Herculean aug 29 acc and 5 Dual wield
Rosmerta's cape: 20attack/acc, Dex 20, crit hit 10%
Carmine path B
Adhemar path A
Dampening tam and Samnuha tights max
Note: ideally a STP path cape but needed the accuracy. Setting dw III via spells or sub job this gives 35% DW. Setting job trait Accuracy V, main / off AG Tizona/Almace I see 1204 acc no Ionis or vorseals.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11,681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-04-08 22:06:17
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What exactly is your goal with such a build?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2,087
By Sylph.Oraen 2016-04-08 22:11:25
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Don't use DW on your Herc Vest. That's what Adhemar is for. The only glaring changes I see are that Ainia is bad. Just not good. Swap that for Combatant's. Telos usually pulls ahead of cessance, but not the easiest earring to pick up.

If you want a STP belt, I'd suggest Kentarch +1 unless you really need the extra accuracy. Drop the carmine greaves for Herc 4TA, especially since you mentioned accuracy.

Crit Rosmerta's is actually exceptional for Tizona. It's a little behind STP, but not by much. That combined with Adhemar Bonnet and our native crit bonus apply a very nice boost to our damage.

Honestly, you're a little all over the place with the set. I'm not entirely certain what your goal for it is.

Also, when it comes to trusting the spreadsheet, you should. Nightfyre is actually competent with their management, unlike myself, and his most recent release is excellent.
Posts: 174
By Takisan 2016-04-08 22:48:31
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said: »
What exactly is your goal with such a build?

Just looking for some suggestions. I have been following the sets posted on the first page but we dont have any Tizona stp focused sets there. High acc High STP set that could be used for sombra dragon VD but just ideas for an AM3 set in general. Probably not possible but 2 stepping to ws also.

Sylph.Oraen said: »
Don't use DW on your Herc Vest. That's what Adhemar is for. The only glaring changes I see are that Ainia is bad. Just not good. Swap that for Combatant's. Telos usually pulls ahead of cessance, but not the easiest earring to pick up.

If you want a STP belt, I'd suggest Kentarch +1 unless you really need the extra accuracy. Drop the carmine greaves for Herc 4TA, especially since you mentioned accuracy.

Crit Rosmerta's is actually exceptional for Tizona. It's a little behind STP, but not by much. That combined with Adhemar Bonnet and our native crit bonus apply a very nice boost to our damage.

Honestly, you're a little all over the place with the set. I'm not entirely certain what your goal for it is.

Also, when it comes to trusting the spreadsheet, you should. Nightfyre is actually competent with their management, unlike myself, and his most recent release is excellent.

Thank you!
I dont have adhemar body yet but isnt it like TA3 vs STP 3 basically when you consider the two pieces + augments assuming path A?

I notice u say drop the carmine feet for herc with TA4. When using AM3 TA4 +TA2 > STP 7 and DA3? If thats the case then wouldn't my herc hands with TA2+3 & Quadruple attack +2 > Adhemar hands path A (TA3 + STP 6?) Just curious about the reasoning.

Kentarch +1 is only good if ur like in first place unity tho right? Apururu is often times 3rd here so ;_;

Kind of surprised to hear that. Yea I didn't put adhemar bonnet path A in there because I was lacking in acc so bad. Dampening tamp max gives a serious boost not to mention all the quadruple attack.

Yea I guess wouldn't need to go with Ainia Collar just through that much stp is hard to get in neck slot and I was able to get 1214 acc so I was over my 1200 limit by atleast 10.

The goal was, since I was doing Sombra dragon on VD and you mentioned having 1200ish acc, to make a STP set since I just obtained Carmine feet. So very high STP for Tizona AM3 and atleast 1200 acc was my goal. I have at times with sam roll done two step with AM3 up on tenzen VD so I will probably not be able to with this set but I'm going to try it out.

Yea I was messsin around with the spreadsheet trying to compare two sets when I noticed something odd. I had the highest tier TP and CDC set in A and B was my set. I was changing A then decided to take it back to the highest tier and I noticed I couldn't get the same results (ws dmg, tp to ws, ect) as there was before when I first downloaded it. Maybe I messed something up.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
By Ragnarok.Afania 2016-04-08 22:50:53
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Takisan said: »
Fenrir.Nightfyre said: »
What exactly is your goal with such a build?

Just looking for some suggestions. I have been following the sets posted on the first page but we dont have any Tizona stp focused sets there. High acc High STP set that could be used for sombra dragon VD but just ideas for an AM3 set in general. Probably not possible but 2 stepping to ws also.

Sylph.Oraen said: »
Don't use DW on your Herc Vest. That's what Adhemar is for. The only glaring changes I see are that Ainia is bad. Just not good. Swap that for Combatant's. Telos usually pulls ahead of cessance, but not the easiest earring to pick up.

If you want a STP belt, I'd suggest Kentarch +1 unless you really need the extra accuracy. Drop the carmine greaves for Herc 4TA, especially since you mentioned accuracy.

Crit Rosmerta's is actually exceptional for Tizona. It's a little behind STP, but not by much. That combined with Adhemar Bonnet and our native crit bonus apply a very nice boost to our damage.

Honestly, you're a little all over the place with the set. I'm not entirely certain what your goal for it is.

Also, when it comes to trusting the spreadsheet, you should. Nightfyre is actually competent with their management, unlike myself, and his most recent release is excellent.

Thank you!
I dont have adhemar body yet but isnt it like TA3 vs STP 3 basically when you consider the two pieces + augments assuming path A?

I notice u say drop the carmine feet for herc with TA4. When using AM3 TA4 +TA2 > STP 7 and DA3? If thats the case then wouldn't my herc hands with TA2+3 & Quadruple attack +2 > Adhemar hands path A (TA3 + STP 6?) Just curious about the reasoning.

Kentarch +1 is only good if ur like in first place unity tho right? Apururu is often times 3rd here so ;_;

Kind of surprised to hear that. Yea I didn't put adhemar bonnet path A in there because I was lacking in acc so bad. Dampening tamp max gives a serious boost not to mention all the quadruple attack.

Yea I guess wouldn't need to go with Ainia Collar just through that much stp is hard to get in neck slot and I was able to get 1214 acc so I was over my 1200 limit by atleast 10.

The goal was, since I was doing Sombra dragon on VD and you mentioned having 1200ish acc, to make a STP set since I just obtained Carmine feet. So very high STP for Tizona AM3 and atleast 1200 acc was my goal. I have at times with sam roll done two step with AM3 up on tenzen VD so I will probably not be able to with this set but I'm going to try it out.

Yea I was messsin around with the spreadsheet trying to compare two sets when I noticed something odd. I had the highest tier TP and CDC set in A and B was my set. I was changing A then decided to take it back to the highest tier and I noticed I couldn't get the same results (ws dmg, tp to ws, ect) as there was before when I first downloaded it. Maybe I messed something up.

Not trying to troll or anything, but someone with double AG doesn't have adhemar body???
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: speedyjim
Posts: 516
By Bismarck.Speedyjim 2016-04-08 22:51:41
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You can switch unities for the top one each conquest tally.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Excalin
Posts: 118
By Quetzalcoatl.Excalin 2016-04-08 23:08:54
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Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Not trying to troll or anything, but someone with double AG don't have adhemar body???

For some people that ***doesnt drop.
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By 2016-04-08 23:12:21
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Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11,681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-04-08 23:36:28
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Tizona AM3 doesn't radically alter gearing paradigms at this time. When you consider all the multiattack we have access to nowadays and the use of an offhand weapon, AM3 only increases average hits/round by about 15~20%. Rarely is that enough to affect which item is best in a given slot due to the quantities available. Generally you're either looking at a particularly strong combination of stats (with STP, DW, etc) or a relatively large quantity of QA/TA/DA relative to whatever else you might use in that slot. Rosmerta's is a rare exception to that trend.
Posts: 174
By Takisan 2016-04-09 01:21:26
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Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Not trying to troll or anything, but someone with double AG don't have adhemar body???

Nah, I agree with the sentiment.

AG Tizona
AG Almace

Meh, See you when I see you.
Adhemar body

I'll accept any and all crests you wanna donate Afania and Floppy!

Bismarck.Speedyjim said: »
You can switch unities for the top one each conquest tally.

<- diehard Apururu clan member lol. But no I get where ur comin from one of my ls mates does that.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Sylph.Lionsheart 2016-04-10 14:36:54
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Hi, new to BLU only been 99 for a weeks so have a few questions.

I'm only up to 55 merits so I have the 70 BLU points but I see in the guide I should stick with certain skills until I reach the 100 and 1200 job trait bonus. Would using the highest tier DD spells really be less DPS then the the lower one that's recommended for me (High tier DD Spec 68 BLU points?

Also about the Moonshade earring, I couldn't find what I should pick for the stats on it or if it's still even the best piece for CDC? And I have a Colada but only one, I'm off handing Iris is that a good choice?

Here's my current TP and CDC gear, any ideas on ways to improve are much appreciated. Still working on some pieces.


Ammo: Ginsen
Head: Adhemar bonnet
Neck: Asperity necklace
Ear1: Suppanomimi
Ear2: Brutal
Body: Rawhide vest
Hands: Herculean gloves
Ring1: Epona's
Ring2: Rajas
Back: Bleating Mantle
Waist: Windbuffet+1
Legs: Herculean Trousers
Feet: Herculean boots


Ammo: Jukukik feather
Head: Adhemar bonnet
Neck: Fotia
Ear1: Ishvara
Ear2: Brutal
Body: Rawhide Vest
Hands: Adhemar wristbands
Ring1: Epona's
Ring2: Begrudging
Back: Bleating mantle
Waist: Fotia
Legs: Herculean Trousers
Feet: Thereoid greaves
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Sabishii
Posts: 230
By Asura.Sabishii 2016-04-10 14:51:18
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CDC doesn't work well with Ishvara earring, the WS damage only affects the first hit of any WS, and CDC is a 3 hit WS.

You pick moonshade earring with ATK or ACC and TP bonus.

Rawhide vest is decent until you get a good augmented herculean vest, or an adhemar jacket. Wouldn't Samnuha Tights be better for CDC unless you get a really good DEX, ACC/ATK, etc. augment on them?
By Afania 2016-04-10 15:26:02
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Sylph.Lionsheart said: »
Hi, new to BLU only been 99 for a weeks so have a few questions.

I'm only up to 55 merits so I have the 70 BLU points but I see in the guide I should stick with certain skills until I reach the 100 and 1200 job trait bonus. Would using the highest tier DD spells really be less DPS then the the lower one that's recommended for me (High tier DD Spec 68 BLU points?

Also about the Moonshade earring, I couldn't find what I should pick for the stats on it or if it's still even the best piece for CDC? And I have a Colada but only one, I'm off handing Iris is that a good choice?

Here's my current TP and CDC gear, any ideas on ways to improve are much appreciated. Still working on some pieces.


Ammo: Ginsen
Head: Adhemar bonnet
Neck: Asperity necklace
Ear1: Suppanomimi
Ear2: Brutal
Body: Rawhide vest
Hands: Herculean gloves
Ring1: Epona's
Ring2: Rajas
Back: Bleating Mantle
Waist: Windbuffet+1
Legs: Herculean Trousers
Feet: Herculean boots


Ammo: Jukukik feather
Head: Adhemar bonnet
Neck: Fotia
Ear1: Ishvara
Ear2: Brutal
Body: Rawhide Vest
Hands: Adhemar wristbands
Ring1: Epona's
Ring2: Begrudging
Back: Bleating mantle
Waist: Fotia
Legs: Herculean Trousers
Feet: Thereoid greaves

First thing I noticed is that unless you have dw augment on herc, you aren't capping dw with dw3.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Isiolia
Posts: 455
By Asura.Isiolia 2016-04-10 15:34:33
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Sylph.Lionsheart said: »
I'm only up to 55 merits so I have the 70 BLU points but I see in the guide I should stick with certain skills until I reach the 100 and 1200 job trait bonus. Would using the highest tier DD spells really be less DPS then the the lower one that's recommended for me (High tier DD Spec 68 BLU points?

It'll wind up being weaker, yes. The point of setting most of them is for traits. Without the 100 and 1200 gifts, you're not automatically boosting the tier of applicable traits. So, for instance, you'd be setting DWI instead of the DWIII a 1200+ JP BLU would be getting.

Until you get the JPs, you need to allocate more space for things like Dual Wield, and that's what those lower tier spell sets do. Obviously, you can also offset some of that with gear as well.
Server: Odin
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user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2,255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2016-04-10 16:23:32
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With Wardrobe 2 I can actually care about maximizing my White Wind set now, so looking for improvements.


ItemSet 343072

Hands augmented with HP+60. Head and feet need a combined augment total of 10% Cure Potency. Could be improved with HP augment on Telchine Cap, but I'm too cheap.

This set grants 1290 HP recovered on myself and 993 HP to the party. Your values may vary pending race and spells set.



ItemSet 343073

Hands augmented with Cure potency +8%. Could be improved with HP augment on Telchine Gloves, but I'm too cheap.

This set grants 1145 HP to the entire party. Those unable to obtain Skaoi could use Medium's Sabots for only an 8 HP loss. Your values may vary pending unity ranking, race and spells set.

My self-focused set looks pretty ugly to me and I'm sure I can make improvements somewhere.

Edit: Forgot about the potential of Rosmerta's Cape as a curing piece, but that's probably the last thing I'd make one for so I'm disregarding that at this time.

Double Edit: Right off the bat I noticed I'm missing Oretania's Cape +1 for self-focus.
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By 2016-04-10 17:52:38
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Calatilla
Posts: 2,507
By Asura.Calatilla 2016-04-10 18:36:42
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I'm assuming he updated the main page after his findings, says STR+VIT.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11,681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-04-10 21:06:37
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^that. I never got around to establishing exact fTP/WSC values.

edit: Original post is on page 260. Subduction/magical spell formula/alpha testing continues into page 261.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Tarowyn
Posts: 580
By Fenrir.Tarowyn 2016-04-10 21:41:12
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JP wiki lists 50%STR/50%VIT

You can actually search this wiki in english if you feel like it. And the statistics tend to be put into a table so it's easy to spot even if you can't read japanese.
Posts: 1,450
By fillerbunny9 2016-04-10 21:41:36
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Sylph.Lionsheart said: »
Hi, new to BLU only been 99 for a weeks so have a few questions.

I'm only up to 55 merits so I have the 70 BLU points but I see in the guide I should stick with certain skills until I reach the 100 and 1200 job trait bonus. Would using the highest tier DD spells really be less DPS then the the lower one that's recommended for me (High tier DD Spec 68 BLU points?

Also about the Moonshade earring, I couldn't find what I should pick for the stats on it or if it's still even the best piece for CDC? And I have a Colada but only one, I'm off handing Iris is that a good choice?

Here's my current TP and CDC gear, any ideas on ways to improve are much appreciated. Still working on some pieces.


Ammo: Ginsen
Head: Adhemar bonnet
Neck: Asperity necklace
Ear1: Suppanomimi
Ear2: Brutal
Body: Rawhide vest
Hands: Herculean gloves
Ring1: Epona's
Ring2: Rajas
Back: Bleating Mantle
Waist: Windbuffet+1
Legs: Herculean Trousers
Feet: Herculean boots


Ammo: Jukukik feather
Head: Adhemar bonnet
Neck: Fotia
Ear1: Ishvara
Ear2: Brutal
Body: Rawhide Vest
Hands: Adhemar wristbands
Ring1: Epona's
Ring2: Begrudging
Back: Bleating mantle
Waist: Fotia
Legs: Herculean Trousers
Feet: Thereoid greaves

in addition to what has already been said, ditch the Iris in favor of a Nibiru Blade. the DEX/Acc path is difficult to beat for off hand without top tier Colada augments, provided you get a 2nd or if you upgrade your main hand to Tanmogayi +1
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11,681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-04-10 22:18:19
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Fenrir.Tarowyn said: »
JP wiki lists 50%STR/50%VIT

You can actually search this wiki in english if you feel like it. And the statistics tend to be put into a table so it's easy to spot even if you can't read japanese.
At first I was thinking that might be slightly off, but... I suspect SE capped blue magic pDIF at 3.0 across the board. Still getting 3.0 pDIF on Feather Storm; 804 damage with 95+112 AGI, and apparently they didn't add the 1.0~1.05 randomizer to ranged spells. Ugh. Why.

Alright, here we go:
So 1.0 fTP, 50% STR/50% VIT, and a 3.0 pDIF cap fits perfectly.
Posts: 135
By KnifeKatRengar 2016-04-11 00:44:34
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Odin.Llewelyn said: »
With Wardrobe 2 I can actually care about maximizing my White Wind set now, so looking for improvements.


ItemSet 343072

Hands augmented with HP+60. Head and feet need a combined augment total of 10% Cure Potency. Could be improved with HP augment on Telchine Cap, but I'm too cheap.

This set grants 1290 HP recovered on myself and 993 HP to the party. Your values may vary pending race and spells set.



ItemSet 343073

Hands augmented with Cure potency +8%. Could be improved with HP augment on Telchine Gloves, but I'm too cheap.

This set grants 1145 HP to the entire party. Those unable to obtain Skaoi could use Medium's Sabots for only an 8 HP loss. Your values may vary pending unity ranking, race and spells set.

My self-focused set looks pretty ugly to me and I'm sure I can make improvements somewhere.

Edit: Forgot about the potential of Rosmerta's Cape as a curing piece, but that's probably the last thing I'd make one for so I'm disregarding that at this time.

Double Edit: Right off the bat I noticed I'm missing Oretania's Cape +1 for self-focus.

I don't exactly understand how White Wind works. Why do peopl stack loads of HP+ During White Wind? Wouldn't the standard Cure Potency Set for Self/Party cures be the same?

Or White Wind heals more based on the amount of HP you have, too?

Is this your best gear you have now, or suggestion on what is the best? Thanks.

(I am making a Regen Potency Set now with Wardrobe II for Regeneration. Just sounds so appealing.)
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2,087
By Sylph.Oraen 2016-04-11 00:46:03
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White Wind heals based entirely on your map HP and cure potency/ potency received. No MND modifiers, so we stack as much HP as possible and balance that with potency.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11,681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-04-11 00:47:31
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White Wind cures based on max HP instead of the usual MND/VIT/healing skill. Could've looked it up in the guide or on BGwiki.
Posts: 135
By KnifeKatRengar 2016-04-11 00:48:45
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said: »
White Wind cures based on max HP instead of the usual MND/VIT/skill. Could've looked it up in the guide or on BGwiki.

I did after my post.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2,255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2016-04-11 00:56:20
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KnifeKatRengar said: »
Is this your best gear you have now, or suggestion on what is the best? Thanks.
I have everything except Bomb Queen Ring, Egoist's Tathlum and Skaoi Boots listed in those sets, but I'm capable of getting my hands on them when I stop feeling lazy.
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