Please read this thread before creating a new thread.
[Feel free to PM me if there is a mistake somewhere or you think I should add more information to an answer. I also have not done a single city run since Dynamis changed, so I have zero personal experience with it. I'm typing this in the wee hours of the morning so please excuse typos or grammar mistakes. I will proofread it better when I'm more awake.]
I strongly recommend reading the Dynamis information at BGWiki. It answers pretty much everything I answer here. For those who have the time and are willing to read, I suggest taking a look at BG's Dynamis thread. If you do read it, go all the way through (starting around page 60). There have been adjustments over time, and you don't want to waste time by going off of old information.
Q. Which zone should I do?
CoP zones are the preferred choice since you target nightmare mobs instead of beastman. Beyond that it will come down to preference and competition. I personally prefer Qufim, but Bubu also has some good camps. I don't like Bubu because of how spread out the TEs are in comparison to Qufim. Again, it comes down to preference. Everyone has their own experiences and opinions. I recommend doing research on each zone so you know which mobs you will target and where the TEs are. After that, do 1-3 runs in each zone to get a feel for it.
Tavnazia can only support one group, so unless you are going for a specific drop, don't bother.
Q. Which mobs should I do?
This varies based off of the zone you are doing, and which procs you are going for. JA procs are the most efficient method of procs, but if you find yourself with heavy competition, you may opt to do WS. It also depends on your gear and skill. DC mobs have a higher droprate, but if you're taking 5 minutes per mob, it's not worth it.
Q. Where are the TEs?
Each zone has 4 Impossible to Gauge static TEs at EP beastman camps. This means they will always spawn in the same area. There is also a 5th 'random' TE. This means it will randomly spawn at a group of beastman who do not have a static TE. These beastman are also DC mobs. You can find the maps on BGWiki.
Q. How do procs work?
Your proc color, excluding white, is dependent on how many TEs you kill. You should always kill all 5 TEs. This guarantees you at least one currency per proc, and freezes the mob for a short period of time.
Procs are also dependent on in game time. Each mob has a JA, WS, and magic window. This varies on mob/zone, though you will typically find that 2-3 mob families will share the same cycle.
Magic procs have a ridiculously low chance (supposedly 5%), and are never worth it. WS procs generally aren't worth it due to having to build TP to proc. Also, they nerfed AoE WS procs a while back so you have a much lower chance of proccing mobs you are not targeting. JA procs are the best method of proccing.
White procs guarantee a 100 piece.
Note: PUPs can proc WS with the use of Flashbulb, Strobe, Disruptor, etc.
TE/proc effect chart:
Q. Can I proc magic with spikes, enspell, etc.?
Unconfirmed. [I will have to go through the BGWiki thread again to see what the final consensus was (if there was one). It's been a while since I read the information, and there are still differing opinions here on FFXIAH about spikes working.]
Q. Can I proc during TP moves, casting, etc.?
Q. How do I get a white proc?
You must enter a CoP zone with your subjob locked. This gives you a 1% chance of having it replace your normal proc.
Q. Are white procs worth it?
White procs are practically never worth it while solo. For a duo, white procs should come second to TH. Some people have never seen a white proc after a significant amount of runs. Personally, my trio (me dual box and Sav) averages a white proc every three runs.
Q. Can NMs proc white?
Yes. You can get 2 100s off of a white procced NM. In my experience, NMs are stingy with 100s, and the odds of getting a white proc on one are abysmal.
Q. When a mob is already procced, can it proc white?
Q. What job should I use?
BST/DNC and DNC/THF are two of the more popular and efficient solo jobs. After the TH adjustment for BSTs, their efficiency will need to be reevaluated. (Though they'll most likely still be considered one of the top choices.) THF/DNC and NIN/DNC are also common job choices while solo.
For duo/trio, don't forget to prioritize TH. Simply having /THF will boost your currency amount by a decent amount. If possible, try to have a THF main for increased TH.
Q. Can I unlock my subjob?
Yes, the location you enter at will have a Somnial Threshold that you can click on to unlock the sub. Once unlocked you cannot lock it again during that run.
Q. How much currency should I be getting?
A general consensus that I've seen is that 150 should be the low end of your average. If you're not getting this then you are doing something wrong. You may want to switch your target mobs, choose a less crowded time or zone, or take a look at your gear.
Q. Should I hold a mob to proc it or just kill it?
This comes down to preference, and how often it occurs. Sometimes we will hold a mob for one more round of JAs before killing. Other times we will straight up kill. It depends on if we are waiting on repops or not due to high amounts of competition. Find your balance. Generally, the consensus seems to be not to hold the mob to proc.