oh wow look at that, 150 delay x.x
and trip attack +5%
hot stuff
The Last Dance: Gearing Paradigms For A New Age |
The Last Dance: Gearing Paradigms for a New Age
oh wow look at that, 150 delay x.x
and trip attack +5% hot stuff 5/5 Thaumas/Nares/Phorycs has been confirmed at +15
Gonna be interesting getting the legion gear lol. Shits kinda oldschool.
So it looks like the "Hexed" gear really will be t0 synths. I'm guessing the item to augment the HQ version drops in legion. Since it seems only the HQs are augmentable ... still not much reason to do legion at all, other than entertainment.
Hmmm the Aluh Jambiya seems like a steady off hand if you don't have STR dagger already or...if you didn't feel like making one in the first place
It's a very good knife. Looks a better than the STR Thokcha to me even without knowing how much it increases crit damage by. Toss in 5 or 10% Crit damage and you have a very solid offhand (with Twashtar) or mainhand (without).
It's pretty good for those with only one STR Thokcha and no Coruscanti/Twash even at only 5% Crit damage
I'll wait until they go down to 10k before I get one to play with.
Oynos Knife - 1.1mil NEVER AGAIN I wouldn't pay more than 200K for it. D:
*facepalm* I made a STR dagger to offhand my twashtar just for them to make a comparable AH dagger.
lol Phoenix.Darkzeru said: » *facepalm* I made a STR dagger to offhand my twashtar just for them to make a comparable AH dagger. lol If it's better then the STR dagger ill gladly use it (when the price drops) I just thought it was a troll moment. the -10VIT doesn't bother me much seeing that dnc shouldn't get hit (or atleast as much) anyway
Oh yea right right....forgot all bout that.....
I'm conflicted now.... -.- Well comparing that dagger with the 99 STR dagger Damage wise (including chances of crit) which is better for off hand if you main say.....twashtar.... ...no, the CHR+VIT portion of waltz formula is so pathetic it's not even a problem lol.
Considering Aluh/thokcha if the price goes down. <__<
Sylow you just troll'd me..... GJ >< lol
but seriously which is better off hand damage wise? Ramuh.Laffter said: » Considering Aluh/thokcha if the price goes down. <__< It strongly depends on the CDMG+
I ask because I don't have a Twashtar. :P Only just got the 40 geodes and 15 ifritites to upgrade my dagger today.
Aluh + hokcha is probably a great combo.
Derp, probably sell my Oynos if I get an Aluh anyway. proc haste w/ oynos
switch to better knife profit "Increases Critical Hit Damage" on Aluh Jambiya is +3% Crit Damage
Tested on RNG/WAR in Tiny Mandragoras and Bumblebees using a 20 DMG XBow and 10 DMG bolts Normal Hit: 187 Normal Crit:338 Aluh Jambiya Crit: 345 3% Aug. Byakkos Crit: 345 5% Athos's Body Crit: 350 4% Athos's Leg Crit: 347 Just throwing it in to my gearsets via Motenten's spreadsheet and not adjusting anything, I get it being marginally worse than the STR Thokcha as an offhand for 99 Twashtar spamming Exenterator (<1%). It's marginally better for a 99 Twashtar spamming Evisceration (<1%).
STR Thokcha x2 also beats it/STR Thokcha against every target in Motenten's spreadsheet regardless off the offhand, too (by like ~1%). I'd say it's the best AH-able dagger and is miles ahead of non-99 options or things like Angr Harp, but STR Thokchas are still marginally better. Would totally use it if I were leveling DNC and only wanted to waste 2 weeks of my life doing one STR dagger rather than two since the difference is so small.
That seems to be their goal. They've provided a reasonable alternative to magian weapons that isn't like 5% behind them.
Also, the weapon drop rate can't be super high. Three have sold on our AH and there are only 3 up. I bet the price hovers around 2mil when it stabilizes. 300k on my server <3
At least 20 have sold on Fenrir. Dropped from 1M something to 100K in just a few sells. Now they're all around 300K
Kinda funny, it's like people are allergic to money!
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