same setup
442 101 TP lightningday
ADD : rechecking again, 101 TP, 442 damage
The Last Dance: Gearing Paradigms For A New Age |
The Last Dance: Gearing Paradigms for a New Age
same setup
442 101 TP lightningday ADD : rechecking again, 101 TP, 442 damage I also get 433, but your 110~111 number works out pretty well. If there is a bonus on iceday, it is on the order of 2/256.
floor(floor(.28*(105+85),1)*.85,1) + 99 + 2 = 146 (Damage-32)/146 = AE fTP Formula: floor(256*TP*(3.5-2.75)/100,1)/256+2.75 = AE fTP For 111 TP, AE = 2,8356... fTP Formula: AE = 2,832... fTP um, well then.
410/146 = 2,8082191780821917808219178082192 411/146 = 2,8150684931506849315068493150685 It is between those two. We would expect you to get between 1 and 3 /256 from having 101.?TP. Could you just use Reverse Flourish to put yourself exactly at 100 if possible? Subtracting 2.75 from those numbers and multiplying by 256 gives me +15~16/256, 2~3 of which comes from the extra 1 TP you have. Judging by the Assault weapons, I would bet that it is +12/256. So it is half a gorget. Hmm..
5FM -> RF with Charis Bangles +2 -> 100.0 TP. Gimme 1.5 mins for 2nd NFR. Will update this post soon. ADD: 442 damage still, thundersday, 100.0 TP WELL THEN! That's thoroughly weird. I must be doing the math wrong.
How does other piece work though? It responded to WS SC element instead of its actual element? (Wind for AE)
Skillchain element, so they work with non-elemental WSs too. You could try Hot Shot/Piercing Arrow quickly and then again on Lightsday if you wanted.
I hang out in the wrong forums. I love this thread.
Are you sure those are your stats? Everything makes sense and works out if the base damage is 147.
Simple test, but maybe see what damage the WS does without the gloves? 107 AGI -> 25% -> 26.75
99 STR -> 16% -> 15.84 total : 42.5 -> 42 WSC damage = (99+2+42)*fTP+32 fTP = (dmg-32)/143 183 damage with Athos's gloves on (huh? this is weird, brb.. doing Qilin) ADD: fTP is 1.0559... with gloves on and irrelevant day. Flaming Arrow should've been fTP=1.00 at any TP Hot Shot and Flaming Arrow aren't actually magic WSs. They're hybrid, so I would need to know your bow and ammo before we could calculate your damage.
Right... I forgot that fact.
D5 wooden arrow and D5 shortbow. I didn't stand in optimal distance, so true shot factor is out. ADD: Even then... Damage should be 185.. hmmm Honestly, the values that we have for Flaming Arrow are based purely on the melee part of the equation, which doesn't vary with TP. There has been no testing I know of done on the magic part.
TP modifies the magic part's damage, but I don't know how. Nor do I know how the magic part is determined. Here is the bgwiki page with my most recent testing: Actually, that 183 is exactly right. You forgot Alpha. It doesn't show any fTP effect from the gloves, but Flaming Arrow is weird. Maybe Piercing would be better?
Ronfaure mob definitely won't survive 26*3 damage.
Lakshmi.Byrth said: » Actually, that 183 is exactly right. You forgot Alpha. It doesn't show any fTP effect from the gloves, but Flaming Arrow is weird. Maybe Piercing would be better? Awesome. If possible, you might want to use a higher damage bow/arrow to improve your resolution.
Also, sheep and some of the melee orcs can survive crits with low base damage daggers, (~100 damage), so I assume they could survive a D26 shot. Err... damn, looks like I have to find tougher mobs
All mobs in La Theine is dead at physical damage goes in ((D+fSTR2+WSC)*3), because their HP is only about 160. No magical part to be seen. I'll try Jugner. Updating this post later ADD: I need to find non-piercing weak mob that has HP> 210. ADD#2 : no good, I can't get consistent number on jugner mob, must be my fINT not high enough. Why not just use Piercing Arrow? We don't know how Flaming Arrow's second hit damage is calculated anyway.
I'm HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE and missed some posts apparently, ignore this.
Piercing Arrow has no fire element on it, so I picked empyreal arrow at 100TP:
with Athos's Gloves -> 309 w/o Athos's Gloves -> 297 D5 wooden arrow, D5 shortbow 95+18 = 113 STR -> 16% -> 18.08 99+24 = 123 AGI -> 25% -> 30.75 48.83 ->@->40 d+fSTR2+WSC = 10+16+40 = 66 damage = 66*fTP*3 297/3 = 99 multiplied base dmg => 99/66 = 1.5 309/3 = 103 multiplied base dmg => 103/66 = 1.5606060606 0.06060606... = 2/33 closest /1024 value is 62/1024 although 47/1024 to 78/1024 allowed let me try with higher D bow RQ ADD: 855 Empyreal arrow with Harrier +2 (D100) and wooden arrow(D5) + Athos's Gloves @100TP d+fSTR2+WSC = 105+38+40 = 183 damage = 183*fTP*3 855/3 = 285 285 = 183*fTP fTP = 285/183 = 1.557377.. fTP (+59/1024 fTP) (value 54~64/1024 is possible) I, too, just want say you guys are somewhere between rock stars and gods. Super helpful thread, I been reading on here mostly between VW kills and feeling more educated by every post I read.
I do have a question tho that might have been covered on previous pages but I can't seem to find it quickly. It was about the Coruscanti offhand. What exactly does it mean, that the crit hit rate applies to both hands? (that's what I think I remembered I read). Did that just mean that even if you offhand it, you get the bonus (which I always assumed you did anyway, so I was slightly at a loss there or just derping). And other than the lack of Severe Damage and lower crit hit rate, would the same thing (whatever it is that I'm derping about) apply to Lux Pugio as well? again, thanks for an epic thread, really enjoying it a lot! Keyoku said: » What exactly does it mean, that the crit hit rate applies to both hands? (that's what I think I remembered I read). Did that just mean that even if you offhand it, you get the bonus (which I always assumed you did anyway, so I was slightly at a loss there or just derping). And other than the lack of Severe Damage and lower crit hit rate, would the same thing (whatever it is that I'm derping about) apply to Lux Pugio as well? So, it was assumed for years that critical hit rate on weapons was specific to that weapon because of KS30 weapons like Senjurikio. So if you wore a broken Senju on your main hand at 75, only that hand got the Critical Hit Rate +6%. Coruscanti and Lux Pugio are different because their critical hit rate boost applies to both hands. Severe Damage on Coruscanti actually doesn't work at the moment, but yeah the same thing applies to Lux. Vrytreya, All the other fTP numbers we know of are /256, so I'm going to go with 15/256 for this I think because it matches across both tests. Doh, I guess 16/256 still works too. Well, regardless you have narrowed it down a lot. Could you possibly Jishnu's something to check whether it will work for the Light propety too?
Doh, nevermind. Jishnu's is Light/Fusion so you would have to do it on Wind or Lightningday. Once I got chance to do it on lightsday, yep.
Thing with Jishnu's (and why I didn't pick Arching Arrow either) is that it is a crit WS, so I probably need to do it more than once (assuming I can get 100TP exactly everytime) to figure out. ADD: Hmmm... actually they are less annoying because it has same fTP across 100-300 Well, neither vary with TP and ranged crits are just damage*1.25, so it should be pretty easy to just divide the crits out.
Mekira-oto was shown to activate on any of the days that compose Darkness. It would activate on Earth, Water, Ice, and Darksday for Cloudsplitter, for instance. (and also Wind/Thunder because it is Darkness/Frag) Asura.Vrytreya said: » BTW, Quote: Doesn't assist your main hand damage aside from dDEX crits or WSC for DE/Evis/Rudra when offhanded. Crit rate+ only applies to this dagger. Oh yeah! I forgot to do that. When I unpak my computer later I'll take care of this! :) Greetings from San Fransisco, Dancers! I had to share, but please don't be mad. I went to Upper Delkfut today to skillup marksmanship and got my bomblet in the first brown casket. So excited!
I....what is this I don't even.
Phoenix.Elspetta said: » I had to share, but please don't be mad. I went to Upper Delkfut today to skillup marksmanship and got my bomblet in the first brown casket. So excited! No I'm just kidding, congratulations. Sleep with 1 eye open. :) |
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