Btw Sylow i did some test in Dyna Tav. And i think ur right, I'm convinced there's an acc penalty to this ws now or maybe just cause its AGI based..
Just played with this WS after finishing 3 merit session tonight.
Anyway, I concur with your observation that there might be some acc penalty on this WS. I used 3 normal atma in Abyssea (AoA/RR/GH), normally evis would score a lot more than normal 5-6 hit (TP return 15+), but for Exenterator, I see a lot of 13 TP return.
Target mob was the mini sandworms in A Tahrongi. They rather have higher def than most mob.
Damage can be boosted to 2.6~2.7k with Building Flourish (sometimes can go up to 3~3.4k if the multi hit procs). I guess this is the most practical WS boost we can have for Exenterator. You can also stack it with striking flourish for extra crit chance from your charis tiara +1/+2