MS Paint Challenge Season 2 Episode 50: Director's Cut - The Topicing: YOUR MOVIE TITLE GOES HERE.
I mean, uh, the topic is your FFXI character as the star of your own movie.
Wait, what movie? Turns out you all won Mog Bonanza Rank 6 (the winning number was "1" by the way)and the grand prize is that the MHMU will now fund your own movie. Awesome! Except you have to write, direct, and star in it too.
Or maybe just design a poster or scene starring you in your hit Vana'dielean masterpiece. Hydras on an Airship? Tele-Taxi Driver? Go crazy!
(I realize this is pretty dang similar to another topic but I totally believe in you guys and more importantly, the heart of the cards.)
Official rules:
1. Only MS Paint is allowed for submitted entries.
2. Use IMG tags to post your submission, no URLs please.
3. If you want to play, submit your entry in a reply.
4. Try to post at least one work in progress (WIP) along with your entry in a link or spoiler.
5. No voting for yourself.
6. To vote for someone post a reply saying "I vote for (Name in Bold)"
7. No submitting old works from the original MS Paint Challenges! Should a subject that you did a work for in the last challenge arise, please use a fresh idea!
8. Entry submissions open Sunday, voting takes place the following Saturday. Please try to refrain from casting your vote before then. The winner gets to choose next week's theme.
9. Please limit the quoting of entries to make browsing the thread easier.
10. No soliciting votes.
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