I brewed Rani as THF for an alliance of friends and pickups. Aeolian Edge works just fine, and I used Gales/Beyond/Ultimate. I didn't ask the alliance to take it down to 50%. Since half the alliance consisted of pickups, I also didn't ask them to proc blue !! for me. I was perfectly happy with an earring, and most of all, I wanted to get the win for my friends. I did not want to risk a wipe while waiting for multiple !! procs.
Unless you're standing right next to Rani when a DD procs red !!, you probably won't kill it before the stagger wears off. That's OK. When I killed Rani for my win with a pickup, our brewer (who also used Aeolian Edge) healed it from ~60% to 100% before killing it. For my alliance of friends and pickups, I brewed it down from 95%.
Here's the three most important things to take into consideration (that my tired mind can remember at the moment):
1) Make sure the DDs stay the *** away from Rani while brewing. The last thing you need are more TP moves...especially Amnesia or Charm. While a charmed brewer is hilarious, it's a waste of 200k cruor and possibly the NM.
2) As Nightfyre mentioned,
do not panic! With a lousy Aeolian Edge set, my weaponskills were still taking off roughly 15% - 20% HP each. My first Aeolian Edge healed Rani to 100%. If that happens, just stay calm, stay patient, and focus. Do not WS during spells or TP moves. 3 minutes is plenty of time to take Rani from 100% to 0% if you remain calm.
3) Win first. If people die to AoEs without Reraise when Rani's under 10%, *** 'em. They get credit for the win whether dead or alive. Getting the win for the whole alliance is more important than stalling while the mages raise the schmuck(s) who stood in range of Meteor. If the atma is that important to them, it can be acquired later when everyone has access to 200k brews.
EDIT: Good catch. I totally forgot about the Amnesia screen, even though I used one. It's very cheap at ~200-300 Dominion Notes and it's absolutely worth the purchase.