savant's gown / enhances addendum
Server: Odin
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Posts: 79
By Odin.Terren 2011-12-17 12:24:33
So, I opened this thread ... a very long time ago ... and ironically, I finally have something to add.
I really think there's something to the "sheds all enmity" observations.
I spent the last three days farming for that godawful 99 limit break on a bunch of mobs, but most notably the worms and adamantoise in Gustav tunnel, as well as the bats in Toraiasdlfkjaleij Canal.
I also spent a fair bit of time the last couple weeks soloing similar mobs on BLM for other reasons.
Anyhow, on SCH ... the deaggro rate was unbelievably annoying. At first I thought I was glitching, so I decided to stop kiting the fights and just spam grav and bind on the turtles, and stand really close to the worms I was fighting, to test.
I had worms deaggro 2-3 times per fight, despite casting constantly. On at least six occasions the worms deaggroed immediately after being nuked with bliz 5 - I don't mean "shortly after", I mean they took the damage and it was like I cast "Deaggro V" instead of blizzard....
All joking aside (I know, I'm hilarious) - after more of this, I just ramped everything up and started casting constantly, taking hits even, and it still happened. On turtles, they'd deaggro at least once per fight, sometimes twice. Worms *always* deaggroed at least twice, usually three times. I even had despawns. No delay between castings, I'd be performing an action as often as casting-times made possible.
To test, I brought a friend of mine along on BLM. When he was soloing, he didn't encounter the deaggro phenomenon. But when we were duoing the same mob, they'd frequently deaggro *right after I cast*.
Anyway, wouldn't be posting this if I hadn't been watching it happen for three days now, over at least 18 hours of farming (omg, *** you SE). The only reason I hadn't noticed the effect was that, thank you Abyssea, I hadn't been soloing mobs that take more than one nuke for a while.
I really have to wonder if the "enhances addenda" effect is something akin to "sheds a significant amount of enmity" and is bugged to "all" enmity.
Anyway I plan to solo a bunch on BLM and SCH just for leveling purposes, so I'll do more testing. That being said, all that's really left to be done is actually be engaged with the mob while nuking it. And, you know, write down some numbers or something actually relevant. And spell correctly.
Oh, I think they ninja-improved the accuracy on Modus Veritas, I had it miss maybe 6 times in 100 mobs. Goodnight everybody!
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By Binahel 2012-02-23 17:01:02
I encountered the same phenomenon while running around.
Any more tests done on this issue? :)
necroposting time!
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Terren 2012-03-10 15:37:57
I did informal testing after I posted; Gustav Adamantoise/Worms, Bats/Skels/Scorps in Torai, some mobs in the tree and I think one other location that has completely escaped me. It was roughly 200 mobs, we had some really crappy luck on final limit break drops.
In entirely unscientific, useless terms, this is the trend I observed:
1. Mobs would randomly deaggro after I nuked them if I was solo, often immediately after a nuke, and at all range of distances, including 5'. Kiting within 20', 5 seconds or less between actions.
2. Duo with another caster, in this case, a BLM, the same deaggro phenomenon occurred, almost always after my nukes, and not the BLM's. There were a few anomalies but I attribute that to a delay. We didn't kite outside of 20', and there was never more than 5 seconds between actions.
3. In a party with melee, the deaggro never occurred, but I noted not taking hate from a percentage of nukes that really should have pulled hate.
So I really think it's a "occasionally sheds significant enmity" but it's glitched and can actually shed all enmity.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-04-01 20:41:07
Person 1: sch/blm, Person 2: rdm/blm, person 3: thf/war.
Test 1:
person 3 grabs a lvl 0 mob (tiny mandy), Person 1/2 both cast stoneskin, Person 1 has af3+2 and light addendum up. Both aspir mob. Each in turn casts cure1 for 0 hp on themselves.
After 50 casts (each), hate was still bouncing after every cure.
Repeat with poisona (an addendum: white only spell) with 2-3second wait between casts for VE to decay, hate was still bouncing after every cast.
Repeat with Dispel (an addendum: black only spell) with 2-3second wait between casts for VE to decay, hate was still bouncing after every cast.
Going to do some preliminary tests for VE next, as nothing stood out in the above CE testing.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-04-01 21:33:38
Test 2:
person 3 grabs a lvl 0 mob (tiny mandy), Person 1/2 both have stoneskin up, Person 1 has dark addendum up. Person 1 casts aspir. Person 1 equips af3+2 body. People 1/2 stun at the same time(allowing for some minimal error).
H0: Mob always goes for person 1 after stuns
H1: Mob occassionally attacks person 2 after stuns
20 trials in I've seen 1 potential abnormality. I need to go do real events so likely it for testing tonight.
Edit: if anyone has ideas for, or critiques about, tests please dont be afraid to post!
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-04-03 00:21:13
Test 3: person 3 grabs a lvl 0 mob (tiny mandy), Person 1/2 both have stoneskin up, Person 1 has dark addendum up and is wearing af3+2 body. People 1/2 cast aspir 30times(remaining below CE cap). count any SS cecasts.
H0: Enmity stays even.
H1: Enmity does not stay even.
Result: 2 trials, neither saw an even 1 CE drop in expected enmity.
Test 4(similar to test 2): Person 1/2 both have stoneskin up, Person 1 has dark addendum up and is wearing af3+2 body. Person 1 pulls a lvl0 mob with silence. wait for VE to decay. People 1/2 cast flash at the sametime.
H0: Mob always goes for person 1 after flashes
H1: Mob occassionally attacks person 2 after flashes
40trials, mob always attacked person 1.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-04-03 00:31:27
Results summary 1:
1) the abnormality in test2 is undeterminable, it was one of my first tests and I was not having mages stand right next to mob. It appeared to run for person 2 for a moment before running to attack person 1, but very easilly could have been stupid pathing.
2) after 250 casts of all types of spells, I have never seen 0 CE return. of those, 160 were addendum spells. Along the same lines, I never saw a random deaggro.
3) After 60 casts of spells, I did not observe a decrease in expected CE return. All 60 were addundum spells.
4)80 casts of spells did not see VE lowered more than approx 300/210 for respective tests give or take for minor timing differences. Of these, none were addendum spells.
1) The gown does not appear to ever wipe CE completely. I assume the deaggros were player error or a glitch that has since been patched.
2) It does not appear to affect CE as of the moment, but I do not yet have sample sizes large enough to support this for low proc rates. I'm acting on the assumption that its somewhere around a 10% proc rate, which is a .1% chance of seeing no procs. Even as low as a 5% proc rate, the probablility of seeing no procs in a trial of sample size 60 is still below 5%.
3) It does not appear to lower the total VE of nonaddendum spells. I'll be testing VE of addendum spells next, along with attempting to test enmity decay rate.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 1,925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-04-03 13:02:36
whm/rdm pulls a mob with slow. wait for VE decay. sch/blm w/ addendum white up casts erase on whm. time how long it takes to move back to whm. expected=(481-201)/60=4.666seconds (I used my cell phone stopwatch, which goes up in grouped miliseconds, so actual miliseconds are up to 15 off.)
10 trials in af3+2 body a range of 3:14-4:05, mean of 3:40
5 trials not in af3+2 body 4:12-5:03, mean 4:70
Conclusion: There appears to be a static VE modifier on addendum spells. This could either be a lowered initial value, or increased decay rate.
test6: whm/rdm pulls a mob with flash, then casts cure1 on themself 20 times(400CE total). scholar casts aspir w/ addendum white up, not wearing af3+2 body(320CE total). sch equips af3+2 body, and casts RR(1CE 80VE)
H0: mob momentarilly targets sch.
H1: the mob stays targetting whm.
2 trials, both observed H1. The VE modifier applys to initial VE.
test7a: whm/rdm pulls a mob with flash(380CE). The scholar casts aspir w/ addendum white up, not wearing af3+2 body(320CE total). sch equips af3+2 body, and casts RR(1CE 80VE).
H0: mob momentarilly targets sch.
H1: the mob stays targetting whm.
Observed H1.
test7b: keep casting RR until H0 is observed.
H0 was observed on the 3rd RR cast. test7 was repeated 2 times with this same result.
conclusion: RR when cast in af3+2 body gave 1 CE and enough VE at 322CE to match 380TE. Thus Reraise gave, 57VE, a 28.75%~ decrease in VE from its expected 80. My testing partner had to go, so I wont get to confirm this for other spells until later tonight.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-04-03 15:51:36
test 8a:
sch pulls w/ blind, stun, aspir (CE701)
whm aspirs three times (CE960)
sch casta paralyna until pulls hate. 6th cast
conclusion: supports that VE is affected, disproves the idea it was a flat ammount.
test 8b:
whm casts cure1 for 0 on self three times
sch casts stoneskin
Sch pulls hate
conclusion: VE reduction definitally only applys to addendum spells.
Didn't get the exact value for erase or dispel or other na spells yet. I did notice something strange trying to use cure5 as a known enmity value, I think SE might have changed it from 400CE, but I didn't do the test yet to confirm that.
Edit: I just noticed sch gets tranquil heart. Most of my tests I included control tests w/o af3+2 but I didn't note which. will be doing that next time I go out.
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Server: Odin
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By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-05-06 21:06:42
Necro! I reactivated a mule so I could get back to testing this. First thing I did was test some spells to find tranquil heart. No enmity gear, not wearing af3+2
lvl sync to lvl 92
blm pulls with stun 21 0cure1s (401TE)
sch aspir (320TE)
5th RR pulls hate (325CE+XVE=401, X=76)
RR as a 92sch is 76VE
no lvl sync
blm pulls with stun 16 0cure1s 396 (396TE)
sch aspir 320 (320TE)
3rd pulls hate (323CE+XVE=396, X=73)
RR as a 99sch is 73VE
conclusion: Sch gets tranquil heart 3 and it does affect RR.
Test if tranquil heart affects erase:
sch blind 201
blm stun*2+aspir 680
VE decay
sch erase pulls hate (682)
rdm 4 0cure1s (684)
sch's erase doesn't pull hate (683)
Conclusion: tranquil heart doesn't affect erase as this is expected 481enmity return.
Test af3+2 body on erase:
sch pulls with aspir, then equips af3+2body (520)
blm casts stun 5 times (900)
VE decay, then sch casts erase until pulling hate
sch pulls hate on 4th cast. (900-524=376)
376/480=.783333333, 21.7~ decrease in enmity.
return to reraise number
57/73=.7808 22~ decrease in enmity.
Next up
Need to return to na spells, and test dispel
Server: Odin
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Posts: 1,925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-05-06 23:22:16
So, a bit confused. (this is actually what I typed in my txt file as I did it :3)
sch blind 201
blm stun+aspir+3*cure1 for 0 503
sch paralyna pulls hate ???????
sch blind 201
blm stun+aspir 500
same results. some enmity value is wrong
sch blind 201
blm stun 180
wait for VE decay
21 0cure1s blm pulls and keeps hate
sch aspir 320
blm stun x3 340
sch 20 0cure1s pull and keep hate
testing values correct.
The idea -na spell enmity is off so much bugs me. Can someone that gets free time see if their -na spells are 300VE like its listed on kaeko's enmity table? I don't think i'm doing something wrong but...
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Server: Odin
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By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-11-10 09:20:03
So I forgot I was doing this....for quite a while>.>
Since no one tested enmity values I went out and did some myself and I'm still getting the same results. I would still appreciate if someone could spare a few minutes to replicate this because I'm really hesitant to claim that Kaeko's enmity numbers are wrong. It isn't impossible some of the enmity values got changed since when he did it, but still. Anyway, tests so far this morning:
both 99sch/blm, no af3+2 body used:
test 1: Finding paralyna's enmity value
sch1: blind+pull=201
sch2: aspir+stun+23 0cure1s=523
sch1 pulls hate after 3 paralynas
conclusion: paralyna is 1VE 319±1 CE. Could be slightly off, I was trying to have rabbit be doing nothing, but i'm not sure I was successful so adding a potential error onto the numbers.
compared to previous enmity of af3+2 body 253/319=.79VE 21%~ reduction.
Test 2: Dispel test
sch1: blind+pull=201
sch2: aspir+stun+3 0cure1s 0cure1s=503
sch1 pulls hate after 1 dispel
sch1: blind+pull=201
sch2: aspir+stun+23 0cure1s=523
sch1 pulls hate after 4 dispels
appears to also be next to 1VE 320CE
Server: Odin
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Posts: 118
By Odin.Warusha 2012-11-10 09:39:47
Tranquil Heart was added since Kaeko's testing was complete. Furthermore, we have no idea if Tranquil Heart is increased as levels exceed level 30. Keep up the good work :)
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Byrth 2012-11-10 09:40:30
Well, we have some idea:
We just don't know which levels Scholar gets by 99. Also, the last time I re-tested it I got wildly different results, as if they had increased Tranquil Heart substantially when they buffed Cures.
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By Sylph.Knala 2012-11-10 09:52:57
Hmm wonder if VE plays some random role in it all, that is VE has to be capped before hate resets? just conjecture.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-11-10 09:53:04
I'm 95% sure sch gets tranquil heart 3 based on
lvl sync to lvl 92
blm pulls with stun 21 0cure1s (401TE)
sch aspir (320TE)
5th RR pulls hate (325CE+XVE=401, X=76)
RR as a 92sch is 76VE
no lvl sync
blm pulls with stun 16 0cure1s 396 (396TE)
sch aspir 320 (320TE)
3rd pulls hate (323CE+XVE=396, X=73)
RR as a 99sch is 73VE
conclusion: Sch gets tranquil heart 3 and it does affect RR.
from earlier. What is bothering me is that I'm getting higher enmity values than Kaeko has listed. That is on the assumption tranquil heart doesn't affect them. They would be even higher if it does.
Going out now to test if na spells are affected by tranquil heart. I have above that erase isn't, but that was before I noticed enmity values not matching up. If it does affect na spells a decent number of my values work for the body being right around -20 enmity.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 118
By Odin.Warusha 2012-11-10 09:55:05
@Byrth does that mean that accession + erase still produces crazy enmity values?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Kimora 2012-11-10 09:58:27
Tranquil Heart has only one level, its effect is increased as your healing magic skill gets higher
Server: Odin
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Posts: 118
By Odin.Warusha 2012-11-10 10:00:15
@Fafnirs not be condescending, but I noticed all your numbers have TE instead of VE or CE. You're allowing VE to decay before the next spell is cast, right? Glad my testing doesn't involve actively paying attention :P
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-11-10 10:00:52
@Fafnirs not be condescending, but I noticed all your numbers have TE instead of VE or CE. You're allowing VE to decay before the next spell is cast, right? Glad my testing doesn't involve actively paying attention :P Edit: actually I use TE as total enmity, i'm pretty sure all of them are to compare who should have hate at the moment the spell casts.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Warusha 2012-11-10 10:00:59
@Kimora could we have a link to the testing and methodology? That's impressive if it's true!
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Kimora 2012-11-10 10:03:31
It is told for version update notes that it was added, at least Japanese notes.
※「トランキルハート」のみ、回復スキルによって段階的に効果が上昇します。 ※2011年5月18日追記。
Tranquil heart effect increases with healing magic skill
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-11-10 10:10:51
It makes me want to /fume when JPs get to know all the tricks!
...jokes aside that is cool to know. Has any testing been done on how much healing magic affects it? If not I could switch to messing w/ that as its making figuring out enmity on some stuff tricky anyway.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Kimora 2012-11-10 10:11:42
There is nothing that I know about, sorry
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-11-10 10:12:30
Np, gives me more stuff to do while I listen to music. BACK TO TOWN TO GET ALL MY HEALING SKILL GEAR!
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Byrth 2012-11-10 10:31:11
lol, that explains why I got dramatically different results on the Test Server (where my healing skill auto-caps) compared to the main server (where my healing skill is ~300.)
Thanks for the info!
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-11-10 11:08:25
Tranquil Heart Test 1: RR w/ 480 healing magic
sch1 pulls with stun 20 0cure1s (400TE)
sch2 aspir (320TE)
sch2 pulls hate on 5th RR
Tranquil Heart Test 2: RR w/ 350 healing magic
sch1 pulls with stun 20 0cure1s (400TE)
sch2 aspir (320TE)
sch2 pulls hate on 5th RR
test 3: 420 healing magic
sch1 pulls with stun 16 0cure1s 396 (396TE)
sch2 aspir 320 (320TE)
sch2 pulls hate on 3rd RR
I wish I still had my 92 sch char still. By casting 4 fewer cures(4CE), I shaved off 2 casts (only 2CE) of RR. There wasn't an observable difference between the first two tests despite 130 healing skill. Might have something to do w/ CE.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Kimora 2012-11-10 11:31:19
Savant gown effect is -10% enmity for spells that are cast with appendix. Does not work when using enlightenment to cast appendix spell without appendix active. Using -50 enmity with armor or pax, savant gown, and merited chapters will allow SCH to have -80% enmity. 100*.4(-50 armor and -10 gown)*.5(merit chapter)
I hope this saves you time ^^
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-11-10 11:40:44
Again, do you mind showing a source? I'd be happy to be done w/ this especially because -10% enmity that doesn't apply to gear cap would be pretty nice, but almost all my numbers are showing it around 20%. It wouldn't be the first time I was wrong though, and this whole enmity systems giving me hell on getting repeatable results.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Kimora 2012-11-10 11:51:31
It is clarification of their twitter comment.
http://wiki.ffo.jp/html/23089.html this is all I can give you link for, I do not want to search through all their twitter things
So, after quest spamming and some damn annoying NMs (eff u Ironclad Smiter), I have my Savant's Gown +1 and am on my way to a +2.
For the life of me I have yet to figure out what "Enhances Addendum: Black / white effect" does. Admittedly while running around atma-hunting tonight I didn't really have a break to just sit and test stuff, but apart from the OMG AWESOME NUKE BODY effect, I didn't see anything weird or new happening.
Anyone know what is being "enhanced"?
I've had the set bonus kick in a few times now, that's pretty neato.