Trying to bridge the NA and EU ppl into a weekend event shell.
Its target for ppl who wanna do events and play with some dedication but does have a life or family outside... Big events are only made in weekends at time so both NA and EU ppl can join (starting EU evening NA morning/midtday).
Attendance rules are so far not planned. Its meant to have fun
Abyssea NM's
lowman limbus
lowman dynamis
Astral burn
MKD ASA ACP Quick runs (for atmas for abyssea)
Nations missions help (for atma's)
Are on the plans but will be adjuster according to members wishes
level 78+ wished but not necessarily needed, if you can bring something for the shell you are always welcome.
Old endgame/HNM veterans who wanna get into a more Relaxing environment are very welcome
/tell GiaRorshack on Titan