Reisenjima T1 Strats?

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Reisenjima T1 strats?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2016-05-28 09:55:58
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you can use any element effectively, and COR obviously would be fine just throw the PLD in a second party and let them buff the mages
By Verda 2016-05-28 10:57:18
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I've found ice does more than fire to Sabotender Royal but both work.

If you're farming, THF's easiest solo is Selkit imo and without 1 hours SMN solo is pretty slow but very fast if you get SCH or GEO. SCH easiest solo is the buggard hands down though morbol can be easy solo too. BLU's favor'd solo is probably the course Belphagore. WAR can solo Taelmoth really well for some reason. I know a BLU who would solo the Tonberry for stones, he'd self chain and then burst lightning aoe. Not sure on other jobs but there ya go, hope it helps.
Posts: 8306
By Afania 2016-05-28 11:18:50
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Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Yeah I'm gearing SCH but it's nowhere near ready so I'm having to go COR. Any decent setups which include COR? What are the BLMs nuking other than Death? Comet? Death uses up a ton of MP and has a long recast. Is the SCH only doing Gravitation? Also how can the mages take care of the aura when it rarely casts spells? By the time we find the weakness everyone's about dead.

This is how blm death setup goes,
Put COR in the same pt as BLM and give regain rolls so BLM can recover MP with myrkr. You can maybe use fast cast roll for death recast too.

On cor start with 3000 tp, have sch do distortion SC like above poster said, pop all the temps including soldiers and close darkness with leaden, then BLM can MB death off it.

If your cor and blms are strong it should be dead, if not then it will manafront. Use quick draw (in empy feet)that's opposite of the nuke elements, and have blm and geo nuke the opposite element to proc.

Once you proc use temps to get TP back again, then repeat step one to kill it. If blm death is on recast then nuke comet instead.

You can use items to remove poison if I remember correctly(been a while), to make your healer life easier just ask everyone to remove their own poison if mages can't do it, but if you have a real healer it shouldn't be an issue tbh.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-05-28 14:47:50
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I merc these NM's, so here are my general strats. Of note I do not have heavy caster jobs, I'm THF, COR or RUN and my GEO alt.

Belphegor (Corse) - I go COR or RUN and savage blade. My GEO melee's and hexa strikes to open light. I do my best to let Amchuchu tank because of the charm.

Crom Dubh (Dullahan) - Two strategies: If you have a "real" tank, Aegis PLD or just a RUN in solid DT, COR wildfire or any nuke setup is perfectly fine.

If you want to bring melee, I've had success using MDB buffs. Magus roll and Indi-fend allowed me to melee on COR and wildfire it, trusts still occasionally died but my characters survived. Maybe adding on Indi-fade would make things safer as my GEO has an Idris.

Dazzling Dolores (Morbol) - Blink tank, light SC / fire damage. For an easy clear I go RUN/NIN DD, vex/frailty from my GEO, melee on geo to open light for savage blade. Dolores levels up when it "heals", and you can blink lashes and avoid dealing darkness damage to it rather easily. Fire damage will reset level ups if you're an idiot and keep Arciela on as a trust from a previous kill.

Golden Kist (Mimic) - MAGIC EVASION. I use Runeists roll on COR, sometimes have my GEO come /whm to barpoison. As soon as it pops I indi-attunement. Usually attunement + runeists let me fully evade death trap. That takes care of the first major issue. The 2nd issue is zombie aura. Malaise from my GEO, and use the correct QD shot from COR and nukes on GEO usually has no issue resetting in time. You're going to have a bad time if you aren't avoiding death trap and dealing with zombie though, so MAGIC EVASION.

Kabandha (Ahriman) - Back tank, otherwise he's annoying but easy.

Mauve-wristed Gomberry (Tomberry) - When I dualbox it now I utilize two tanks and go as COR. Wildfire spam to keep my hate low and keep hate on my trust tanks. If you're doing this as a full group you need your tanks to reset tonberry hate, but trust tanks have no tonberry hate as a default so lets you get around that. This is another one where magic evasion is huge, so runeists + attunement. Barblizzara and barparalyzra to avoid para/bind. My GEO nukes and generally one -ra 3 resets, but I usually cast two to be safe as it has some weird resistance I haven't yet figured out sometimes.

Oryx (Monoceros) - Can't use GEO debuffs, barthunder + barpara + indi-attunement to keep para/silence landing and keep tp moves from owning you. Try using crit WS from the front to break horn but it's so irregular just accept it's going to be a slow fight.

Sabotender Royal (Sabotender) - You need to either be able to burn it down quickly below 40-50% or accept your tank is going to die if you need some more time. I'd say this is probably the hardest one for new groups to get down because it's the tightest DPS race, the rest of the fights can be more controlled and longer, but ??? needles is no joke. If I want to be 100% certain of winning I bring my COR friend and go as THF. Malaise/frailty with Rudra > Leaden > Rudra usually destroys it. And if not, the COR is at range to finish it off after ??? needles gets me. Always have reraise though...always.

Sang Buaya (Bugard) - Silence and win. This can be hard though as I often need to bring out focus/languor to land it on my GEO, so alternatively I'd try barthunder + attunement to avoid the stuns. He takes magic damage perfectly fine, so a regular SC+MB strat is probably ideal as I think you also outrange the stun too.

Selkit (Scorpion) - Have multiple people capable of taking damage. DT works with Hell scissors, so maybe a double PLD setup, otherwise just burn it. The faster you kill it the less likely it'll get his more annoying tp moves off.

Taelmoth the Diremaw (Soulflayer) - Pure melee setup. PLD aegis tank during Azure Lore can probably/hopefully survive and have melee run out during it in case it tries to AOE. Otherwise pure attack buffs and burn it. Barblizzara for spectral floe though.

Zduhac (Greater Bird) - Never had an issue, but I'm a THF and big birds are my forte. I just burn it down, but might need attunement if not geared for that.
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: stratusx
Posts: 180
By Odin.Horu 2018-07-28 08:42:56
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I do apologise for the neo bump this is gonna do, however I didn't want to make another thread just for this.
I wanted to say about my testing and to request confirmation that the requirements for breaking Oryx's horn isn't crit attacks from the front, but any physical WS from the front, I'v used howling fist on monk, savage blade on rdm, tachi fudo on sam of cause all at 2-3k TP to get maximum dmg since I lack proper gear or support to increase dmg further.
While its not 100% chance to proc (Seeming more like 20%-60% as long as your above 3k dmg (Since i got a break at 3.2k dmg) with the rate being higher the higher your dmg), I would presume the rate is based on the amount of damage dealt over all per WS or perhaps how much per hit since some WSs multi hit for combined hi dmg(Maybe even physical attacks could do the job if they are 3k+ per hit if this is the case).

I lack player support or the proper gear to test it further, however I got it multiple times on those jobs, so could someone else confirm if this works for them too and update BG wiki when they see for themselves, try to aim for 5k+ dmg as its not 80%+ chance, but showed to be more promising than less than 5k
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: stratusx
Posts: 180
By Odin.Horu 2018-07-28 08:53:19
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As a side note for oryx, rdm with bar fire and bar amnesia and addle 2 evades thunder spear's "amnesia" amazingly, even if it lands, its resisted alot
Edit:Added amnesia for thunder spear as that was what i was refering to, thunder spear itself is more or less normal dmg
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