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Posts: 34
By Nellarie 2016-03-22 10:15:11
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A few nights ago, my Corsair friend and I tried Shedu just to see how well we would do. We didn't win, but came very close and ended up timing out. We have an idea of a 6-person group that might win, and I wanted to check with the forums to see if it would work.

During our attempt, we ran with PUP, WHM, COR, BRD, RNG, THF. While the thief was alive, we were doing very sound damage to Shedu doing about 10% of it's health per minute. However, the thief died frequently from the AoE damage. My puppet was able to survive the enthunder quite well with Harly+Soul Soother, 2x light maneuvers and 1x Fire. However because of that, my Strobes were generating less enmity, and the thief would occassionally pull hate. However, even without the thief being up, the corsair and ranger were hitting very well. We ended up timing out at about 30% even without the thief.

So the next time we try we were thinking of trying:



PUP, COR, WHM, RDM (or geo), RNG, RNG

The thinking is that with PUP tank working so well on Shedu with 2x light, rangers would be best DD due to less enmity generation while dealing consistent damage from a safe distance. The whm and I stand over 30 yalms away behind the rangers. We also thought about bringing Blue mage with an MAB set or spam Glutinous Dart.

Has anyone else tried a similar strategy on Shedu, or does anyone have any suggestions?
Server: Cerberus
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user: KupoNuts
Posts: 1214
By Cerberus.Avalon 2016-03-22 10:20:11
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I've actually cleared Sarama, Shedu and Thu'ban using all BLU's.

PLD GEO (or WHM) + BLU BLU BLU GEO GEO WHM is what I use more or less.

You can technically go 6 man on these using BLU BLU BLU GEO GEO WHM or replace 1 BLU with a COR (provided the 2 remaining BLU's are at the top of their game on gear/JP's, etc), but it's not advisable for Sarama without a PLD due to 100 Fist spam.

EDIT: I know this wouldn't apply to everyone but having a Yagrush WHM really really helps for these NM's.

Having 2 GEO's really does wonders and just about trivializes the AOE damage - to an extent.

Since BLU's do a CDC spam campaign, you simply do:

GEO #1: Indi-Vex Geo-Attunement Entrust Fury
GEO #2: Indi-Frailty Geo-Torpor Entrust Haste or Precison (depending on what's needed for your specific DD's)

Thu'ban requires that BLU's set spells for both physical AND magic due to the obvious phases of the Hydra, so GEO#2 would need to adapt the geocolure spells from physical to magic, and so on.
By 2016-03-22 10:41:23
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Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 9921
By Asura.Sechs 2016-03-22 10:50:42
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Since for some reason the height trick doesn't work for Shedu, you really have no way to get away from the nasty Fulmination.
Also you need to be wary of another dangerous TP move that does knockback, a shitton of damage and applies some debuff (Turbulence?).
I'm not sure what procs that move, maybe standing on the sides/back? Standing in front seems to proc 99% of the time other TP moves, in particular lithic breath, which petrifies but it's easy to deal with.

The strategy I used was developed by Draylo and it's pretty similar to the one created previously by Ruaumoko.

BLUx2, GEOx2, third buffer (can be COR or BRD), WHM.
Six people.
Everybody stand in range to benefit from Attunement, but only the BLUs in front.
BLU can easily alternate Mighty Guard and cap their magic haste, reducing the number of buffs the buffers have to give them and hence increasing the number of different buffs they can use.

The strat is basically the same, BLUs need to keep defensive stuff (especially Occultation) up while zerging the ***out of Shedu spamming CDC back to back to do Light. That also procs, with a certain % chance, Shedu. Proccing terrorizes Shedu and cancels his dangerous dangerous dangerous Hundred Fists.
I warmly suggest AGAINST going with 3x BLUs. Too much TP spam and more people to heal/care of for the WHM, it just makes it messier.

Buff wise I was using Vex/Attunement (could argue on the use of BOTH of them, one is probably enough but I wanted to play it safe), Frailty, Torpor, entrusted Fury taking turns with the other GEO, not sure what the COR would use (Chaos/Sam?) neither the BRD (Minux4?).

Basically zerg it down, proc it during hundred fists, use your defensive buffs and hope for it too die before it pulls of too many fulminations (if any at all) or you're gonna wipe.
GEOs can help with healing as well, and also debuffing. As a GEO myself I managed to land Frazzle, Distract, Dia2, Paralyze, Slow, Blind pretty easily, considering my gear isn't even top-knotch.
We could debate the utility of those debuffs now lol... but whatever.

Ruaumoko's strat was the same but more defensive.
He had one GEO (the one using Frailty) swapping to Wilt during Hundred Fists, but other than that it was pretty much the same strat if I recall.

Despite that, it still requires pretty awesome BLUs to deal enough damage in a short time, and they also require 2100 JPs.
If that's not enough you can try using Bolster.
Can take turns using Bolster and then go to Jeuno to reset?
If even that is not enough just give up and try again another time with different people I guess lol

People like to brag and say "pffff it's ezy!" but I think Shedu is still quite a challenging fight for a lot of people.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1131
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2016-03-22 10:58:40
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Nellarie said: »
My puppet was able to survive the enthunder quite well with Harly+Soul Soother, 2x light maneuvers and 1x Fire.

Y u do dis?

You have 2100 JP, so it's not a lack of JP that's your problem. What is your attachment setup? What about your equipment? You shouldn't ever need Double Light, except to speed up recovering from something really brutal.
Posts: 1447
By fillerbunny9 2016-03-22 11:09:51
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we went with BLU, BLU, GEO, WHM, and RUN to try and tank. Shedu has some weird hate mechanics that rendered the RUN unable to tank, but nigh invulnerable to his TP moves. melee needs 1200+ accuracy to reliably hit, but a good Vex/Attunement keeps the melee mostly safe until Hundred Fists. at that point, BLU are relying on Occultation and procs to stop HF. switching the RUN to GEO will just speed things along, allowing for Fury/Frailty, and if you really want a 6th, you can pull a Trust WHM or BRD to give you some extra oomph or survivability. WHM needs to have a good Bar-spells (Thunder and Paralyze) set, and Divine Seal/Caress/Veil the Paralysis will offer the party additional resistence. Shedu is not hard, but your gear and players need to be on point; the more people you take in who are not rocking items like RMEA and high/capped CP, the more uphill the battle will become.
Posts: 34
By Nellarie 2016-03-22 11:40:23
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Hmm. I am going off of memory because it has been a while since I've looked at my Harly+SS loadout, but I think it was:

Strobe 1 & 2
ARK 4 & 1
Armor Plate 3 & 4
Mana Jammer 3 & 4
Target Marker Optic Fiber

My gear was ItemSet 341061

For the most part I was maintaining 2x fire and 1 light when I could, but when Shedu turned on his enthunder, my puppet would take a lot of damage. So I used 2x lights + Repair to survive it. It murdered my puppet with my VE+SS without shell. After I switched to Harly+SS though, tanking was much smoother, though I might be able to improve my puppet setup for the best survivability while maintaining enmity from strong melee jobs (if we use any strong blus).

I appreciate all of the advice from everyone, but the only problem with the BLU zerg strategies is that I don't play blue mage lol. I am currently PUP or DNC onry. So I'm looking for a viable DD+support set up where I can tank with pup.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 139
By Asura.Boogerballs 2016-03-22 12:03:32
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The main thing you want to remember is you want to kill it before it kills you. Pup isnt capable of putting out the numbers necessary to pull this off. X2-3 blus x2 geos and a whm will kill this np. For geo buffs use vex/attune and frailty/fury and have the geos rotate entrust precision. With this set up you're looking at 2 min kills if your blus dont suck. Also make sure atleast 1 blu has sweeping gouge set. You'll be surprised how many blus forget about this spell.
By Verda 2016-03-22 12:25:21
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Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
Or just don't use RNG or THF.

BRD is junk compared to a GEO.

I lead kills on it using my THF another THF and BLU, a few times the blu died, as did THF, but some runs carried by the THF's, so isn't like THF can't do this. We also used GEO and BRD, stacking buffs is good. Full setup was thf thf blu geo brd whm with offparty pld smn whm rdm rng geo. Pretty sure SMN can kill this too as a primary DD, if multiple of them or using 1 hours. Would prob been easier with smaller group, but wanted to be inclusive as possible and it was more fun this way. We failed one run, the third one. It was a while ago but I remember getting overconfident and removing my light DT gear (just dring, dt neck and dt cape), so prob don't do that, most fights were very quick however and iirc darkness proc'd it.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1131
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2016-03-22 12:48:35
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Nellarie said: »
Hmm. I am going off of memory because it has been a while since I've looked at my Harly+SS loadout, but I think it was:

Strobe 1 & 2
ARK 4 & 1
Armor Plate 3 & 4
Mana Jammer 3 & 4
Target Marker

Looks right, and I am sure it is an oversight but Optic Fiber isn't on the list. Since you are using ARK 4+1 and Flashbulb, I know you have space for it so I presume you just forgot to list it. Might be worth double checking it though, we all make oversights.

Gear looks top notch, I'm just presuming your augments are ideal on Oberon's and Taeon.

As for how to actually kill it, we just BST burn it. That boogerdude clearly didn't bother to read your post, so I'd just ignore him altogether. That said, pretty much everyone else is right about taking Geomancers. I know they can be a *** to find, but they make fights like this one so much easier. Vex+attunement is the bee's knees. But if you can get down a way to just not die, Rangers/Corsairs can kill the dude.

Not everyone is concerned with doing things the fastest/most efficient way. I think it's far more interesting to figure out a way to use jobs you want to actually play to do content you want to do, rather than just doing what everyone else does. Some people don't have time for that and want to just crush content as fast as they can, and that's cool. But some people are more interested in the journey rather than reaching the end.
By 2016-03-22 13:00:58
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Posts: 34
By Nellarie 2016-03-22 13:06:23
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Asura.Boogerballs said: »
Pup isnt capable of putting out the numbers necessary to pull this off

I'm not bringing puppetmaster for DD. I'm tanking Shedu and my puppet does about as much damage as a paladin in tanking gear. We ended up timing out with our first set up, so survival-wise, we were okay. We're trying to go for more safety than speed for this, but we just need a little more oomph.

We also don't have enough blue mages in our LS that are 2100 jp, let alone have the gear necessary for a tank-less blu zerg strat. So we're working with what we have, and trying to find what we should put in the last 2 party slots.

I should also clarify that we are pretty much locked in with PUP RNG COR WHM for our shedu group. Our RNG and COR both did very good damage on Shedu and didn't have any accuracy problems, but it wasn't enough by themselves to finish him.

So the question is what should we use for our last two party slots. Should we add 2 more DD, or one DD and one support? And what jobs would you suggest that would compliment our party?

Currently I'm thinking that RNG + RDM (or geo) might work with the rdm keeping flurry II on the ranged jobs while debuffing Shedu. But would that be better than adding two more DD instead (preferably ranged)?

Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »
Looks right, and I am sure it is an oversight but Optic Fiber isn't on the list

Yes, I always use Optic Fiber, forgot to add it to the list. and agreed on the other points too :p
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: KupoNuts
Posts: 1214
By Cerberus.Avalon 2016-03-22 13:13:02
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Nellarie said: »
Asura.Boogerballs said: »
Pup isnt capable of putting out the numbers necessary to pull this off

I'm not bringing puppetmaster for DD. I'm tanking Shedu and my puppet does about as much damage as a paladin in tanking gear. We ended up timing out with our first set up, so survival-wise, we were okay. We're trying to go for more safety than speed for this, but we just need a little more oomph.

We also don't have enough blue mages in our LS that are 2100 jp, let alone have the gear necessary for a tank-less blu zerg strat. So we're working with what we have, and trying to find what we should put in the last 2 party slots.

I should also clarify that we are pretty much locked in with PUP RNG COR WHM for our shedu group. Our RNG and COR both did very good damage on Shedu and didn't have any accuracy problems, but it wasn't enough by themselves to finish him.

So the question is what should we use for our last two party slots. Should we add 2 more DD, or one DD and one support? And what jobs would you suggest that would compliment our party?

Currently I'm thinking that RNG + RDM might work with the rdm keeping flurry II on the ranged jobs while debuffing Shedu. But would that be better than adding two more DD instead (preferably ranged)?

Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »
Looks right, and I am sure it is an oversight but Optic Fiber isn't on the list

Yes, I always use Optic Fiber :p Forgot to add it to the list.

You need 2 GEO's.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1131
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2016-03-22 13:31:27
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Nellarie said: »
I should also clarify that we are pretty much locked in with PUP RNG COR WHM

Ranged strategies don't really have any use for a White Mage :/

Nellarie said: »
Currently I'm thinking that RNG + RDM (or geo) might work with the rdm keeping flurry II on the ranged jobs while debuffing Shedu.

I think the best thing to do in your particular setup would be to make the White Mage go /RDM and Flurry 1 your DDs and Dia 2 the mob(Light shot for upgrade, obvi) Gain AGI is also a thing. Bring a Geomancer for Frailty+Fury, have the COR roll Samurai and Chaos. Last slot should either be another Ranger or Corsair. Hopefully your Rangers/Cors have preshot gear and don't need much more than Flurry 1, but if they aren't/don't have it then it might be better to have a second Cor for Coursers roll. You'll get more out of that overall than bringing a Red Mage.

I cannot at all remember if Shedu took reduced magical damage or not, but if he isn't resistant to dark/light ***then Last Stand > Trueflight > Jishnu's is a good triple step light for your setup. If you have two CORs, you can Leaden > Trueflight > Leaden > Wildfire for a four step double dark if your opening COR can get TP fast enough to close. If you have two CORs, it'd be worthwhile to use Wizard's roll if you are going the magic route, and use Malaise and Acumen from the Geomancer.
Posts: 34
By Nellarie 2016-03-22 13:34:17
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Okay, we'll try with 2 geos if we can find them! :D One more question though

Cerberus.Avalon said: »
GEO #1: Indi-Vex Geo-Attunement Entrust Fury
GEO #2: Indi-Frailty Geo-Torpor Entrust Haste or Precison (depending on what's needed for your specific DD's)

I don't know a whole lot of geomancer tricks, but is there a reason to use Indi spells for the debuffs, and geo-spells for the buffs? Wouldn't it be the other way around, or is the Geo planning to stand next to Shedu?

Edit: Thanks Tru. you must have made the last post while I was typing. That might be more doable too since because we have those jobs in our LS. I'll try that as well :D.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: KupoNuts
Posts: 1214
By Cerberus.Avalon 2016-03-22 13:36:36
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All GEO's are front-line in my runs since it's one happy family. Only the WHM(s) are in the back to avoid AOE's and such.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Smasher
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By Lakshmi.Konvict 2016-03-22 14:32:25
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Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
Or just don't use RNG or THF.

BRD is junk compared to a GEO.
Don't listen to this idiot. He doesn't have a 5 song mythic relic aeonic harp mule. Use them both, BRD is just as good when you need Acc/mp.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Smasher
Posts: 93
By Lakshmi.Minivict 2016-03-22 14:33:05
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BRD is not junk
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2016-03-22 14:47:41
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In the context of what is actually being discussed, it is. No one asking for help on a fairly easy NM has a BRD with an aeonic available. Furthermore, you don't need accuracy buffs on it anyways.

Even outside of the context of Shedu, BRD is mostly considered when you're either booting them after singing or you're considering a 3rd buffer.
By 2016-03-22 14:55:52
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By Draylo 2016-03-22 17:30:23
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Asura.Boogerballs said: »
The main thing you want to remember is you want to kill it before it kills you. Pup isnt capable of putting out the numbers necessary to pull this off. X2-3 blus x2 geos and a whm will kill this np. For geo buffs use vex/attune and frailty/fury and have the geos rotate entrust precision. With this set up you're looking at 2 min kills if your blus dont suck. Also make sure atleast 1 blu has sweeping gouge set. You'll be surprised how many blus forget about this spell.

Other DD can do fine too, I've brought a THF to it and he did respectable dmg. Don't further the bandwagon!!
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Seekerstar 2016-03-22 18:31:56
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We've taken a ninja. So yeah, DDs can be different.

Our setups are weird, though, cause we kill everything in large groups because it's fun that way.
By 2016-03-22 19:35:45
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Server: Bismarck
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user: Enitsu
Posts: 500
By Bismarck.Dubai 2016-03-23 01:03:12
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Lakshmi.Minivict said: »
BRD is not junk

Take that back!
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-03-23 01:26:47
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Have done this with a random PUG of non-RME players, and won 3x. Have also lost very badly with the same group using Bolster. Nobody here is mentioning the fact that Shedu, at times, can be completely erratic and random. Fulmination alone is bad, but paired with a poorly-timed HF or another Fulm can spell disaster.

I agree with the sentiments above: kill it before it kills you, but please don't feel ashamed of dying to this NM with a well fortified group. Even well assembled LSs will occasionally have some trouble with it, as you can't always predict its TP moves.

My setup was BLU x2 COR (me) WHM GEO GEO. I always suggest GEOs to be spamming SS every time it wears, as its invaluable to keeping everyone else alive. WHM can do it too, to a lesser extent. BLUs absolutely need to have a great ACC set (and even a hybrid set that allows them to maintain 40%pdt and 1200 acc). A full Turtle DT set during HF is probably okay to have, but you will certainly die if you don't proc it during HF or bounce hate between occultations. With the setup I mentioned, its pretty much exactly what was stated above in other posts (vex/attunement/torpor/fury/frailty), with the exception of COR potentially using Runeist's roll if necessary. But Chaos/SAM's should be enough to keep the DDs rolling.

Also, don't be afraid to prebuff with mules and such. Taking 6 is preferred, but there's nothing stopping you from having a side BRD or COR toss you a few prebuffs before you start the battle. Could even get clever and have Joachim/Ulmia & qultada toss the DDs some extra buffs, then drop for live players.

GL, I also need to do more Shedu kills.
By 2016-03-23 02:16:08
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 9921
By Asura.Sechs 2016-03-23 02:33:59
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fillerbunny9 said: »
Shedu has some weird hate mechanics
I forgot to mention this, it was the reason why Ruaumoko developed a tank-less strategy to begin with.
Shedu resets/ignores enmity during Hundred Fists, which basically makes him very unefficient to even try to tank it.
MSPaint Winner
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By Skjalfeirdotter 2016-03-23 02:57:21
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Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
Lakshmi.Minivict said: »
BRD is not junk

Since you insist on repeating yourself.

If the BRD is in a group with two BLU DDs and either the mob isn't dispelling MG (actually not a common issue) and it isn't an aeonic with DM song+ augments. Then yes it is junk because it doesn't come close to touching GEO GEO COR for support. Even then indi haste exists and it is a wash in GEOs favor.

Outside of this BRD doesn't replace a second GEO or even a COR for a nuking party, and won't until SE gives them Macc and MAB songs. In fact they are entirely worthless considering the MP they give is highly irrelevant in the face of GEO and COR. MP generally shouldnt be an issue, and entrusting indi refresh is a nice thing. I honestly don't understand why you literally toted ballad as a success of BRD in 2016. Do people actually want to give up damage for a BRD with ballads?

Now if you are fighting with all the other DD jobs that don't have access to haste two then yes, BRD is good, but stop acting like the job has much worth when the DDs in party are all BLUs.

Floppy the Bard Hater!

Server: Asura
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Posts: 9803
By Asura.Saevel 2016-03-23 02:57:25
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You can't "tank" Shedu as it completely ignores enmity during it's HF and it's during this time that it will wipe you. You can use other DDs, provided they have shadows and are capable of reapplying them frequently. Honestly the only other melee I'd bring would be a NIN, though you'd have to change your buff sequence to give them capped haste.

I was with Rua's group for those kills and after killing it many other times the best setup I can think of involves 2 BLUs, 2 GEO's 1 COR and 1 WHM. BLU's need good gear, they can't be using Taeon or Rawhide for this fight. GEO's do the above mentioned buff cycle, both vex and attunement are extremely helpful for this fight. You will be stacking a 200+ merited barthunder, barparalyze with vex and attunement in an attempt to block or reduce the potency of the stun and paralyze from fulmination. After that you have torbillion and dreadstorm to worry about. Torbillion does high aoe physical damage and applies an extremely potent defense down effect. If this effect isn't removed then the next AoE move or HF will kill people. Dread storm applies a terror effect that can last 10s if unresisted. All these TP moves wipe shadows, which makes Dread storm extremely dangerous during HF as the melee won't be able to reapply them until the terror wears off.

It's imperative that you kill this guy fast, if he lives too long then you will start having to deal with Fulmination -> Torbillion -> Dread storm -> HF spam which will eventually overwhelm your healing capability and kill people. Due to the massive need of debuff removal I suggest one GEO and the COR (or BRD) come /WHM for this fight to assist with status removals. After fulmination everyone spams paralyna on the WHM who is then spamming curaga on the melees.
Posts: 284
By Titanfoo 2016-03-23 03:08:06
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blux3 geox2 whm
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