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By volkom 2020-03-16 11:33:05
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Cerberus.Hideka said: »
volkom said: »
studies show if you live in a small country with a high income tax 9 out of 10 people are happy

so the one guy making a ton of money is unhappy the government is takin 90% of his cheddar?
pretty much
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2020-03-16 11:57:02
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Odinz said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Now my expectations are on the floor. Stop trying to pass off opinion as fact
there are very few facts in the world when it comes to anything but the past.
A great deal of what we think we know, are not actually facts and just observable norms.

Also, I didn't pass off anything as a fact.If you were slightly educated at all you would have spotted the nuances in the what I posted.

Here's a hint "Medical Study".

Does that mean fact in republican talk?

No, but that’s the point. You say “studies show” and most people automatically believe it because they’re sheep. The way you worded your last sentence seemed like you were making a statement of fact, when there is no proof to back your assertion.

Proof of the studies or proof of the assertion?

need proof of studies?
there are thousands all over the internet.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2020-03-16 12:07:26
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Odinz said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Odinz said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Now my expectations are on the floor. Stop trying to pass off opinion as fact
there are very few facts in the world when it comes to anything but the past.
A great deal of what we think we know, are not actually facts and just observable norms.

Also, I didn't pass off anything as a fact.If you were slightly educated at all you would have spotted the nuances in the what I posted.

Here's a hint "Medical Study".

Does that mean fact in republican talk?

No, but that’s the point. You say “studies show” and most people automatically believe it because they’re sheep. The way you worded your last sentence seemed like you were making a statement of fact, when there is no proof to back your assertion.

Proof of the studies or proof of the assertion?

need proof of studies?
there are thousands all over the internet.

Proof of the assertion. Apparently even those doing the studies aren’t certain, which is to be expected.

However, it should be noted that every brain region, including those identified here, invariably participates in multiple psychological processes. It is therefore not possible to unambiguously infer from involvement of a particular brain area that a particular psychological process must be involved.

Although these conceptual links facilitate interpretations of the relationship between the brain structures and political orientation, our findings reflect a cross-sectional study of political attitudes and brain structure in a demographically relatively homogenous population of young adults. Therefore, the causal nature of such a relationship cannot be determined.
By volkom 2020-03-16 13:04:04
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the brain stuff reminded me of this:

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Posts: 376
By Odinz 2020-03-16 13:34:52
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Like Alchemy and Chemistry, there's no difference right?

By 2020-03-16 19:35:35
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user: ozment
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By Ragnarok.Ozment 2020-03-16 20:36:51
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DirectX said: »
Cerberus.Hideka said: »
or how about

No dream is too big. No challenge is too great. Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach.

Or even
When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.

What i dont get, is why half of you act like the sun rises and sets at trumps behest, and the other half of you act like the sun rises and sets because orange man bad.


FACT 1: Trump could not stop this virus from entering the states P E R I O D. It would have happened no matter what. it would have been bought in through the northern or southern border regardless of any flight closings. Him banning chinese travel, absolutely bought us weeks to months of time, and was the best possible move anyone could have made - anyone claiming counter is a *** moron. His claims that the outbreaks in the USA can be traced to europe are absolutely true. 9/10ths of the cases in america can be traced to europe. The remainder are people trump bought back to america to have treated (which again was a good idea, because we need the treatment data first hand).

FACT 2: The president CANNOT panic the people. you saw the absolutely insane behavior of people the second he announced the pandemic officially and declared a national emergency. Imagine had he done that sooner? we could have significantly damaged our ability to cope with this virus.

FACT 3: we have not seen a virus with this killing potential since quite literally WORLD WAR ONE. The last time this EVER happened, was before ANY OF US WERE ALIVE.

FACT 4: Trump is a mortal man. He can and will make mistakes. He cannot see the future in all things. He may be an economic savant, but that is where his talents stop. He wanted cuts made to the CDC, yes, but those cuts were before ANY whispers of a plague breaking out had even been dreamed of. He cannot be blamed for not knowing the future. The fact remains however, that the CDC was NOT pared back under trump, and congress did its job and counter balanced his plans.

FACT 5: Trump has been correct EVERY STEP OF THE WAY regarding china. We cannot entrust all manufacturing to third world countries and communist dictatorships. its literally the 'dont put all of your eggs in one basket' conundrum. America got weak, lazy, and stupid these past forty years. We moved CRITICAL infrastructure over to china, and we now cannot produce these absolutely vital goods as a result. Medicine, Steel, Vehicles, Medical supplies, REM Computing Components, Are all mission critical to america's success. We manufacture barely any of it here in the USA now. this cannot continue. we have to have these things within the united states so that we can be self sufficient should the rest of the world become a danger to our survival.

FACT 6:The FDA is extremely binding when it comes to producing tests and vaccines. these are legal hurdles that we cannot bypass. Trump is making a HUGE mistake by trying to ram through a vaccine. the fact of the matter is, that producing an untested vaccine, and then administering it across the nation, is a *** mistake, and he should not be rushing this. the danger a bad vaccine poses can often times be worse than the disease itself.

Instinct tells me noone read this ***.

I stopped at "orange man bad." It seemed too Kireeky,
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-03-16 23:53:37
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meh. Feel free to refute or *** off if you only want to drop witless oneliners.

Meanwhile: Enjoy why china is a disgusting shithole.

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By 2020-03-17 05:17:51
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By volkom 2020-03-17 08:37:17
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so... people take sewage, and make it to become cooking oil? that's pretty gross.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-03-17 08:46:16
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For anyone saying "THE USA IS DOING A HORRIBLE JOB".

Heres the USA VS The world for infection rates. We are doing a fantastic job considering we DWARF all of these other countries in size.

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Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-03-17 08:49:38
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DirectX said: »

if a numbered list barely three paragraphs long isnt direct enough for you, you may want to revisit your basic education.

If you need a TL/DR: Orange man is not as bad as you think. Orange man is not as good as others think. Orange man has made mistakes, but orange man has also done a ton correct. Stop treating orangeman like he is a god/devil that can control every single facet of your life.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-03-17 08:52:37
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volkom said: »
so... people take sewage, and make it to become cooking oil? that's pretty gross.


They are literally going to the sewers near the food markets, and ladling the Piss ***, and refuse back out of the sewer into 50 gallon drums. they are then taking said piss ***and refuse back to a secluded area and boiling it to break apart all of the oil particles in the ***. they are then skimming off the oil, and then running it through a silk filter, and then boiling it with discarded animal parts to remove the sewage taste from the oil. they are then selling it to restaurants to cook with.
By 2020-03-17 08:56:21
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Posts: 376
By Odinz 2020-03-17 08:56:54
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Cerberus.Hideka said: »
meh. Feel free to refute or *** off if you only want to drop witless oneliners.

Meanwhile: Enjoy why china is a disgusting shithole.

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i just threw up
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2020-03-17 08:59:04
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Cerberus.Hideka said: »
For anyone saying "THE USA IS DOING A HORRIBLE JOB".

Heres the USA VS The world for infection rates. We are doing a fantastic job considering we DWARF all of these other countries in size.

YouTube Video Placeholder
you don't "dwarf" other countries.
China is 5x the population.
Iran and Egypt are 1/4

Dwarfing is a little too extreme of a term.
By 2020-03-17 09:01:29
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Posts: 376
By Odinz 2020-03-17 09:30:14
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#3 - not true. Not even one of the highest fatality rates.
#4 - only he could have. Just by observing what had happened in China, South Korea
#5 - then the Americans should accept to get paid much much much less. It is the same corporate elite who back Trump who moved those jobs overseas, because they didn't want to pay the middle class American wages. But as a matter of national security, shouldn't it be subsidized? uh oh, that's socialism, which the people who vote for Trump don't want. Cognitive dissonance.
#6 - we agree
#7 - He kind of did. He dismantled the team that were created by Obama to deal with these kind of pandemics, BEFORE they become pandemics.

If this happened during Obama's presidency, you would all be quoting the bible and saying this was God's divine retribution against him.

Lets not kid ourselves.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-03-17 09:33:41
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Odinz said: »
Cerberus.Hideka said: »
For anyone saying "THE USA IS DOING A HORRIBLE JOB".

Heres the USA VS The world for infection rates. We are doing a fantastic job considering we DWARF all of these other countries in size.

YouTube Video Placeholder
you don't "dwarf" other countries.
China is 5x the population.
Iran and Egypt are 1/4

Dwarfing is a little too extreme of a term.

One: This is about infection outside of china. China being the origin, it hardly serves as an adequate benchmark.

Two, We absolutely do.

Do i need to explain to you that 1/4th = 4x? Four times the population is Dwarfing them by any measure. do you even basic maths bro?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-03-17 09:35:17
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DirectX said: »
Cerberus.Hideka said: »

FACT 1: Trump could not stop this virus from entering the states P E R I O D. It would have happened no matter what.

FACT 2: The president CANNOT panic the people. you saw the absolutely insane behavior of people the second he announced the pandemic officially and declared a national emergency.

FACT 3: we have not seen a virus with this killing potential since quite literally WORLD WAR ONE.

FACT 4: Trump is a mortal man. He can and will make mistakes. He cannot see the future in all things.

FACT 5: Trump has been correct EVERY STEP OF THE WAY regarding china. We cannot entrust all manufacturing to third world countries and communist dictatorships.

FACT 6:The FDA is extremely binding when it comes to producing tests and vaccines. these are legal hurdles that we cannot bypass. Trump is making a HUGE mistake by trying to ram through a vaccine.


Here's an educational lesson for you on how to be more succinct.

and then you'd be bitching about how none of it was rationalized or sourced. you just want to nit pick because you have a bias that you want to see through. not once have you offered any degree of a counter or argument against. hence the *** off if all you want to do is drop witless remarks.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-03-17 09:40:59
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Odinz said: »
#3 - not true. Not even one of the highest fatality rates.
#4 - only he could have. Just by observing what had happened in China, South Korea
#5 - then the Americans should accept to get paid much much much less. It is the same corporate elite who back Trump who moved those jobs overseas, because they didn't want to pay the middle class American wages. But as a matter of national security, shouldn't it be subsidized? uh oh, that's socialism, which the people who vote for Trump don't want. Cognitive dissonance.
#6 - we agree
#7 - He kind of did. He dismantled the team that were created by Obama to deal with these kind of pandemics, BEFORE they become pandemics.

If this happened during Obama's presidency, you would all be quoting the bible and saying this was God's divine retribution against him.

Lets not kid ourselves.

#4 - thats horse ***. He did take steps against those countries. Without a doubt. The problem was EU- the countries that literally scoffed at him and called him a racist for closing the border. he cant be faulted for that.
#5 - Nobody is calling for socialism. dont pull out the strawman just because you cant argue the point. Trump proved america is still capable of being a manufacturer. its why tons of manufacturing jobs are coming back to the USA. The myth that tarrifing does not work, is just that. a *** myth.
#6 - good, im glad we found some common ground.
#7 - I'm talking about the pandemic in general. the 'team' obama created was nothing more than an advisory panel. a panel which trump dismantled and rebuilt using his own hand picked people.
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2020-03-17 10:00:54
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Cerberus.Hideka said: »
One: This is about infection outside of china. China being the origin, it hardly serves as an adequate benchmark.

Two Do i need to explain to you that 1/4th = 4x? Four times the population is Dwarfing them by any measure. do you even basic maths bro?

- The USA's infection rate is one of the worst. Both inside and outside of China. And the pace is picking up. Its also the world's leading economy and power.

- "basic maths" This is disagreement on the proper use of the word "dwarf". Math has nothing to do with it.

"Dwarfing is a little too extreme of a term"

Dwarf: "a star of relatively small size and low luminosity, including the majority of main sequence stars."

Red Dwarfs are thousands, if not sometimes millions, of times smaller than other stars.

Saying the US dwarfs the other nations, that vary from 4-5 x its population, to 1/2, 1/4 and even 1/20th the size is both an exaggeration and inaccurate. If anyone dwarfs the other nations, its China and India. That does not mean China and India "dwarf" the US. its nuanced. harder than spewing general absolute, simple terms to describe the situation. but give it a try, just dont break anything.

"#4 - thats horse ***. He did take steps against those countries. Without a doubt. The problem was EU- the countries that literally scoffed at him and called him a racist for closing the border. he cant be faulted for that."

I think you're missing the point entirely and aren't up to speed on this debate. Too severe a tangent and I don't have the energy to steer you back on course.\
By 2020-03-17 10:50:42
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Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2020-03-17 11:16:50
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A guy on the internet trying to "educate" others wow you must be fun at parties.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2020-03-17 11:20:22
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Please oh please educate me ! I need to learn !
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2020-03-17 11:21:54
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DirectX said: »
Cerberus.Hideka said: »
DirectX said: »
Cerberus.Hideka said: »

FACT 1: Trump could not stop this virus from entering the states P E R I O D. It would have happened no matter what.

FACT 2: The president CANNOT panic the people. you saw the absolutely insane behavior of people the second he announced the pandemic officially and declared a national emergency.

FACT 3: we have not seen a virus with this killing potential since quite literally WORLD WAR ONE.

FACT 4: Trump is a mortal man. He can and will make mistakes. He cannot see the future in all things.

FACT 5: Trump has been correct EVERY STEP OF THE WAY regarding china. We cannot entrust all manufacturing to third world countries and communist dictatorships.

FACT 6:The FDA is extremely binding when it comes to producing tests and vaccines. these are legal hurdles that we cannot bypass. Trump is making a HUGE mistake by trying to ram through a vaccine.


Here's an educational lesson for you on how to be more succinct.

and then you'd be bitching about how none of it was rationalized or sourced. you just want to nit pick because you have a bias that you want to see through. not once have you offered any degree of a counter or argument against. hence the *** off if all you want to do is drop witless remarks.
If you think the garbage spewing that followed what I cut it down to rationalised or justified any point with any sources then you're dumber than you originally come across.

I haven't even disagreed with anything, I'm just trying to educate you into not making your posts am instant *** no.

Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2020-03-17 11:24:20
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Every time Direct X makes a post:

Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-03-17 11:24:38
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Odinz said: »
The USA's infection rate is one of the worst. Both inside and outside of China. And the pace is picking up. Its also the world's leading economy and power.


Discovered Cases: 3,487
Generous Estimate of total Cases = 5000 / Population 327,000,000 = 0.00001529051
First Undocumented origin case: FEB 26
Days Since First undocumented Origin: 20
Average cases per day: 250
Average Rate of Increase: 18%

Because its Exponential growth rates, we know the initial Infection was about 15-16 people around the same time across the country, which grew at about a 10% rate for the first ten days, and about a 20% for the final ten to present day. We already know the cases are going to go up.

By comparison: italy, because trusting china is for retards:

Discovered Cases: 27,900
Generous Estimate of total Cases = 31,000/60,000,000 = 0.00051666666
First Undocumented origin case: FEB 20
Days Since First undocumented Origin: 26 days
Average cases per day: 1073
Average Rate of increase: about 35%

Likely began with around 32 undocumented/documented Cases in total.

Italy has LITERALLY 33x the infection rate, and almost DOUBLE the rate of increase.

Odinz said: »
Saying the US dwarfs the other nations, that vary from 4-5 x its population, to 1/2, 1/4 and even 1/20th the size is both an exaggeration and inaccurate. If anyone dwarfs the other nations, its China and India. That does not mean China and India "dwarf" the US. its nuanced. harder than spewing general absolute, simple terms to describe the situation. but give it a try, just dont break anything.

are you trying to justifiy your logic by using the magnitude of stars?

ok here, have some convoluted logic on par with what you just spewed out to justifiy your condemnation of the word.

The average height of a Dwarf is 4'10.
The average height of an american man is 5,10.
Therefore: 1-((4*12)+10)/((5*12)+10) = 17%

Ergo anything greater than a 17% difference in size qualifies as "Dwarfing" something.

Seriously, stop arguing semantics. its embarassing.

Odinz said: »
I think you're missing the point entirely and aren't up to speed on this debate. Too severe a tangent and I don't have the energy to steer you back on course.\

Have i?

you accused trump of not taking adequate measures to prevent the start of the infection in the USA. The fact is that he did. He however, did not anticipate the impact of EU not following suit and closing their borders as well.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2020-03-17 11:26:01
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Look at me I'm arguing with *** on the internet give me a promotion !
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-03-17 11:27:11
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DirectX said: »
Cerberus.Hideka said: »
DirectX said: »
Cerberus.Hideka said: »

FACT 1: Trump could not stop this virus from entering the states P E R I O D. It would have happened no matter what.

FACT 2: The president CANNOT panic the people. you saw the absolutely insane behavior of people the second he announced the pandemic officially and declared a national emergency.

FACT 3: we have not seen a virus with this killing potential since quite literally WORLD WAR ONE.

FACT 4: Trump is a mortal man. He can and will make mistakes. He cannot see the future in all things.

FACT 5: Trump has been correct EVERY STEP OF THE WAY regarding china. We cannot entrust all manufacturing to third world countries and communist dictatorships.

FACT 6:The FDA is extremely binding when it comes to producing tests and vaccines. these are legal hurdles that we cannot bypass. Trump is making a HUGE mistake by trying to ram through a vaccine.


Here's an educational lesson for you on how to be more succinct.

and then you'd be bitching about how none of it was rationalized or sourced. you just want to nit pick because you have a bias that you want to see through. not once have you offered any degree of a counter or argument against. hence the *** off if all you want to do is drop witless remarks.
If you think the garbage spewing that followed what I cut it down to rationalised or justified any point with any sources then you're dumber than you originally come across.

I haven't even disagreed with anything, I'm just trying to educate you into not making your posts am instant *** no.

i cant be blamed for your laziness. i leveled easy to understand and respond points. if you cant argue them, or dont want to argue them, then why continue playing this game?

The logical answer is because you want to troll, hence the "contribute or *** off' stance i've taken with you.
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