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Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-03-16 09:04:19
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or how about

No dream is too big. No challenge is too great. Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach.

Or even
When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.

What i dont get, is why half of you act like the sun rises and sets at trumps behest, and the other half of you act like the sun rises and sets because orange man bad.


FACT 1: Trump could not stop this virus from entering the states P E R I O D. It would have happened no matter what. it would have been bought in through the northern or southern border regardless of any flight closings. Him banning chinese travel, absolutely bought us weeks to months of time, and was the best possible move anyone could have made - anyone claiming counter is a *** moron. His claims that the outbreaks in the USA can be traced to europe are absolutely true. 9/10ths of the cases in america can be traced to europe. The remainder are people trump bought back to america to have treated (which again was a good idea, because we need the treatment data first hand).

FACT 2: The president CANNOT panic the people. you saw the absolutely insane behavior of people the second he announced the pandemic officially and declared a national emergency. Imagine had he done that sooner? we could have significantly damaged our ability to cope with this virus.

FACT 3: we have not seen a virus with this killing potential since quite literally WORLD WAR ONE. The last time this EVER happened, was before ANY OF US WERE ALIVE.

FACT 4: Trump is a mortal man. He can and will make mistakes. He cannot see the future in all things. He may be an economic savant, but that is where his talents stop. He wanted cuts made to the CDC, yes, but those cuts were before ANY whispers of a plague breaking out had even been dreamed of. He cannot be blamed for not knowing the future. The fact remains however, that the CDC was NOT pared back under trump, and congress did its job and counter balanced his plans.

FACT 5: Trump has been correct EVERY STEP OF THE WAY regarding china. We cannot entrust all manufacturing to third world countries and communist dictatorships. its literally the 'dont put all of your eggs in one basket' conundrum. America got weak, lazy, and stupid these past forty years. We moved CRITICAL infrastructure over to china, and we now cannot produce these absolutely vital goods as a result. Medicine, Steel, Vehicles, Medical supplies, REM Computing Components, Are all mission critical to america's success. We manufacture barely any of it here in the USA now. this cannot continue. we have to have these things within the united states so that we can be self sufficient should the rest of the world become a danger to our survival.

FACT 6:The FDA is extremely binding when it comes to producing tests and vaccines. these are legal hurdles that we cannot bypass. Trump is making a HUGE mistake by trying to ram through a vaccine. the fact of the matter is, that producing an untested vaccine, and then administering it across the nation, is a *** mistake, and he should not be rushing this. the danger a bad vaccine poses can often times be worse than the disease itself.

Posts: 376
By Odinz 2020-03-16 09:16:59
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FACT 1: Trump could not stop this virus from entering the states P E R I O D. It would have happened no matter what. it would have been bought in through the northern or southern border regardless of any flight closings. Him banning chinese travel, absolutely bought us weeks to months of time, and was the best possible move anyone could have made - anyone claiming counter is a *** moron. His claims that the outbreaks in the USA can be traced to europe are absolutely true. 9/10ths of the cases in america can be traced to europe. The remainder are people trump bought back to america to have treated (which again was a good idea, because we need the treatment data first hand).
Correct. No one could. Unless the world just came to an absolute stop within a minute of the covid-19 virus being discovered in china. And even then, it would have probably been too late.

However, what Trump could have done is lock-down anyway. Not to stop the Covid-19 virus from reaching the US, but to deploy the exact same strategy that other nations are doing.
Stagger the spread, to counter-effect the compounding exponential rates of infection.
You flatten out the curve, and rather than seeing 1,000,000 a day at hospitals across the nation for 6 months, you see 100,000 a day over the course of 12-24 months. (The math doesn't line up because in the current scenario you will see less people total by the end of this, DUE TO A MUCH LARGER POPULATION SIZE DYING, meaning there is a smaller pool of people to see - A VERY GRIM *** FACT THAT EVERYONE SEEMS TO UNDERSTAND EXCEPT TRUMP SUPPORTERS)
By volkom 2020-03-16 09:24:09
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so we should've locked down the borders and restrict travel? Why is this an only Trump did bad thing?
Shouldn't every country be put on lockdown after finding out what this was? Shouldn't China have better communication? Can't blame trump for all the worlds problems
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2020-03-16 09:24:45
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lol, lost me at "Trump might be an economic savant." Um no, he isn't. Not even close.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-03-16 09:26:49
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Odinz said: »
FACT 1: Trump could not stop this virus from entering the states P E R I O D. It would have happened no matter what. it would have been bought in through the northern or southern border regardless of any flight closings. Him banning chinese travel, absolutely bought us weeks to months of time, and was the best possible move anyone could have made - anyone claiming counter is a *** moron. His claims that the outbreaks in the USA can be traced to europe are absolutely true. 9/10ths of the cases in america can be traced to europe. The remainder are people trump bought back to america to have treated (which again was a good idea, because we need the treatment data first hand).
Correct. No one could. Unless the world just came to an absolute stop within a minute of the covid-19 virus being discovered in china. And even then, it would have probably been too late.

However, what Trump could have done is lock-down anyway. Not to stop the Covid-19 virus from reaching the US, but to deploy the exact same strategy that other nations are doing.
Stagger the spread, to counter-effect the compounding exponential rates of infection.
You flatten out the curve, and rather than seeing 1,000,000 a day at hospitals across the nation for 6 months, you see 100,000 a day over the course of 12-24 months.

But he did. He allowed travel to europe, because they did not have cases at the time. The fault lies with European countries, who quite literally snubbed their noses at him, and called him a racist for locking down travel to/from china.

He should have closed the border to the EU MUCH sooner, but was likely worried about the economic downturn resulting from it, and probably didnt have as good a grasp on this viruses killing as he thought. Hes absolutely wrong for that, as its his job to be as informed as possible. even a joe schmoe nobody like me saw the infection and trasmission criterias and said "Welp, this is going to kill a ton of people" and went and took steps months ago. He absolutely did *** up in that regard. no defense for him there.

Odinz said: »
(The math doesn't line up because in the current scenario you will see less people total by the end of this, DUE TO A MUCH LARGER POPULATION SIZE DYING, meaning there is a smaller pool of people to see - A VERY GRIM *** FACT THAT EVERYONE SEEMS TO UNDERSTAND EXCEPT TRUMP SUPPORTERS)

No i disagree. i think trump supporters absolutely understand the concept. At this point its on state governments to institiute hard quarantines for at least 60 days from today if we want to stop this here and now. the fed is limited by congress. if trump wants to institute martial law, he needs congressional blessings. the states however are NOT fettered by this restriction. This is why NY/NJ and other states are instituting hard quarantine.

The fact of the matter is- with this having a 30 day incubation, we AT A MINUMUM need our quarantines to be 60 days to ensure its contained and expired. this two week *** people keep touting is only going to slow it down - not stop it.

The other fact, is that a safe vaccine is still multiple months out. anyone rushing to get an early untested vaccine is stupid. trump is *** HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE for trying to force one through. we have these timelines for a specific reason.
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2020-03-16 09:29:18
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volkom said: »
so we should've locked down the borders and restrict travel? Why is this an only Trump did bad thing?
Shouldn't every country be put on lockdown after finding out what this was? Shouldn't China have better communication? Can't blame trump for all the worlds problems
The world is thanking China for communicating so well.
1. Everything we know about combating Covid-19 is from China
2. Its proving to be very very sound advice
3. China had to work against the virus without any previous experience from other nations. They were the pioneer in combating it.
4. The GLOBAL infection rate is OUTPACING China's. Meaning, even though they had to figure it out as they were going, because they had no clue just how bad this virus was, they did a better job than the rest of the world, even though China was sharing its measures to combat it. ALL YOU NEEDED TO DO WAS COPY PASTE.
5. The US infection rate is HIGHER than the global rate - dun-dun-dun... Italy will look like a common cold compared to what is about to hit the US.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-03-16 09:29:24
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Viciouss said: »
lol, lost me at "Trump might be an economic savant." Um no, he isn't. Not even close.

he absolutely is. the whole reason we've had this roaring economy, and an economy that will absolutely bounce back after this, is because hes done miracles at the federal level.

There is a reason we have the best jobs report of all time, every time a jobs report is released.

Anyone pretending that obama did this, or that its just trump being lucky, makes them look absolutely HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2020-03-16 09:31:22
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Also, Seattle is about to release a Vaccine for human trials.. Guess who provided them with all the information they needed to get to it?


China has had a T2 and T3 vaccine for weeks. There are several chinese officials and high ranking business people who have taken the vaccine. They've also offered the T2 and T3 vaccines to anyone who wants them.

Meanwhile US is like "Kick out dem mexicans"
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-03-16 09:35:42
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Odinz said: »
volkom said: »
so we should've locked down the borders and restrict travel? Why is this an only Trump did bad thing?
Shouldn't every country be put on lockdown after finding out what this was? Shouldn't China have better communication? Can't blame trump for all the worlds problems
The world is thanking China for communicating so well.
1. Everything we know about combating Covid-19 is from China
2. Its proving to be very very sound advice
3. China had to work against the virus without any previous experience from other nations. They were the pioneer in combating it.
4. The GLOBAL infection rate is OUTPACING China's. Meaning, even though they had to figure it out as they were going, because they had no clue just how bad this virus was, they did a better job than the rest of the world, even though China was sharing its measures to combat it. ALL YOU NEEDED TO DO WAS COPY PASTE.
5. The US infection rate is HIGHER than the global rate - dun-dun-dun... Italy will look like a common cold compared to what is about to hit the US.

you'll have to forgive me for not trusting china. once they close down their labor death camps, and stop harvesting muslims for their organs, and come clean with us about the origins of this virus, then i might trust them.

you do know china literally forced a doctor in his mid thirties to die from this right? this is the same doctor that came out and warned the world about this. they then took him into custody- took him from the life saving care he was recieving (the man was on a *** ventilator), Forced him to sign a letter stating he was lying about this, and then locked him in a cell untill his lungs flooded with fluid from the virus turning his lungs into swiss cheese, untill he died.

you do know that happened right?


Yep. lets do that here for sure /s.

and of course the number of infected in america will be higher. our population absolutely dwarfs italy. we have easily seven times more people.
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2020-03-16 09:42:07
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Cerberus.Hideka said: »
Viciouss said: »
lol, lost me at "Trump might be an economic savant." Um no, he isn't. Not even close.

he absolutely is. the whole reason we've had this roaring economy, and an economy that will absolutely bounce back after this, is because hes done miracles at the federal level.

There is a reason we have the best jobs report of all time, every time a jobs report is released.

Anyone pretending that obama did this, or that its just trump being lucky, makes them look absolutely HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.

This person DOES not understand how the US economy works, how the globalized market works, or what the strengths of the US economy are.

The world is NEVER going to bounce back, period.

Consider this:
It WOULD be the less scarier truth if covid-19 was a bio-engineered weapon.
Because that would mean some shady people did some shaddy ***and they can be stopped.

BUT it isn't a bio-weapon. It isn't some conspiracy. We are seeing what many many many global leaders and respected figures have been warning about; a group of fast mutating viruses that the human population cannot keep up with.

Covid-19 is just the latest mutation. It varies by 13%-30% in RNA and DNA from MERS and SARS. It is just the latest family member in a group of viruses. one that no one's body has encountered up until November 2019.
There WILL be others. What isn't being discussed in big mass media is the ACTUAL MUTATION RATEs of these viruses... IT IS ALSO INCREASING EXPONENTIALLY. Meaning, if we got one of these crippling virus mutations once every 10 years, it will soon be once every 8, then every 6, then every 4, then... you get the picture.
AND the reason that these viruses can mutate so fast is entirely due to the modern global supply chain and consumerism, THINGS the US leads.
So if we are going to fight these viruses as a planet, it means SEVERE and DRASTIC changes to the way we all live.
As a conservative republican, you might be many things, but progressive you are absolutely not

*** sake, the republican party is still in denial about climate change, and thats a 3 decade old closed case and something you can actually see!!!

How you going to convince a republican that there are these tiny sub-microscopic entities coming for them?

This was all predicted by the way in a great book called the next 100 years.

As the world becomes more integrated, the retards and stupidness becomes much more pronounced, and much more consequential.

The village idiot only effected his own village. Now the village idiot has 2 billion more people that think like him, and reinforce his dumb perceptions, and they effect 8 billion others.
By 2020-03-16 09:47:12
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By volkom 2020-03-16 09:47:18
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Odinz said: »
The world is NEVER going to bounce back, period.
Odinz said: »
So if we are going to fight these viruses as a planet, it means SEVERE and DRASTIC changes to the way we all live.

so lets weld the doors shut of every home with a suspected case. let the elderly die. impeach and remove trump. get rid of all personal vehicles and rely strictly on public transport or bikes/walking. plant a ton of trees and let elon rule the world
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2020-03-16 09:48:08
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Cerberus.Hideka said: »
Viciouss said: »
lol, lost me at "Trump might be an economic savant." Um no, he isn't. Not even close.

he absolutely is. the whole reason we've had this roaring economy, and an economy that will absolutely bounce back after this, is because hes done miracles at the federal level.

There is a reason we have the best jobs report of all time, every time a jobs report is released.

Anyone pretending that obama did this, or that its just trump being lucky, makes them look absolutely HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.

lol, "roaring economy?" We have seen this spam many times on this site. The economy slowed down by .6% last year and was projected to fall below 2% this year BEFORE the coronavirus. Primary reason? Trump tariffs. Now we are looking at a technical recession.

The economy was the same under Obama that it was under Trump. There haven't been any "Trump miracles." The deficit and debt have skyrocketed under Trump, again, before the coronavirus, now we are looking at another bailout, higher deficit.

Obama inherited an unemployment rate over 10% and lowered it to the 4 percentile. Now it is hovering between the 3 and 4 percentile. Where is the miracle?

The 11 year bullmarket that started under Obama in 2009 is officially over. We are now in a bear market.

And lastly, where are the miraculous ideas from Trump on how to help the economy right now? You opposed a payroll tax cut that he latched onto, because its a joke. Thats his core idea and its not happening. He staged a press conference on Friday to pump up the market, and it worked, for about 2 hours, maybe 1. Turns out at least half the ***he said was just made up.
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2020-03-16 09:49:15
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Bird flu detected in Nueva Ecija quail farm, can affect humans
By CNN Philippines Staff
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11336
By Garuda.Chanti 2020-03-16 09:53:32
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volkom said: »
Odinz said: »
oh, and Covid- 19 Vaccines will be free for EVERYONE, including our equivalent of what you call "illegal immigrants/aliens"
thats good you guys are doing that and closing your borders too to help contain the situation. in the mean time over here 'illegals/undocumented immigrants' won't go to the doctor because they think they're going to get deported....
They are right.

ICE criticized for arrest at Scranton hospital
The Morning Call (never heard of them)
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2020-03-16 10:01:05
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Here is how you demonstrate a republican is mentally challenged:

Me "Covid-19 Vaccine Available, but need to pay"
Republican "I'll pay. How much is it?"
Me "5,000 USD per person for the T2. 60% prevention rate"
Republican "60% prevention rate? wtf.. and 5k? ft"
Me "there is a T1 with only 50 human trials, proving to be 99.99% effective. side effects though are bone aches and bad stomach"
Republican "I'll take that one"
Me "Ok. Its 50,000 USD per person"
Republican "What a rip off. people profiteering from this. I might die. or someone I love might die"
Me "Yay capitalism. deal with it"
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2020-03-16 10:06:59
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It was pretty pathetic to see Trump trying to bribe the medical field into developing a vaccine for the US exclusively, but I mean, thats the kind of scumbag he is.
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2020-03-16 10:20:19
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Trump's going to get Corona. His age, his lifestyle, his stress levels (he does it to himself). Obviously has high blood pressure issues. Is over 70 years old.
But that's all manageable.

His ignorance though..

Not a very good outlook for people like him.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2020-03-16 10:21:22
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Odinz said: »
Here is how you demonstrate a republican is mentally challenged:

Me "Covid-19 Vaccine Available, but need to pay"
Republican "I'll pay. How much is it?"
Me "5,000 USD per person for the T2. 60% prevention rate"
Republican "60% prevention rate? wtf.. and 5k? ft"
Me "there is a T1 with only 50 human trials, proving to be 99.99% effective. side effects though are bone aches and bad stomach"
Republican "I'll take that one"
Me "Ok. Its 50,000 USD per person"
Republican "What a rip off. people profiteering from this. I might die. or someone I love might die"
Me "Yay capitalism. deal with it"

That doesn’t even make sense. Step up your game.
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2020-03-16 10:22:36
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Odinz said: »
Here is how you demonstrate a republican is mentally challenged:

Me "Covid-19 Vaccine Available, but need to pay"
Republican "I'll pay. How much is it?"
Me "5,000 USD per person for the T2. 60% prevention rate"
Republican "60% prevention rate? wtf.. and 5k? ft"
Me "there is a T1 with only 50 human trials, proving to be 99.99% effective. side effects though are bone aches and bad stomach"
Republican "I'll take that one"
Me "Ok. Its 50,000 USD per person"
Republican "What a rip off. people profiteering from this. I might die. or someone I love might die"
Me "Yay capitalism. deal with it"

That doesn’t even make sense. Step up your game.

This IS IN fact an actual conversation with a republican that works in the US embassy here lol.

Were you hoping for a PhD dissertation?

lower your expectations.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2020-03-16 10:24:55
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Odinz said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Odinz said: »
Here is how you demonstrate a republican is mentally challenged:

Me "Covid-19 Vaccine Available, but need to pay"
Republican "I'll pay. How much is it?"
Me "5,000 USD per person for the T2. 60% prevention rate"
Republican "60% prevention rate? wtf.. and 5k? ft"
Me "there is a T1 with only 50 human trials, proving to be 99.99% effective. side effects though are bone aches and bad stomach"
Republican "I'll take that one"
Me "Ok. Its 50,000 USD per person"
Republican "What a rip off. people profiteering from this. I might die. or someone I love might die"
Me "Yay capitalism. deal with it"

That doesn’t even make sense. Step up your game.

This IS IN fact an actual conversation with a republican that works in the US embassy here lol.

Were you hoping for a PhD dissertation?

lower your expectations.

Don’t worry, they’re lowering every time you post.
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2020-03-16 10:26:57
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And the conversation and points are all factual.
China does have a T2 vaccine, and it is 5000 USD.
The T1 is also available, and it also 50,000 USD.

The point being demonstrated in that conversation is Republicans are anti-socialism healthcare, until they can't afford it. Because then and the mexicans and color people are all in the same group.
Yet, they keep voting for politicians that and the party that make the gap between them and the rich people even wider.

I bet you that American Diplomat votes Bernie this election lol.

Also, in case you didn't read about it, medical studies show that those who vote right and are conservative are primarily coming a position of fear. And they at a huge disadvantage when it comes to their counterparts on the left, who are generally capable of being more compassionate.

Compassion = ability to look at someone else's situation and sympathize/emphasize. Meaning, they also feel fear, but on a different level, and make decisions that are more rationale.

In other words, they're emotionally a lot smarter than conservatives.
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2020-03-16 10:27:52
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Odinz said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Odinz said: »
Here is how you demonstrate a republican is mentally challenged:

Me "Covid-19 Vaccine Available, but need to pay"
Republican "I'll pay. How much is it?"
Me "5,000 USD per person for the T2. 60% prevention rate"
Republican "60% prevention rate? wtf.. and 5k? ft"
Me "there is a T1 with only 50 human trials, proving to be 99.99% effective. side effects though are bone aches and bad stomach"
Republican "I'll take that one"
Me "Ok. Its 50,000 USD per person"
Republican "What a rip off. people profiteering from this. I might die. or someone I love might die"
Me "Yay capitalism. deal with it"

That doesn’t even make sense. Step up your game.

This IS IN fact an actual conversation with a republican that works in the US embassy here lol.

Were you hoping for a PhD dissertation?

lower your expectations.

Don’t worry, they’re lowering every time you post.

Witty one-line Comebacks. What's next, mom jokes?

Def a republican and Trumper, right?

I don't need to read anything else other than these two posts to know you are.
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2020-03-16 10:28:47
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Odinz said: »
Trump's going to get Corona. His age, his lifestyle, his stress levels (he does it to himself). Obviously has high blood pressure issues. Is over 70 years old.
But that's all manageable.

His ignorance though..

Not a very good outlook for people like him.

He has been lucky to not get it, I think the WH staff finally realized it was time to stop him from interacting with so many people when the Brazilian team came down with it, a day after a photo op with Trump and Pence.
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2020-03-16 10:30:45
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Viciouss said: »
Odinz said: »
Trump's going to get Corona. His age, his lifestyle, his stress levels (he does it to himself). Obviously has high blood pressure issues. Is over 70 years old.
But that's all manageable.

His ignorance though..

Not a very good outlook for people like him.

He has been lucky to not get it, I think the WH staff finally realized it was time to stop him from interacting with so many people when the Brazilian team came down with it, a day after a photo op with Trump and Pence.

2 weeks incubation.

I look forward to President Pence's inauguration ceremony. Probably be done via video conference from some obscure, deep in a Colorado mountain, black location.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2020-03-16 10:32:35
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Odinz said: »
And the conversation and points are all factual.
China does have a T2 vaccine, and it is 5000 USD.
The T1 is also available, and it also 50,000 USD.

The point being demonstrated in that conversation is Republicans are anti-socialism healthcare, until they can't afford it. Because then and the mexicans and color people are all in the same group.
Yet, they keep voting for politicians that and the party that make the gap between them and the rich people even wider.

I bet you that American Diplomat votes Bernie this election lol.

Also, in case you didn't read about it, medical studies show that those who vote right and are conservative are primarily coming a position of fear. And they at a huge disadvantage when it comes to their counterparts on the left, who are generally capable of being more compassionate.

Compassion = ability to look at someone else's situation and sympathize/emphasize. Meaning, they also feel fear, but on a different level, and make decisions that are more rationale.

In other words, they're emotionally a lot smarter than conservatives.


Now my expectations are on the floor. Stop trying to pass off opinion as fact.
Posts: 376
By Odinz 2020-03-16 10:43:38
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Now my expectations are on the floor. Stop trying to pass off opinion as fact
there are very few facts in the world when it comes to anything but the past.
A great deal of what we think we know, are not actually facts and just observable norms.

Also, I didn't pass off anything as a fact.If you were slightly educated at all you would have spotted the nuances in the what I posted.

Here's a hint "Medical Study".

Does that mean fact in republican talk?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2020-03-16 10:48:00
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Odinz said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Now my expectations are on the floor. Stop trying to pass off opinion as fact
there are very few facts in the world when it comes to anything but the past.
A great deal of what we think we know, are not actually facts and just observable norms.

Also, I didn't pass off anything as a fact.If you were slightly educated at all you would have spotted the nuances in the what I posted.

Here's a hint "Medical Study".

Does that mean fact in republican talk?

No, but that’s the point. You say “studies show” and most people automatically believe it because they’re sheep. The way you worded your last sentence seemed like you were making a statement of fact, when there is no proof to back your assertion.
By volkom 2020-03-16 11:03:47
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studies show if you live in a small country with a high income tax 9 out of 10 people are happy
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-03-16 11:30:12
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volkom said: »
studies show if you live in a small country with a high income tax 9 out of 10 people are happy

so the one guy making a ton of money is unhappy the government is takin 90% of his cheddar?
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