"The Future Of FFXI" The Review Of Updates In A Nutshell~

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"The Future of FFXI" The review of updates in a nutshell~
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: pchan
Posts: 756
By Leviathan.Pimpchan 2010-06-26 11:10:37
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Gilgamesh.Tirantus said:
Caitsith.Omicronceti said:
I can totally understand a lot of people's frustration and confusion with the direction, or lack thereof, SE is taking. People are getting bones and the time they put into items is starting to look like a waste, thing is at the end of it all we all don't know where this is headed. Have some patience.

And the people who just brush off legitimate complaints with "QQ, quit the game", shut the *** up. Seriously.

Problem is most of these complaints aren't legit. It's almost like people have been in denial about the level cap raise. Is it really that surprising lvl 80 gear is better or at the very least dead even with some of the best 75 gear? We were told about this months in advance and seems certain types of players just didn't accept it and kept going on as if it wasn't really going to happen.

Face of the matter is, what SE is doing is the standard model for the genre right now, and SE is way WAY late to the party on it. Flat out, FFXI is seen as something of a joke in the genre. It's seen as the stubborn old man who can't (or won't) get with the times, and it seems that's starting to reflect in the player base.

The complains would not be as virulent if SE didn't choose to keep relic on top, like everyone knows getting a relic is much easier that completing a salvage set like usukane. Why not totally nerf them ? Idk ... I mean those were level 75, so if they were being logic neither or all previous gear should have being upgradable, or at least select type of rare/ex gears meant to be upgradable, like AV/PW/salvage drops.

(The AV part is pretty ridiculous. The legendary mobs that got them a extremely bad publicity forcing them to reveal part of the secret is not only not solved yet, but his droppool is now trash.)

Server: Gilgamesh
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user: Tirantus
Posts: 155
By Gilgamesh.Tirantus 2010-06-26 14:05:30
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Leviathan.Pimpchan said:
Gilgamesh.Tirantus said:
Caitsith.Omicronceti said:
I can totally understand a lot of people's frustration and confusion with the direction, or lack thereof, SE is taking. People are getting bones and the time they put into items is starting to look like a waste, thing is at the end of it all we all don't know where this is headed. Have some patience.

And the people who just brush off legitimate complaints with "QQ, quit the game", shut the *** up. Seriously.

Problem is most of these complaints aren't legit. It's almost like people have been in denial about the level cap raise. Is it really that surprising lvl 80 gear is better or at the very least dead even with some of the best 75 gear? We were told about this months in advance and seems certain types of players just didn't accept it and kept going on as if it wasn't really going to happen.

Face of the matter is, what SE is doing is the standard model for the genre right now, and SE is way WAY late to the party on it. Flat out, FFXI is seen as something of a joke in the genre. It's seen as the stubborn old man who can't (or won't) get with the times, and it seems that's starting to reflect in the player base.

The complains would not be as virulent if SE didn't choose to keep relic on top, like everyone knows getting a relic is much easier that completing a salvage set like usukane. Why not totally nerf them ? Idk ... I mean those were level 75, so if they were being logic neither or all previous gear should have being upgradable, or at least select type of rare/ex gears meant to be upgradable, like AV/PW/salvage drops.

(The AV part is pretty ridiculous. The legendary mobs that got them a extremely bad publicity forcing them to reveal part of the secret is not only not solved yet, but his droppool is now trash.)

I can agree with you on the AV thing. For SE to so avidly try and keep it unbeatable for all these years it seems silly to dump it so utterly with a simple 5 lvl raise.

However the other point can be somewhat countered. ToM trials for the higher end 75 gear are still on the way. Though I was somewhat disheartened that they weren't included in this update at all. I does make me worry that SE changed their mind on it. Even so I wouldn't expect anything but dynamis, limbus, salvage, and abj gear to have ToM trials.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Nympha
Posts: 676
By Unicorn.Nymphadora 2010-06-27 02:46:51
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Gilgamesh.Tirantus said:
Caitsith.Omicronceti said:
I can totally understand a lot of people's frustration and confusion with the direction, or lack thereof, SE is taking. People are getting bones and the time they put into items is starting to look like a waste, thing is at the end of it all we all don't know where this is headed. Have some patience.

And the people who just brush off legitimate complaints with "QQ, quit the game", shut the *** up. Seriously.

Problem is most of these complaints aren't legit. It's almost like people have been in denial about the level cap raise. Is it really that surprising lvl 80 gear is better or at the very least dead even with some of the best 75 gear? We were told about this months in advance and seems certain types of players just didn't accept it and kept going on as if it wasn't really going to happen.

Face of the matter is, what SE is doing is the standard model for the genre right now, and SE is way WAY late to the party on it. Flat out, FFXI is seen as something of a joke in the genre. It's seen as the stubborn old man who can't (or won't) get with the times, and it seems that's starting to reflect in the player base.

I don't really keep up with the genre as a whole with this being my first and only mmo and I don't really have the time or wish to dedicate time to more than one, and since I've never really considered myself a hardcore gamer; I've always liked the system we had though, especially after watching friends who play other mmo's go through the whole level cap increase/gear-made-obsolete deal every few months to a year, I always saw it as a good thing that ffxi's system was so stable. You get to 75 and you're there, done deal. I can see why people on our end are complaining about it, but at the same time if WoW can survive so many upgrades and level increases over the years then ffxi should be fine with the couple of set level increases before ffxiv. And to be honest, ffxi has always been pointed and laughed at for being the "ZOMG they've got a mob you can fight for 12 hours straight and still not beat" hardcore type thing than because we're behind the times.

Fact is, the game's 8 years old... they were doing something right.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2010-06-27 02:50:39
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Whatever happened to just enjoying the game with good company? Seems people only care about numbers on a screen now.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: pchan
Posts: 756
By Leviathan.Pimpchan 2010-06-28 10:02:56
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Shiva.Weewoo said:
Whatever happened to just enjoying the game with good company? Seems people only care about numbers on a screen now.

The same that happened to the 3k/hour 2004 parties. Exping is fun but slow as hell due to the ***LFP system. Seriously doing something fun but inefficient is no longer fun after a while. Enjoy your 2,000,000 fov-exp for level 99 which is 1000 hours essentially of afking 45 minutes and playing 15 minutes. Not fun.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Terminus
Posts: 3351
By Fenrir.Terminus 2010-06-28 10:36:16
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Unicorn.Nymphadora said:
I don't really keep up with the genre as a whole with this being my first and only mmo and I don't really have the time or wish to dedicate time to more than one, and since I've never really considered myself a hardcore gamer; I've always liked the system we had though, especially after watching friends who play other mmo's go through the whole level cap increase/gear-made-obsolete deal every few months to a year, I always saw it as a good thing that ffxi's system was so stable. You get to 75 and you're there, done deal. I can see why people on our end are complaining about it, but at the same time if WoW can survive so many upgrades and level increases over the years then ffxi should be fine with the couple of set level increases before ffxiv. And to be honest, ffxi has always been pointed and laughed at for being the "ZOMG they've got a mob you can fight for 12 hours straight and still not beat" hardcore type thing than because we're behind the times.

Fact is, the game's 8 years old... they were doing something right.

You say that, but it isn't as if FFXI was always level 75, either. Sure, a whole ton of people playing now didn't play then. Regardless, the game survived. Is this case different? Yeah, but it's also similar. And don't forget merits, either.

Just remember that as comfortable as you were with the 1-75 idea, there was likely someone still upset about their level 50 gear becoming useless.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Speeral
Posts: 12
By Fairy.Speeral 2010-06-28 12:49:03
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I seriously don't get all this anger that one update has generated. Its an introductory update to content that is still being put together through other add-ons.

Please the boat load of new gear, some of which looks really promising. Even though it does make some hard to get gear obsolete, yes. But look at it like this level 80, then 85, then 90 and so forth.

Like come on 75 is not the end game level anymore and walk of echos by the looks of it will be brutally hard until we figure it out, and also are at 80+.

Personally this gave the game a wonderful breath of fresh air. Bc I was personally sick and tired of meripo for the upteenth time on birds.

Sea gear and salvage gear isn't put to rot yet. And there is going to be megian trial for gear coming soon enough.

patience here i think is required.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Harpunnik
Posts: 867
By Ragnarok.Harpunnik 2010-06-28 13:16:44
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The game definitey feels new again. I'm kind of stoked about the update, despite putting so much time into my 75 gear. TBH theres not much out there atm that you couldn't beat at 75...so your 80 equipped with your regular gear is fine. People jumping to so many conclusions about future updates seems pretty ridiculous.

If you are really upset about SE's handling of MMO's...cancel your account and don't buy their games...vote with your dollars. I bet you a great portion of the QQ's here will buy the new FF and then whine on every other update...and then post it on some forum that no one from SE will even read.

Ultimately the marketers are going to focus their products on the stable players. If you are playing "on and off" and whine at every little detail you aren't in their choice demographic- they will never make you happy. They would rather appease the ones that will be there until the game dies.

SE is very good at what they do. Take a look at your video game collection and all the subscription fees you have paid. Not to mention any other merchandise you have bought. Now calculate all the money you have spent...
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Nympha
Posts: 676
By Unicorn.Nymphadora 2010-06-28 17:30:25
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Fenrir.Terminus said:
Unicorn.Nymphadora said:
I don't really keep up with the genre as a whole with this being my first and only mmo and I don't really have the time or wish to dedicate time to more than one, and since I've never really considered myself a hardcore gamer; I've always liked the system we had though, especially after watching friends who play other mmo's go through the whole level cap increase/gear-made-obsolete deal every few months to a year, I always saw it as a good thing that ffxi's system was so stable. You get to 75 and you're there, done deal. I can see why people on our end are complaining about it, but at the same time if WoW can survive so many upgrades and level increases over the years then ffxi should be fine with the couple of set level increases before ffxiv. And to be honest, ffxi has always been pointed and laughed at for being the "ZOMG they've got a mob you can fight for 12 hours straight and still not beat" hardcore type thing than because we're behind the times.

Fact is, the game's 8 years old... they were doing something right.

You say that, but it isn't as if FFXI was always level 75, either. Sure, a whole ton of people playing now didn't play then. Regardless, the game survived. Is this case different? Yeah, but it's also similar. And don't forget merits, either.

Just remember that as comfortable as you were with the 1-75 idea, there was likely someone still upset about their level 50 gear becoming useless.

You have a point there, and I think that's the main reason so many people have been complaining and even quitting lately. But the 50-75 increase phase was wayyy back when the game was new too. I'm sure they had some sort of timeline or whatnot to give the players a general idea of where the game was headed, and the original content, much less any of the expansions, wasn't even complete then so I'm pretty sure people were really looking forward to it more so than how people tend to feel about the standard WoW expansion update. When they hit 75, they were finnished for years until the game hit a point in its life span where they had to rework it a bit. And once we hit 99, I doubt there'll ever be another level increase unless the game lasts for another 5-10 years which is unlikely. Which is why I don't mind leveling to 99, because things should stable out for a while once we hit 99.

If there was a level increase every few months or so, I would probably be overwhelmed (as many ffxi players were) and I would eventually cancel my subscription and quit because of that.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2601
By Quetzalcoatl.Princemercury 2010-06-28 18:05:30
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Distasteful? So are these *** redundant crybaby threads about quitting and how much FFXI sucks. What are you attempting to accomplish exactly? You know XI is dying. We know XI is dying. Your mom knows XI is dying. If you've reached your breaking point, delete your *** account, you won't get anyone else to quit by posting your Q_Q over and over again because the fact is people who play XI will keep playing XI and will always like it more than they value your *** opinion.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Leviathan.Rihoko 2010-06-28 18:07:05
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Honestly I would not prefer to run after Homam set or Salvage gear for the rest of my FFXI life. I'm happy about the changes. It all feels like a new game now. I'm sure SE will continue to add content in future that will satisfy both hardcore and casual players. FFXI lifespan is still very long and release of FFXIV will not change it. I enjoyed every moment in FFXI, still enjoying very much, and I have no reason to quit. I only want crafting to become important with the same degree of end game activities and economy needs to be fixed somehow.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 374
By Ragnarok.Shadowknoll 2010-06-28 18:40:19
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I can't believe people are still posting to this rant lol (I had a bad big moment) although this is how I feel about the update (to an extreme lol)my main point was when I heard about the lvl cap raise it seemed SE was going to keep hard gears like salvage relics/ect in the loop by letting you augment them. So far thats not been found other then trials for relic weapons.

I guess I was expecting more then what was given in this update because it was the first raise in lvl cap but its SE what more can we expect . . .
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