Jaerik said:
Inappropriate Content
Continuous language or links to websites containing obscene/vulgar language or images, which fall under the following categories, is deemed to be inappropriate for our site, and the forum admins/moderators have full discretion to handle the situation. Instances of the following behavior result in you being banned from the forum thread. Repeated offenses can result in a ban from posting on the entire forum.
Discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation
Real-Life threats or the public distribution of real-life personal information
Nudity, pornography, or other age-inappropriate material
You all knew this.
You all knew this, and let a thread that started off like this go on for nine pages.
NINE pages.
Yes, I'm pissed. I've temporarily banned Flionheart, and I've half a mind to set penalties for the rest of the people who egged him on, and
DIDN'T REPORT the offense.
Next time, don't just report the people that annoy you, report
actual offenses. I'm sure you all had a riot in there, "posting in an epic thread." But that was strictly against forum regulations, which we mods and admins try pretty damn hard to uphold in our spare time, and you all had to go and shit on it.
Thanks for nothing.