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To stay on topic, I think it's pretty safe to say this method was far from intended functionality considering the setup and needed assistance of lvl 75 pullers and complete and utter lack of action/skill on anyone's part other than the summoners simply using their 2hr.

We all know SE too well, we know how much they love us to jump through hoops to accomplish anything. Frankly I'm surprised it hasn't been patched up via emergency maintenance. But I'm sure they got bigger fish to fry, but the concept of earning 40k+ exp in a manner of minutes without anyone so much as lifting a finger doesn't sit well with me. It practically defeats the purpose of exping to begin with depending on your motive for doing so. I hate to sound like the old fart who says they had to walk up a steep hill in snow to get to school, but intentionally finding loopholes and exploiting them to no end to benefit yourself to me just means you may as well play WoW.

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