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Dubont said:
ok wtf...im getting yelled at for "double camping" ....ok...in AB ptys..dont ptys...kill their pull...then while they go reset their 2hr, another pty pulls and it just keeps going? If im wrong please tell me....but thats how I've seen it done...thats how I've always done it...b/c personally i think that 1 party "claiming" a zone for 4 hours...is a little greedy..yea? Like I said...please by all means tell me if I'm wrong..

Amazing, simply amazing. You came on here for self-justification? To put it simply, double camping halves exp for both parties.. it's never a good idea.

Sample Timeline-
0:00 Astral Flows finish, party and pullers escape
0:03 players reach bastok MH
0:04 both pullers use wild card, may or may not succeed, then head back to korro
0:10 both pullers are in position, during this time(0:04-0:35) the smns go to whitegate and get a wild card/teleport if none of the ingroup corsairs succeed
0:12 mobs repop, pullers start pull
0:35 pull is finished, astral flow(35k exp/40 min, or 52.5k/hr)
0:40 repeat like 0:00

One party going efficiently will use the entire zone, when you come camp on top of us you leave us sitting there doing nothing for 40 minutes while you pull and do your 2hr, effectively halving our exp(and your own when we go next) to 26.25k/hr. Now, if you were to allow us to do the pulls we intended to for 2-3 hours, we would maintain 52.5k/hr.. after we leave, you do the same, also maintaining 52.5k/hr. If people alternate every run instead of just waiting until a group leaves, there's not enough time to do anything else between pulls, so you simply end up halving exp for all people involved. This can be likened to showing up at a merit camp and demanding the other party stop pulling for 40 minutes so you can have a turn. Now, there are still alternatives: Maze of Shakhrami/Ordelle's Caves. It takes an additional 10 minutes travel per pull in those places as you need to warp instead of escaping, however you get roughly 80% of the exp per pull you would in Korroloka Tunnel. This will result in 40-45k/hr, as our pullers explained to you when you camped on top of us without so much as sending a tell first. You have no place to get off saying we're monopolizing a zone(it's *** astralburn, anyone doing it is 'monopolizing'), you're just overcamping us and hurting things for both parties instead of taking the mature route and going to a slightly slower zone(which helps you as much as it helps us, OMG!).

Additionally, nobody yelled at you. The puller very politely explained to both your party leader and yourself that there are alternatives that would work out better for all people involved.. you simply demanded we leave and go to them when we were at the Korroloka camp first. You acted like a 12 year old, spammed GM threats, and used obscenities.. you're a complete and total joke.

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